What is Happening????????????

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Y/n Pov

     you were heading out for a sunset walk but when you open the door to you apartment, to your surprise there was a basket of baked sweets with a post-it note attached. you pick up the basket and read the note, ' Your personality is sweeter than all these combined~ '  WHAT?!?!?! you stand the in shock for a bit. a secret admirer? the nice lady a the front desk? a stranger? you had no leads on who gave you the basket. 

     your attention switched from the note to the cookies, the the maple donut. you loved maple flavored things. hesitantly, you grab the donut and take a bite. your teeth melt into the soft donut, whether it was poisoned was none of your concern at the moment. you smiled and quickly finished the rest on the sweet donut.

     you swallow the last bite of the maple dessert and you decide that this random act of kindness will not go unnoticed. you grab the cookies, put the cute basket inside and continue on your walk, waving to Atteca as you left. (can I just state that Atteca knows where the cookies came from-                     ( ͡¬ ‿‿ ͡¬) )

     thinking about an act of kindness you should do, cause you are such a great person of course, the first thing that comes to mind is Wilbur. and if your gonna be honest, when you first met him, you thought he was a mindless worker with a coffee addiction. So, to make up for that, your gonna invite him to your apartment for coffee tomorrow!

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time skip~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

     You second day of work didn't make you as nervous as the first. it did however, worry you a bit that you only made one friend. but you have other friends, like...... uhm....... you need more friends...

Either way, you unlock you car and start driving to work. maybe you could make another work friend? or meet a cashier or barista at a café? you hoped you could be more social today. just finishing that thought you drove up to your work place, it looked really boring. but ignoring that thought you grabbed your bag and headed in.

     'early again' you thought as you pushed the door open and walked towards your desk to drop off your bag. 'what is it with me and the number thirteen? ' I mean your apartment number was thirteen, your desk number was thirteen, it might aswell be your lucky number. you continue to question that as you make your way towards the break room.

     you repeated the routine you did the day before. suddenly your interrupted by the door squeaking and alerting you someone was entering. 'Wilbur! ' you turned around to greet the person you thought was Wilbur. ' I'll be able to invite him over now so I won't forget later! '

     you paused, instead of the fluffy brown haired man you expected it was a short woman with black straight hair. she waved at you awkwardly and snapped you out of your confused stare. "sorry, I was just expecting someone else-" you immediately apologize for staring but she didn't seem to be paying much attention. her eye's were focused on the freshly brewed coffee pot.

"oh! go ahead." you welcome her to get herself a cup of coffee and she immediately takes the chance and rushes past you making you laugh a bit. as she pours herself a coffee she states, "so your the person who made coffee yesterday too I'm guessing" You smile and nod.

     "My name's Y/n! what's yours?" she turns and sips her coffee, "oh, I'm Grace- what are your pronouns?" your a bit surprised by their follow up question, but in a good way and you answer it eagerly. "Oh! she/her! what are yours?" 'this conversation is going well ' "Mine are he/him/she/her and they/them, sorry if it's alot-" you grin. but then your grin gets even wider as you notice his lesbian pin, 'this person is my new bestfriend-

     you two chat for a bit before more people start entering the break room and it gets crowded. you exchange numbers and you both go through the separate exits only for you to bump directly into Wilbur's chest. 'oops-'

     "oh! Wilbur! sorry!" you say immediately taking a step back from him and muttering about how stupid and embarrassing what you did was. He stood in shock for a bit before shaking his head as you swear you saw a pink blush appear on his face. "no it's fine I should have been looking where I was going aswell." 

     You remember what you were going to tell him. "oh yeah! do you want to come to my apartment tomorrow for coffee or something?" geez, you sounded so desperate and awkward... he thought about it for a moment before nodding and saying something about coffee and walked away. ugh, you felt so awkward today.

Wilbur Pov

      'AHHHHHHHHHHH- SHE BUMPED INTO YOUUUUU- HER MUMBLING IS SO CUTEEEE- ' your brain felt as if someone used it as a bonfire, and your cheeks sure felt like it. you walked to the coffee pot and poured yourself a cup as you had a mental seizure

     You silently processed what had just happened. after what felt like an hour you calmed yourself down enough to get another cup of coffee and get to work. 'why do you crush so hard on a girl you met yesterday? ' that question rings through your head for the rest of the day.

( 954 Wordssssss )

( also sorry if this story is kind of slow, I think the upload speed makes up for that tho )

anywaysssss            Toodles~

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