Rest In peace...

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Grace Pov

You blinked blearily, darkness disappearing from the corners of my eyes. Wilbur stood infront of you with a knife in his hand. "Grace you're awake!" Wilbur smiled, his eyes wide with big pupils. "Wha-" You immediately tried to stand up from the chair, only then noticing the rough old rope tying your arms and legs to the wooden chair you sat in.

      "What the fuck!?!?!!" You continue to struggle, only earning a chuckle from Wilbur  "Please calm down, think rationally before I lose my temper." Wilbur's grin slowly fades before it returns just a psychotic as before. "isn't this place nice though?" Wilbur spins around the room you sat in the middle of- your... house. 

you never gave him your address.

 you don't even notice your whole body starting to shake.

this is bad...

     You start hyperventilating, only then realizing how bad your throat hurt. when was the last time you drank something? you start coughing, your body spazzing. "Thirsty? here!" Wilbur basically shoves a glass of water down your throat. it tastes chemically but you only realize after downing half of it.

     you cough more, now trying to spit out the strange "water" Wilbur laughs. "Do you even know why your here?" Wilbur smiles, now staring at you like a bug in a jar. "what?-" you croak, still coughing as your throat burns. "Oh come on now! You must be able to but two and two together!" Wilbur smiles.

     "Is- Is this about Y/n?!" You cough, blood now tainting your teeth from your irritated throat. "correct!!!!" Wilbur claps, now throwing the knife behind him. it clatters somewhere into the kitchen. "You were filling her head with crazy rumors and I had to put a stop to it!" Wilbur leans down to face you eye to eye.

     "if you think about it I'm not even the real villain here..." he frowns, looking away before coming straight back to crazy mode and standing back up to his freakishly tall normal height. "What- the Fuck- *cough* are you talking about?!!" You interrogate hoarsely.

     "Well, Y'know, JustY/nLovingMeMoreThanYou!" Wilbur giggles, rocking on his heels. you dont even comprehend what Wilbur said, still groggy from waking up and now dealing with your throat burning and blood spilling down your chin. "So I was thinking of how I would kill you-"

     "Then I had an epiphany!" Wilbur awes. "Bleach!!" he does jazz hands. You freeze. Bleach. Again, Bleach. You stare at Wilbur, he stares back a grin growing on his face as he reads your expression. "See! I knew you were as bright as Y/n said you were!" he congratulates.

you don't move. you don't even blink. 

You just drank bleach.

     Your bottom lip quivers. Wilbur's grin widens. "Hopefully this gives everyone a hint-" Wilbur starts. "Y/n is off the market, I'm the only one she needs~" Wilbur whispers before turning around swiftly and giving you a small wave before shutting the door and locking it. 

     Leaving you. Alone in your house, probably doomed to die in a few minutes. No. you could get to the police in time- this was your house. Your neighborhood. You could cut through the forest and get to the police before your stomach boiled or something- there was hope.

      You attempted to free your arms, just trying to untie or rip the old rope. it was quite thin from prior use on something which did cross your mind, 'What else was this rope used for? ' it was just a small question that dwelled in your mind before the rope tore away from your arms and fell to the floor. 

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now