Problem Solved Before It Started!

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(This chapter is so fucking cringey please-)

Wilbur Pov

     Was I also doing this for me and Y/n to have a better chance? No! of course not...... maybe? Okay- but I also did it for Y/n's sake! "so, what about my new project? I don't have all the time in the world!" Jared quick paced tapping of his foot sped up and turned into more stomp. child.

     You leaned forward and whispered in his ear "Jared, I have video proof of you flirting with other girls~" he stopped. "s-so! gonna send it to my girlfriend or something?! she'll never believe you! you're crazy!!!" he tried to put up a tough act but you could clearly see right through it.

     "I mean, you would be right. but, but, but! what if someone else showed her? and I don't have to! this was just a simple threat to get you to listen to me." You grinned. you like this power, this leverage. you could get whatever you wanted from him at this point. 

     "h-how do I know the footage is real?!" he was basically begging me to leak the footage at this point. but that only made you smile wider. "Do you want to see it? do you want to watch your biggest mistake in 4k?" you begin to unlock your phone when he stops you. "just, what do you want from me?" now that's a question you could answer!

     "hmmmm, Leave me and Y/n alone- for good." he slowly nodded. you opened your phone and deleted the footage. you were gonna keep your end of the deal, but was he? You both walk back into the office with almost opposite faces on.  

You start walking toward Y/n's desk to spill the good news

Y/n Pov

     Wilbur appears behind you and giggles, you jump and turn around but sigh in relief when it's just him. "jesus! you scared me-" his grin is cautiously contagious but you keep a straight face until you know what to be smiling about. "Jared will be leaving us alone from now on!" he straightens his posture from and looks down at you, it's kinda creepy. but you brush it off.

     "It's also lunch break and I wanna talk about that coffee date that I mentioned earlier." Date?!? he's probably joking, we just met. "oh you were serious about that! I couldn't tell if you were lying or not!" you laugh a bit. "oh- I mean we don't have to go if you already have something planned, o-or if your uncomfortable we-" you cut him off "No no no! I'd love to!" you shut off your computer for now and grab your purse.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- Time Skip -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

     You and Wilbur were sitting at a small coffee table in a cute cafe just talking. It was quite nice, it almost made you feel as though you were in a fantasy story book. you learned alot about Wilbur aswell, he played guitar, and that Jared is currently dating his ex. which I felt bad about, cause Jared was a Dipshit. You learned that he had a cat!

     you spent nearly all of you lunch break there and you would gladly do it again. but at the end of 'date' with Wilbur you shared a vanilla milkshake with eachother. did that kinda seem like a couple thing to do? yes. did that make you anxious and nervous? yes. but everything was platonic so it was fine. at the end of your short break from work, you walked back to the office with Wilbur.

     You finished work and said your goodbyes for the weekend. Wilbur asked for you number incase you wanted to hangout more, you of course said yes. Wilbur said he took the bus home so you offered to give him a ride but he politely denied. you drove home alone, still proud of making a friend on your first day of your new job.

     you came home to your own nice apartment that gave off all the vibes you wanted it to. it was wrapped in vines and other plants. you loved the way they grew with the worn down brick walls. almost like you could climb up to your window. You shut and locked your car door and stepped through the doors of the familiar complex.

     An old nice lady that you knew very well greeted you with a kind smile. you and the old lady, whos name was Atteca, chatted for a bit before you said goodbye and walked up the stairs to your apartment. nice and cozy. you unlocked the door to meet the empty but aesthetic room. What a nice ending for such a nice day

(816 Wordsss~~)

(ayeeeeeeee I'm getting better at writing longer thingssss. usually my max for a sitting is like 300 words)

(also since it was a double upload today I might not upload tomorrow)

anywayssssss- TOODLES~~~~~~

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