Best Friends

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Y/n Pov (first person)

     I spent lunch break with Grace and we chatted over dumb stuff and laughed about it. it was fun. once I got home though, I realized that I hadn't texted Wilbur My address and when to come over.  I quickly fumbled my phone out of my pocket where the apartment complex was located, my apartment number, and when I'm fine to come over. then I grabbed some shorts, suspenders, and a lilac t-shirt and went to take a shower.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time Skip cause yeah~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

Wilbur Pov

     you got a text from Y/n, It was about me coming over- SHIT WAIT- you rush over and quickly sift through your clothes to find something presentable. you find a white dress shirt, A nice dark auburn sweater over it, and a similar colored dress pants. that's pretty presentable for your crush right? 

     You fix your hair and place a red beanie so your hair framed your face. backing up, you look at yourself in the mirror. you don't actually look that bad. You glance at the time and bolt out the door, realizing you're about to be late. unlocking your car (yes Wilbur has a car) and heading towards Y/n's house.

     On the car ride there you check the address, you knew where she lived already but you want to know if the apartment you gave the cookies to yesterday was correct. it was. You smiled knowing that she got your present.

    Once there you take a deep breath and knock on the door. you hear Y/n's angelic voice "I'll be there in a minute!!" you smile and and grab your round glasses from your pants pocket and place them on you face. the door then opens quietly as Y/n takes in your presence before welcoming you into your home.

     "sorry for the wait! The bread just got out of the oven." she sighed to herself but kept her sweet sugary smile. "No, no it's okay- but what did you say about fresh bread?" you grin walking through the door and she giggled making you smile more. she's so cute- 

     "I made some bread to go with the coffee, It would probably be better with pound cake but that would take way longer-" she laughed nervously as you follow her to a delicate looking coffee table with two chairs, opposite eachother, with two cups of coffee and cloth napkins folded nicely next to them. damn this place looks nice.

     See, it was an apartment, but the way she decorated it made it look almost double the size, and you've only seen two rooms! but there were scenery paintings on the walls along with some mirrors and a old looking flower wall paper. she had a few old newspapers on desks and chairs like someone had just been reading them. it was almost magical.

     You chatted for a bit talking about the decor of the place since it still had you fascinated. but out of nowhere she pulled out a brass pocket watch and checked the time. "oh! the bread is probably cooled down, I'll be right back." she got up and left the room presumably going to the kitchen.

     you looked around what seemed to be a dining room. one chair particulately caught your eye. it was a wooden rocking chair painted in mint and lavender complimenting the wooden swirls. right next to it was a small table with wax sealed letters and a book that made you squint your eyes to try and read the title. 'Y/n's Journal '

     It was decorated with paintings of vines and mushrooms. you smiled seeing the fairy like journal. just as you started getting tempted to read it Y/n jingled a little bell and walked in the room with freshly cut and baked bread and a pitcher of something.

     she sat down placing the bell next to the plates she brought with her. she handed me a plate and spoke with her sweet voice, "take some bread! I also brought some glaze over just in case you wanted something sweeter!" you grabbed a couple slices of warm bread and carefully plopped them on your plate.

     "Y'know, you should come with me and Grace on this walk." Y/n said grabbing a slice and bread and drizzling glaze on it carefully. "Grace?" who? her sister? her friend? Your mind raced before the angel you sit across from answered simply, "oh- they're a friend I met at work today! her pronouns are he/him/she/her and they/them."

     "what kind of walk is it? could I bring my guitar?" you've been itching to play infront of someone since you weren't able to bring it into work the days before. "uhm, sure. it might rain a bit tho. but you don't have to come." she answered getting glazing all over her face as she took a bite out of the soft bread. "it's fine, I'll go." you nodded as you too, took a bite out of the bread.

     it was great, the crust was hard but thin enough that you didn't mind, the inside was warm and soft. she must've seen your face because she started laughing, "it's my grandma's recipe, great isn't it?" you laughed with her, covering your mouth as you finished chewing.

     "you still have glaze on you face y'know, don't go laughing at me." you half sat up from your chair wiping off some of the glazing off her face with your thumb. once you realized what you've done you sat down quickly and took another bite out of your bread as you blushed a deep red.

Y/n Pov

     HEH?!?!? HE- JUST, WHAT!!!!!!!!  you both started blushing but you tried your hardest to brush it off. you cleaned off the rest of the glaze with your napkin and checked your pocket watch again. you took another bite of bread and sipped your almost forgotten coffee mug. 

"sooooo,  what do you like to do in your free time? other than playing your guitar-" you smiled awkwardly and finished your coffee. "oh, uhh. I usually write. I've filled out like 3 journals this year heh." he rubs the back of his neck and tries almost desperately to not look me in the eyes. your eye's widen a bit, that's alot of writing.

     "do you have any pets? I don't, I kinda want a ferret or something." you make eye contact with him. "I have a cat! he's a spotted tabby and his name is Sunflower." he smiles and takes another bite of the bread. the loaf almost completely gone at this point. "that's a sweet name! is he nice? or is he one of those bratty stray-ish cats?" Wilbur laughed.

     "he's pretty chill I would say, but we don't have many visitors so I can't say for sure." Wilbur pushes up his glasses and smiles. "well now I want to meet him! do you have any pictures?" you grin. he pulls out his phone and shows you a picture:

 he pulls out his phone and shows you a picture:

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     "awwww, he's cute! look at those paws!" you walk around the table and stand next to wilbur's chair as he shows you a bunch of adorable pictures of Sunflower. while you're distracted with the cat pictures, Wilbur is very much a bright pink and not making eye contact. once you've seen all the pictures of the stunning cat, you check the Time. its already 8:00 at night.

     "oh! Will? it's like 8, do you want to say for dinner?" you look at him. he nervously fixes his beanie and declines. "no, I don't want to overstay my welcome, and Sunflower needs to be fed-" he quickly finishes his bread and rushes out the door saying his kind behind. oh.

     I mean it's fine, but now it feels so lonely again. Either way. you make dinner and fill out your journal and go to bed by 11. 

Today was nice.....

(1363 Words what the fu-)

(this took a bit, usually chapters take like 2 days max but this took like three so I might not post anything tomorrow lol)

anywaysssssssssssssss            Toodless~

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