Two Idiots

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Y/n Pov

     I woke up bleary eyed and turned to the alarm clock on my nightstand. '3:13' huh, I must've slept for awhile. I sit up from my bed and attempt to fix my hair, remembering that Wilbur might still be at my house. He also could've left but who knows.

     I stand up, grabbing a pillow and hugging it to my chest before heading towards the kitchen for a late afternoon snack. Turns out Wilbur had the same idea because he was taking a soda from my fridge when I came in. "Mornin' Will." I say groggily.

     He turns to see me, opening the can with a crack. "Good afternoon. Sleep well?" I nod, putting some water to boil as I look through my assorted tea bags. "Wait- who's watching Sunflower if your here?" I ask out of the blue.

     "My brother's watching him. He's visiting." I nod, taking out a tea set and setting it on the table. "You have a tea set? How did I not know this?" I smile. "Well, I'm always worried about breaking it so I don't take it out much." I say putting to cups on either end of the table.

     "So you're taking it out now???" He asks, taking a sip of his soda. "I was thinking a could bake some scones and we could have evening tea." I answer as the kettle whistles. "This water is for right now though." I take out a mug and a black tea bag. He laughs lightly, smiling at my every move.

     "What are you looking at?" I smile playfully. "You. What else am I supposed to look at, the walls?" He laughs, not taking his eyes off me. I dunk the bag in the mug and turn to look at him, leaning against the counter. We stand a couple feet apart, just staring at eachother, smiling like idiots.

     'Remember that time you called him love?? ' I take a sip of my tea, blushing. Are you fucking serious right now? Why???? His smile grows for a reason I'm not so sure about. I finish my tea quickly and wash the cup. "So, would you like to help me bake?"

     "Sure dear." He takes one last swig of soda before throwing it in the garbage and heading towards me. I open the top cupboard and attempt to grab the large cookbook that sits there but Wilbur reaches for it and hands it to me with ease. "Really?" I say, flustered.

     "What???" He grins mischievously, not making eye contact. Okay, he's definitely up to something. I open up the cookbook and start looking through the cookies and biscuits that are listed. "Oooo, cinnamon blueberry scones." I look over to him, wanting his input.

     "Do you have blueberries?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe." I run over to the fridge in search of blueberries. To my luck, after a minute of looking a found a container of perfectly ripe blueberries. I close the fridge and smile, showing them off to Wilbur. "Blueberry scones it is!" He exclaims with a giddy smile on his face.

     Making it was relatively easy. Though Wilbur kept doing things that seemed like flirting! I was mixing the dough and asked Wilbur if he wanted to do this while I checked the oven but instead he literally went behind me and grabbed the bowl like trapping me in! But, it was probably a joke, knowing him.

     the scones were in the oven when I asked, "do you want to make glaze with this? or do you think butter will do the trick." he turns to me, whose still sitting by the oven. "Glaze sound fun to make." he says with a familair grin. okay thats it, what is he up to.

     "what's with the grin idiot?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. his grin widens to a ear to ear smile. kinda creepy not gonna lie. "what is it!?!" he giggles a bit, walking towards me. I go silent as he approaches me. he's less then two inches from me when he leans into my ear and whispers something. "you're just so beautiful~"

     I'm frozen. Usually I would have laughed this off and forgotten about it but, I'm frozen. my face is deep red. he leans away from my ear and straighten his posture the same smile plastered on his face. "what???? cat got your tongue~?" he whispers, towering over me.

     I slowly moved my hands to cover my face, pushing against the counter and sliding to the floor. he stood there, looking down at me with a confused face. we sit in silence, him unable to read my emotions, probably a little worried. after a very long pause I look up with my cheeks a strawberry pink, "what am I supposed to say to that!?!" I exclaim with a few giggles starting my question.

     he lowers him self to a squat to look me in the eyes. I look at him through my hands and see his face dusted red with a softer smile. one that radiated warmth and a welcoming feeling. "-honestly...  I- I dont know..." he laughed turning to the side and fully sitting on the ground.

     you joined his laughter. now it was just two full grown adults losing their shit on a kitchen floor for an unexplainable reason. and you loved it. you loved the feeling of being close to someone and being able to just say stupid shit and laugh about it. no one there to call you weird or unordinary. just you and your best friend. 

     soon enough you were both just laying on the ground. "W-Why is your floor so clean?" Wilbur asks you, with a smile in his voice.  "- I-  I have to much time on my hands..." you smile lifting yourself to sit with your back to the oven like you had minutes ago. mmm, warmth.

     "hey Y/-" just then the timer on your phone went off, signaling to you and wilbur that the scones were done. you sigh, getting up from your spot on the ground. "guess no glazeeee" you say in a monotone voice, grabbing oven mitts and preparing to take the hot pan out of the oven.

(shout out to all y'all hot pans out there)

     I scrunch my face, reaching my hands and pulling out the scones. I put the pan on the the counter and turn to Wilbur, whose still laying on the ground staring at me. "are you gonna get up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. he shakes his head, "nope, your floor is nice." 

     "wha-??? No- no you're not laying on the floor. get up." I start walking towards him, grabbing his hands and forcing him to stand. when he got up though, he didnt let go of my hands. instead he slumped on top of me and watched me struggle to keep him up. 

     "heyyyyyy!" I yell, almost toppling over. "mm." the, an idea hit me. he see's the smirk on my face and gets a confused but before he can take action I swiftly move to the side and watch him fall to the floor. I cackle, to which he looks up to me with the most betrayed face I've ever seen.

     "why?!?!" he screams, visibly smiling. "cause." I shrug, turning back to the scones. "so you wanna eat these or not?" I pick one up only to find it still burning hot. I dropped the scone with a yelp. "this shits focking hot-" I turn around to see Wilbur now in my face. he completely silent until, "it 'tis"   with that, we burst out laughing. the amount I have laughed today is probably not good for my health.

( 1367 wordsss )

( AYEEEEE pretty long chapter pog- hope ya'll are doing well cause I just watched quackity's lore stream and almost cried. If your reading this, go watch the lore stream- the editing was fantastic and I hate-         have you left yet?          Leave- I don't want to spoil it. leave.                 okay, now that they're gone. I fucking hate c!Karl and c!Purpled rn- love the ppl irl but in canon we have some issues- mostly purpled but still. )

AnyWayssssssssssssss                                    TOODLESSSSS!!<3<3<3

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