Friday the 12th :)

921 23 5

Second Person Pov

     Your eyes blinked groggily as you came back into consciousness. you groan as you shift to lift the upper part of your body. After a few moments you drag yourself out of bed, already beginning to miss the warmth of your blankets. you go to the closet and pick out the laziest outfit you could that you wouldn't freeze to death in.

     You shuffle into the bathroom, looking yourself begrudgingly in the mirror before slipping out of your nightgown and changing. You wore a white long sleeve T-shirt under a dark red ribbed turtleneck sweater that reached halfway down your thighs along with opaque white tights.

     You swiftly brushed through your hair before going out into the kitchen to get breakfast. "Jayaaaa" You call out half blindly, still rubbing your eyes. "wha-? oh- hi." They shove a plate into your hands and sit you down. "You sound different when you just wake up. I don't know why but it always catches me off guard." Jaya laughs slightly, answering the question you never voiced.

     You laughed aswell before looking down to your plate. Cinnamon sugar toast sat in on a plate with a glass of almond milk. Basic, but tasty. "Ooo, You actually made food." You say sarcastically. "haha very funny." Jaya sits down next to you and begins eating her own toast.

     "hey what time is it?" you ask with toast stuffed in your mouth. Jaya pulls out here phone from her sweatpant-pocket. "9- shouldn't you be at work?" Jaya asks, making you slam your hands on the table and stand up. "SHIT"


     You stumble into the office, holding some of your books as your bag slings half off your shoulder. Wilbur immediately stands up from his desk, being the first to notice your entrance despite how quietly you opened the door. "Y/n! Where were you?!" He whisper yells, taking your books under your arm and leading your to the break room.

     "Sorry I slept in-" you began before he cut you off. "I was waiting for you! I thought you had died or something!!" You slightly giggled at his clear worry, making him crack at smile at himself aswell.  "But still," his face returned to stress. "I was watching the door this entire time!"

"hehe- you're like a puppy then. you need to chill out." You pat Wilbur on the head a few times before walking away from him to grab the last of the coffee. He jolts away from you in slight embarrassment, his face turning pink. He whips his head around to you, a surprised and flushed expression on his face.

     You just sip your coffee, meeting his gaze with confidence. And... a wink. A thousand thoughts fly through Wilbur's head like a highway. You make stifled laughing sound, which makes Wilbur think about how he probably looks like a fucking tomato. 

     Wilbur stumbles a bit, deciding that leaning on the counter with his elbow so he could cover his embarrassed face with his hand. "Dawww~ if I didn't have to catch up with work I would keep teasing you, but I have to go, 'love'. Talk to you later" You flash him a smile before walking out of the breakroom with your coffee in hand.

     Wilbur- Wilbur's heart was beating so fast he wasn't even sure if he was still alive. 




     Wilbur brain was like a freight train. He couldn't get a hold of his thoughts as he stood frozen. You were just tired, thinking that this is obviously what friends do- or crushes, whatever. You sat down at your desk, dropping your books loudly next to your computer. You shrugged of your bag, putting it next to the feet of your desk as you sit down sighing. 

     You turn on your computer, logging into your work account as you look through the tasks you missed. "Oh! Y/n! I thought weren't coming in today! How are ya?" you jump at the voice, looking up to see Fred. "ohhh, heyyyy. uh- I just slept in sorry about that." you smiled, trying to work and have a conversation with this guy at the same time. 

     "Ah it's 'kay. I'm probably gonna stay late anyway so you don't have to worry if your staying late!" He laughed. You were honestly not enjoying talking to this man, you just wanted to get caught up on your hour's worth of missed work so you could goof off again, maybe talk to Wilbur, Text Alex.

     "yuh-huh.. " you nodded, resting your chin on your hand. "Well, I'll let you get back to your work! Talk to ya later N/n" you gave him a strained smile as he slapped you back and walk out of the office. Jesus, you hated the nickname he gave you too. You adjusted your posture, actually beginning to do the work that you were supposed to do- even though more assignments had been added to your list since Fred had started talking to you.

     Work was a pain, which is what you did for the next few hours and Wilbur stared at you. It seemed Fred couldn't keep his hands to himself; even Wilbur knew that a hard slap on the back would make anyone uncomfortable- especially if it's the literal love of his life. When work ended, Wilbur went looking for Fred.

( 993 words T-T )

( GUYS IM SORRY- it's hard to get into the groove of writing again- and this storyline too bro. I should probably plan out the ending- 0-0 but rest in peace Techno <333 fly high king. his merch actually got in a week or so ago along with my tommy sweater and i am very happy :))). but rip the Queen too dudeski. I so sure the world is ending tho- like, Covid then Monkey pox and Betty White- then Technoblade and THE LITERAL QUEEN OF ENGLAND????!?! We're going extinct in the next 3 years dude I'm calling it. )

but anygayssssssssssss                                         TOODLESS<33

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