Asleep in my arms.

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Wilbur Pov

     When I finished my song Y/n was already asleep. sweet. I smiled scooting a bit closer to her as it started drizzling. you put put your guitar in its case, closing it quickly. you relaxed your body next to Y/n. her face was so relaxed and beautiful when she was asleep. you admired her face quietly.

     The raindrops start falling on her face, looking as graceful as ever. you quickly grabbed the polaroid and took a picture, in fear she might wake up and wipe the raindrops on her face off. they beaded on her face and the F/f as you snapped a picture of the beautiful fairy-like girl.

     (111 words????) she groaned and slowly started sitting up, wiping the water from her face. you put the polaroid back in her bag and placed the photo delicately in your pocket. "morning sleepy head~" you laughed quietly as she yawned and stretched her arms. 

     "shut up. I would've still been sleeping if it wasn't for the rain." she whined as she pulled out a parasol and opened it above her. "I'm gonna go find Grace since she isn't back yet. do you wanna come?" she rubbed her eyes. "oh, sure!" you smiled. you may or may not have forgotten Grace came with us :')

     both of you got up and started walking towards where Y/n had last seen Grace. you snatched the parasol out of her hands and held it a bit higher so you wouldn't be hunching over for all of this search. "hey!! why'd you do that!!!" she pouted as you laughed at her dramatic face. "cause I have good posture. and I'm taller than you." you said straightening your back even more to look down at her.

     she tried to continue pouting but she started laughing. her laugh was so soothing. eventually you both spotted Grace identifying some flowers dangerously deep in the forest. Y/n ran over to her and latched on to Grace immediately. "omg, We were so worried about you, don't go this far into the forest alone ever againn...."

     you zoned out just staring at the two hug lovingly. your grip on the parasol tightened as you tried to hide your nasty sneer at the two being so close. ugh, you hated Grace. you had almost forgotten how much you despised the black haired girl while hanging out with Y/n until now. 

     you hated her guts, and you knew exactly why. cause you knew, with absolute positivity, that she liked Y/n. way to much. it made you red with anger but the moment Y/n glanced back at you with her hypnotizing stare, you immediately softened.

     you closed the umbrella because the dense trees blocked out most of the rain. you smiled as she started towards you holding Grace's hand- wait- what. you shook all of the hatred out of you as she let go of Grace's hand and took yours. hah. she likes me better, take that Grace.

     you grinned clasping around her hand tightly, but not enough to harm her. that's the last thing you want to happen. Grace looked down and fell behind us a bit. I had to try so hard not to laugh at them. you looked back at Y/n, who hadn't noticed Grace's sorrow and was looking as happy as ever- in my hands, she looked sadder in Grace's hands.

or atleast that's what you told yourself.

Y/n Pov

     Wilbur's hand was warm. a welcoming warm, not a concerning warm. You assumed Grace was behind you, glancing to look at him every once in awhile. until you caught them moping about something.  "what's wrong Grace?" you stopped, not letting go of Wilbur's hand. she looked up and tried to hide their clear sadness "oh! uh, it's nothing..."

     he looked away from my eye contact. "no. tell me what's wrong." you stamped your foot dramatically, hoping he would cheer up. Wilbur muffled a snicker which made you smile a bit. "I just.... don't like the rain!" they said, obviously lying. why would he lie to you?

     Wilbur must've seen your face and hugged you. that made you feel better. "Grace, stop lying, tell me what's wronggggg." you dragged out the 'g' as a last attempt to make her feel better. Wilbur released you from his hug and grabbed your hand again.

     "uhm, fine. Can I talk to you privately though?" she mentioned quietly looking down at her feet. "oh- ok. Wilbur can you go up ahead back to the field? we'll be right behind you." he nodded and let go of your hand. walking quickly to get ahead of you and Grace.

     "so..... what's wrong?" you started walking slowly beside Grace letting her speak. "I-I..." she glanced ahead of us, Wilbur already being out of view. "I get bad vibes from Wilbur Y/n, I don't- I don't know. he just- ugh...." they put their hands to his face sighing. you put your hand on her back. Your not very good at comforting people.

     "he doesn't seem like a good person Y/n. He seems like a creep." he looks up from her hands and looks at you. "I- don't know how to react to that." you sighed and put your hands in you pockets. "he seems like a good person to me. if anything he's creep repellent. he got Jared to leave me alone." 

     she looks at you. "Jared's Girlfriend is Wilbur's ex." you tilted her head in confusion. "he told me that." their eyes were already widened as you both walked beside eachother. "Jared said the reason she broke up with Wilbur was because he was obsessive!" he raised her tone. "You believe what Jared says!!!!" you raised your voice back at her. 

     "I JUST DON'T TRUST HIM OKAY!!!!" she yelled at you. she. yelled. at you? the second day of you knowing eachother and she yells at you about being friends with someone. you ran away from him and towards were you thought Wilbur was.

     'I can't believe she just trusts whatever 'Jared ' says' you thought as you ran towards the field. you saw Wilbur standing with the parasol above him, checking texts. You ran through the pouring rain running into Wilbur's arms, hugging him. he jumped in surprise and put his phone away, immediately returning the firm hug. swaying you back and forth.

     "what happened dear? can I call you that? dear?" you laughed a bit him always looking for where your boundaries lay. it was sweet. "It's nothing, Grace just lashed out on me a bit. I just wasn't ready-" you were cut off by Wilbur worrying about you. "WHAT?! are you hurt?!?!? what happened!?!? are you sure your okay!?!"

     you rested your head on his shoulder. "no I'm fine. she just yelled a bit." you decided not to tell him what they was yelling at you about. you didn't want to talk about Jared, or his past relationships. no one would want to talk about that.

     you just stood under the parasol with him, hugging eachother and swaying, like you did when he played music for you. while Grace stood at the forest edge sadly looking at the couple.

( 1261 words lol)

( I honestly love writing this, it's probably why I could write so much for it. Before I started writing this I just loved simpbur x reader. and there were just not enough on wattpad, and I contemplated writing one for the longest time lol. but when i finally started, I really enjoyed it. and started using wattpad alot more.)

anyways-      Toodlessss~~~~

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