Alex :)

842 17 20

Wilbur Pov

     you wake up, yawning. the first thing to cross your mind is Y/n. where is she? you rub your eyes, seeing Alex and Jaya passed out on either side of you. Where is Y/n? you get out of bed, not caring if you wake the two sleeping friends. you carefully search every part of the house to find nothing, no Y/n.

     And Technoblade seems to be also missing. this made your mind go wild with assumptions on how they left just to hang out. what if Y/n left the moment you went to sleep and hung out with techno all night? What if she's not gonna come back until late? this is all Techno's fault.

     you silently grumble knowing the only thing you could do now is wait for them to come back. you make your way to the kitchen and decide to make yourself toast- and coffee of course. while the coffee brewed Alex stumbled into the kitchen in an oversized shirt that I knew was Y/n's.

     "oh- OH- Good morning Wilbur." He yawns trying to wake himself faster. "G'morning. Coffee?" I offer, trying to be nice. "Oh thank you.. do you know if Y/n has any cream? Oh yeah, where is Y/n?" He says grabbing a mug from the cabinet and taking the coffee kettle. "I think Y/n is out with Techno... and no she doesn't have creamer- you'll have to use milk."

     "oh..."  he mumbled, grabbing the milk from the fridge and making his coffee. I was on edge. My brother was hanging out with my lover- And this annoying boy is desperately trying to start a conversation- wait. Murder? No- yes. But how- he trusts me, that's how. You've already killed one person- how bad is another?

     REALLY BAD. But what if Y/n gets the wrong idea?  ...  You remember the dream you had. someone has to go. And you reallyyy don't want to have to off your dear brother. "did you sleep well sweetheart?" you ask, resting your head in your hand as Alex sits across from you.

     "W-What?" Alex blushes. "Did you?" I repeat, a sly smile painting my face. I snicker, at his flustered giggling. and not because he was cute - because he was gullible. And soon to be dead. "I g-guess-" he burst into giggles, that could not be his real laugh. "good to hear. good to hear..." 

     I hope Y/n doesn't get jealous... No, She'll be able to tell that I'm lying. "Can I get your phone number- UH- just so we can keep in contact- Cause I like, think you cool! yeah.." he stutters. "mhm." you hand him your phone. silently hoping he doesn't go through it. it's literally all photos of Y/n.

     "oh- uh yeah." he comes back to reality and grabs the phone from your hand. he types something in, I'm assuming his phone number. pausing for a bit before handing my phone back to me. I set the nickname to "Sweetheart <3" and grinned. he's so gonna fall for this. 

     "is this good?" I flip my phone showing him the nickname and picture of him that I just took while we were both sitting here. he almost choked on his coffee, covering his mouth with a fist as he turned bright red. I laughed at his flustered actions. 'oh my god this is to easy! ' soon he joins my laughter.

     eventually my toast pops up and I take this as an excuse to get up and not have to look at him anymore. 'It's not leading him on if I kill him in the end right? ' I snicker at my own joke. "So, what are the things Y/n said about me to you?" I question. "wellllll" he draws circles on the table with his finger.

     "she said you were super caring, and had brown fluffy hair, she mentioned your eyes like 3 times!" he continued to go on about what Y/n said about you. it made you face burn. but it definitely gave you a bigger ego aswell. 'lets hope this won't my downfall

     "that's quite kind of her..." you pause, watching Alex frown, realizing what he had said about Y/n and Wilbur. "but do you agree with her?" you walk back over to where he sat, placing a plate of toast with honey infront of both of you. he smiled. "of course. something Y/n left out was how hot you were aswell." he laughed.

     Your ego is through the roof right now- god damn. the door opened- a familiar laughter echoed through the house. 'Y/n is home! ' (anyone else getting puppy vibes rn?) Techno and Y/n came into the kitchen with a box of doughnut and smiles on their faces. "oh! hey Wilbur! Hey Alex!!"

     Oh her voice, I missed her voice. "Welcome back Y/n. I'm guessing you two went to get doughnuts?" you smiled. "heh yeah- want some?" she opened the doughnut case, letting you choose one. you pick a jam filled one taking a bit and turning towards Alex to pick one.

     he stared at you for a bit before picking a chocolate frosting one with sprinkles. "So, when did you get up Y/n?" you asked taking a bite of your doughnut, leaving red jam on the corners of your mouth. Y/n, at that moment- paused for more reasons than one. But the one we're focusing on is what happened when she woke up.

     she blushed, coughing as she swallowed her bite of doughnut. "Around n-nine or ten I think- And Tesh was already awake" she laughed as Technoblade glared at her. "STOP CALL ME 'Tesh'" "THAN MAKE IT STOP BEING FUNNY-" They bickered, laughing. you bit the inside of your cheek, glaring at the two's relationship- more at Techno really, you would never glare at Y/n.

Why does everyone have to get in me and Y/n's way?

( 1070 words! )

( heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- haven't posted in awhileeeeee- but the storys picking up and I can't just leave you all like this- or can I :) 

Nahhhhhhhhh jkjk I'll try and write more- BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY- MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :} IT'S ON THE 30th SO YA'LL BETTER WISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON MY PROFILE WHEN IT COMES AROUNDDDDD :} no seriously- I want to wake up at 8am Hawaii-Aleutian Time and see my profile flooded with happy birthdays.     .... No pressure :} (btw this was all /lh))

Anygaysssssssssssss                                TOODLES~~!!

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