chapter 42(0)

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Y/n Pov

     You sigh, getting up from your bed. 'It's a work day...' you look over to see Jaya not in her bed. you get up, groaning. 'sleep should be longer- ' you think, walking out of your room. "mornin' Jay." you wave tiredly. "I've been up since 4!" she smiles, handing me a fancy plate of french toast with powdered sugar on top.

     "o-oh. thanks?" you say sitting down at the table and beginning to eat. "WAIT 4?!?!?" you say, the words she said actually processing. she giggled, sitting down with a pepsi and her phone. "yeahhhhhhh, but I made breakfast!" she smiles sheepishly, sipping her coke. you sigh taking a bite oh your food.

<time skip cause I want wilm>

     you walk into your office early, like you usually do. "Wilbur?" you question as you walk into the break room. Instead Fred is sitting in the break room, leaning up against the counter. "oh- hey Fred! how are you?" you question nicely, pouring yourself some coffee. he just grumbles, you frown.

     You sip your coffee, walking over him. "what's wrong?" you say overlapping your hand with the one he's holding his coffee with. he turns away from you, a blush forming on his face. "is something on your mind?" you ask, concerned. "you.." he murmurs unintelligibly. "hmm?" you hum.

     "just.... some personal things." he says quietly. you finish your coffee, putting the mug down and placing your other hand on his forearm. he looks the other way. "you're worrying me. I know you're just my boss but I still care about your well being." you frown, taking the coffee from his hands and putting it next to your own.

     "Please..." you whisper, just loud enough for him to hear, seeing how close you were to him. he turns red, pulling his arm out of your grasp. just then the door squeaks. Fred walks out of the break room and soon after Wilbur walks back in. "what was up with him?" Wilbur laughs, getting a cup of coffee.

     you frown. "That's the problem! I think somethings wrong and I don't know..." you walk over to him and hug him from behind, making him jump. "I think I annoyed him..." he turns around him and you push your face into his chest. he pets your hair before grabbing your face gently.

     "how could he be annoyed by you! your perfect." he smiles, blushing. "and mine." he whispers to himself. luckily you don't hear a thing and just giggle, a blush forming on your own face aswell. "did you already have coffee?" he asks, still holding your face. "yeahhh." you breath, smiling.

     "two cups alreadyyy I'm gonna be up all day." you sigh, putting your face back into his chest. he laughs, grabbing his cup and downing the rest of it. he put his hand firmly to you back so you couldn't leave. you only laughed in response. "sleep is for the weak, caffeine is for the strong. techno taught me that" he smiled.

     you grin. looking up at him. he stares back at you for a moment to long and you both blush. luckily people start to enter and you both decide to start working. and hour or so in, Jared walks by your desk. "hey uh. can we talk in the break room in a bit?" he says, obviously knowing he'll have to explain more.

     You groan. "I just- please Y/n." he whines, begging you quietly. you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "fine. in like 5 minutes but if you say some dumb shit I swear-" you breathe, glaring at him before he smiles sheepishly and walks away from your desk. Wilbur glares at Jared as he walks away.

     five minutes later you meet Jared in the break room as he paces nervously back in forth. "so what's got you so freaked out to where your coming to me with your problems." you sneer. "Wilbur's a Psycho!" he whisper-yells at you. "what? what are you even on about-" he cuts you off. 

     "He's crazy! he's fucking insane why can't you see that! honestly!" he growls (rawr). "That's funny for you to say- y'know, being you and all." you wave to him, smirking. "your so fucking close minded! just you wait! he's a fucking creep!!" Jared snarls, storming out of the room.

     you laugh, though a small thought of doubt is planted in you. you sigh, smiling. 'he needs therapy or something-' you think walking back out of the breakroom. you sit down and glance at Wilbur, who was staring intensely at you. "what happened?" he mouths silently.

     you shrug in response, going back to work. he seems to stare at you a bit more before looking back to his computer.

<hehe ph1lWilba>

     you shut off your computer, grabbing your bag as Wilbur approaches you. "hey Wil!" you say, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "hey Y/n! are you free today?" he asks, walking towards the door with you. "no sorry- I promised Jaya I would go out to dinner with her tonight. I'm free tomorrow though!"

     he frowns slightly. "okay. tomorrow then! I'll pick you up at 4! see you then!" he says as you walk out the door, not letting you turn him down. you giggle in response waving to him. "See you then!" you smile, getting into you car and driving home. I guess now you have plans for tomorrow.

<shut up- this isn't to many pov switches and time skips>

     Wilbur sighs once he got into his car, slamming his head into the steering wheel. he had heard everything Jared had said. maybe he should pay a little visit to Jared and his ex. he grins to himself. he's not gonna kill them. that would raise suspicion- especially for Y/n, even if he knows that she would never rat him out.

( 1026 words lol )

( waddup baby- hi- my opinion for today is that slimecicle is the perfect man- I actually have an x reader of him one my oneshots book *wink* *wink* haha anyways- I'm getting into dnd and It's really fun- that also means I can watch JRWI (Just Roll With It) and actually know whats going on :D )

Anygayssssssssssssssss         I'm signing off-  G L A T T

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