another Guest-

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( I tried a more Narrator centered writing style- hope you like it ^^ )

( Wilbur Pov )

     Well, now I get to spend time with my beloved!!! No, I don't care if I hadn't slept well for the past week.  it's only because I was away from my soulmate- Wilbur was walking home from the bus stop, probably looking like a psycho if there was anyone else in the street. if I'm gonna be fair, he is.

     but enough of my smartass comments. Wilbur unlocked his door and clapped excitedly, already heading to his room. "hey Wil," a low voice comes from the couch. "hello Technoblade, now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be soon." he states spinning on his heel to head to his room.

     "where?" Wil stops, turning to face Techno. "excuse me?" "where are you going?" Wilbur straightens his posture going back to the couch were Techno lay comfortably with Sunflower perched on his chest. "Well, I don't think that is any of your business Technoblade, and-" yeah no, I'm tuning that out, he's rambling.

     "Wilbur... where are you going..." Wilbur gulped. "T-Techno, It's really not important-" "Wilbur." Wilbur saw the gleam in techno's eye, he was not going anywhere until he told Techno where he was going. Wilbur sighed, "I going to a sleepover at a friend's Tech... now can I go?" "I'm definitely going to be late now.." Wil muttered.

     Techno's face completely changed, now he looked like a hopeful puppy. "oh? Can I come?" Techno got up, gently picking up the cat and placing it next to him. "No techno-" to late. he was already packing... well, I guess he should be doing the same.

< time skip brought to you simps who probably want to cuddle with techno at the sleepover- I see you. 👀>

     I had texted Y/n before I got here about Techno, I don't know if she saw it though. I hope he doesn't ruin everything for me. I knocked lightly at the door. there is actually a unsaid thing me and Y/n, we both have a noticeable way we knock so we know it's eachother. it's weird and I love it.

     "Hi Wil!- and other person?" she opened the door, her head tilted to the side in confusion. "hah, yeah. I sent you a text, I don't know if you got it but this is my brother Technoblade." I laughed nervously. "Halloooooo" Techno waved, holding both of our bags. her confusion quickly turned into a welcoming smile. 

     "come in, come in. Grab a cookie if there are any left. she welcomes you both in but stops you in the entrance room, clearly wanting to speak to you... privately. your face heats up but you shake your head, waving away any ... thoughts.  "so Wilbur, when did Technoblade invite himself?" she laughs lightheartedly

     "Well, I was about to get ready when he was like 'Sleepover???? Can I come???' and I couldn't say no... sorry-" she smiles, that warm smile I've only seen her give me, .... and ... Grace. but she's gone now.

      "it's fine! but I feel like another batch of cookies is needed to get through the night-" you laugh. "want some help with that?" you smile, walking out of the entrance room as she nods, laughing. 

< pov switch brought to you by Arson! >

     Alex and Jaya where in the kitchen. apparently they were having a cookie eating contest. Jaya won, I guess being persistent finally gave her an advantage. "hey guys! meet Wilbur and Technoblade!" they both laugh, cookies still shoved into their mouths.

      "well, Wil, Techno, meet Jaya and Alex. Jaya is the tall one-" Y/n laughs as Alex punches her in the shoulder. "I'm not that short!!" "sureeeeeeeeee- You guys talk and shit- I'm gonna get the stuff to make more cookies-" 

     Alex was the first one to approach someone and -oh shit- it was Wilbur. "Sooooo, you're the one Y/n told me about. to be fair- I was surprised she didn't have any pictures of you-" he laughed "I'm just as surprised as you are. We hang out quite alot." Wilbur smiles.

     "also when was Technoblade invited? no offense-" he turned mid sentence to look at Techno. "he kinda just came with me- it's not like I could say no, I mean look at softnoblade." he turns to techno in which Alex follows his view Techno grunts shaking his head so his hair moves out of his face. 

     techno was a pretty hefty built guy- I mean like a little shorter than Wilbur and pretty buff. he was wearing black jeans with a light pink t-shirt and a black choker matching his pants. as the narrator I can say with absolute positivity that he's hot. he had long messy dyed pink hair with his dark brown roots showing. 

     "actually, I'm gonna go see what Y/n is doing to avoid you nerds." he stated in a montone voice, walking over to Y/n who's getting bowls from a lower cabinet. Jaya was also rambling to Y/n while she picked at her nails "Y/n are you the host, because I would like to kick out Wilbur and Alex. I feel like I've already shown that I am the coolest male here."

     Y/n laughed, getting up and placing the bowl on the counter. "I feel like they're either gonna bully everyone here or make out at this point." she smiled as Jaya burst out laughing. "oh my- god that's an animation idea-" Y/n turned to Jaya "no. not a cursed bestie animation-" Techno chuckled at the two chaotic women.

     "so, can I help with the cookies at all? -or is artist talk due to run for another hour?" he laughs a low, grumbly laugh. not gonna lie- this entire chapter is me -the narrator- simping for a character in the story I'm narrating.  "well... Wilbur said he was gonna help with that..." she looked around Techno to Wilbur and Alex

     they were chatting to eachother. I mean- go Alex. "Y'know what, Sure!" Y/n shrugged pulling out a hand written recipe from her pocket. here's the recipe- It's just a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe so it should only take like... 20 minutes to make. plus cooking time though- probably closer to an hour.

( 1090 anyone who saw it before this- no you didn't shhhh )

( hey toasties- there's no reason to call you guys that but I like it- It's also midnight and I barley slept last night so it might not stay lol- anyways hope ya'll are doing well- I'm working on capturing small bugs (like fruit flies) in a jar and suffocating them and making a bug sacrifice jar- it's a- a work in progress... )

Anywayssssssssssssssssssss                     Toodlesss~!

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now