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( number thirty-five pog     also- i didn't know what to name this chapter- )

Wilbur Pov

     Y/n is so great. we've barley hung out all week so I definitely needed this. Techno was hanging out with her though...  He was acting all weird- or rather, he was noticing me act weird. usually he has his guard up around new people so I assumed he wouldn't notice me.

     Also Alex. Fuck Alex. he's weird. he was all like interested in what I was saying- but like- two interested. like, you are putting way effort into this conversation- tone it back please. I literally left just to get away from Alex, I mean Y/n was here but Alex is WEIRD.

     "-your brother is gonna listen to my playlist so I think you should too!" she holds out one of her earbuds and I put it in, immediately pulling both of us closer. A song started to play and Y/n Immediately brightened up, already nodding to the rhythm.

     she lifts her feet off the floor so they sit beside her as she subconsciously moves closer to me. we sit in a comfortable silence as she waits for the main part of the song. she hums in sync with the music. I blush flustered at how close she is to me. she puts her head on my shoulder.

     I see her mouth the lyrics when they start. I didn't realize but my eyes were completely glued to her. my face and ears flushed a red as I watched her in wonder. I forgot how much I needed her... she's like a god. my god. whenever I start losing interest in life she comes in and hooks me again. 

     I wrap my arm around her body as she also starts to blush a light pink, still lost in the song. I could've been doing this the entire time. I could have been doing this all week. people are such pests... Alex wasted so much of my time when I could have been spending time with this god.

     my eyes softened as I took in every feature of her. now isn't the time to blame, I should be grateful I even know her. there are so many people in this world and I got blessed with her being my soulmate. what I didn't notice was the Alex had peered across the room from the kitchen to see us.

     her hands held her phone as she gazed forward. I didn't mind she doesn't need to have me on her mind to know I love her. my right hand stayed at my side contemplating and hesitating.

<mmmmmm third person go brrrrrrrrrrrrr>

     it seems that Techno just totally crushed Alex's dreams. Well, not Totally. Alex is gonna talk with Y/n later to see if this is really true and what she thinks about Wilbur. Techno however, is still in the denial stage of Y/n's curse. but he does want plans to continue hanging out with her.

     he tells himself it's to figure out whats wrong with her aura. we both know that ones not true. Techno stopped that conversation early on though. Why? because he knew about feelings. And he knew that he hated them. So, he went to see how Jaya was. her name was Jaya right?

     she was sitting on the bed cross legged as she wrote in a notebook. she turned her head up to look at Technoblade. "hullooooooooo" he sat on the opposite side of the bed and swung his feet so he could place his head on his knees. "hmmm, big techno's a little tired huh?" she smile letting out a small laugh.

     he smiled at the remark aswell. "Mentally, always. Physically, never." he grinned. she turns to face him more and frowns. "want to talk about it?" Jaya has always been the mom friend. Even when she was little. kids would get hurt playing outside and jaya would give them an ice pack and put a band aid on their wound. alot of people liked her for that, especially her mom. her dad had died before she was born so her mom juggled work, three kids, and after school activities that the kids wanted to do. so when her mom found that Jaya was pretty responsible for her age of 10. Jaya found herself babysitting most of the day for not only her siblings, some other kids from around the neighborhood. her mom said it's so they could "get a buck or two" and "KeEP LivInG iN tHiS AmAZinG HoUSe" her and her moms relationship got rough after that. Jaya would continue to babysit, but she would also fail school and lose her friends from not being able to visit them at all. maybe one or two would help her babysit some days but eventually they all drifted apart, and away from her. when her younger brothers grew up they just helped until they could all move out and thats when she ran to Y/n and why she dropped out of college before she actually got to live with Y/n. she realized she didn't have to pretend she was still smart and popular like when she was young.

     "-talking about feelings is the best way to leak personal information. I'm good." Jaya zoned back in, shrugging in response an continuing her work. they both sat in silence as techno layed back and turned on his phone checking his dms  and propping a pillow up behind his head. 

     '5 messages from Lesbian Queen' he opened his friends dms and read through her messages 'My toaster is holding my bread hostage help ' 'OH GOD I SMELL IT BURNING ' 'PLEASE- ' 'I've given up, my house is gonna burn down.' 'OMG IT JUMPSCARED ME- ' he snorted, repressing laughter. 

     Jaya turned to look at techno, curious on what made him laugh other than himself. he noticed Jaya stare and just stared back. eventually she huffed and went back to drawing. a small sense of pride fill Techno's heart. "you're kinda intimidating y'know.." she states blankly.

     "I'm choosing to take that as a compliment so thank you." he said smiling. he was begining to like this Jaya character.

( 1097 words ig )

( bro is it just me or do your friends text you shit like ig and gl and you just don't know what it means and you have to use context clues at the risk of being wrong and completely embarrassing your self-          or is it just me? but ignoring that hope ya'll are having an okay if not good day! )

Anywaysssssssssssssssssssss                           Toodles~!!

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