I'm not a creep..... right?

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Wilbur Pov  (first person)

     did I follow Y/n home? No! I was going to the store for some sweets! also making sure she got home safe- But not in a weird way! I didn't mean to be a creep I just want her to be safe. Either way, now I know where her apartment is- and I have an excuse to buy some treats from a nearby bakery. I realize why she likes this place, it's very homey and cottagecore.

     I walked up to the beautiful bakery already smelling warm bread and sugar. opening the door as it lets out a heavenly little jingle to alert everyone that I've arrived. My eyes immediately dart to the cute chalkboard menu. Boston cream donut, pound cake, chocolate chip cookie, raisin oatmeal cookie, glazed donut, pumpkin pie, I scan over every thing until I spot it, coffee. 

     Did I go all the way to a nice cafe for coffee? no, I also came for some baked goods. but either way I want quality coffee. I walked over to the counter and ordered a black coffee, 4 chocolate chip cookies, and a maple donut. they also sold cute little baskets so I bought one of those aswell.

     I adjusted my messenger bag and glanced around the café, some people were looking at me and blushing. I quickly turned away. I did not want anyone flirting with me. My order finished and they put my sweets in the basket I had purchased. I walked out the door, basket in hand, waving to the nice male cashier.

     I took two of the cookies and snacked on them on my way back to Y/n's apartment complex. once I got there I was just finishing my coffee and threw it away as I trotted through the nice double doors. there was a nice looking elderly woman at the front desk. I smiled and told her I was gifting a present to a friend. she took my excuse and returned my warm smile. to be fair, it wasn't really an excuse.

     I quickly sped up the stairs- what's her apartment number? while there's only 20 apartments- I think I saw 13 on her notebook? it might have been her desk number but eh, lets hope for the best. I placed the basket of sweets outside the apartment I thought was Y/n's. before leaving I pull out a post-it note and write 'Your personality is sweeter than all these combined~'

     I leave the note bye the cookies and jog back down the stairs, waving to the nice old woman and walking out the door, pulling out my phone. I got a cab and took a picture to document the moment. A couple minutes later and the cab arrives, The driver was some flirty young girl. The trip felt twice as long as it should have.

     She kept talking about how she sings and that her name means beautiful in French, her name was Belle but as she states 'everyone calls me beautiful Bella' which I doubt was true. either way the drive finally ends and she gives me her number to which I will throw away soon after. I wave to her goodbye as she drives away. what a bitch. 

     I sift through my keys to find the one to my house. finally I find the right key and push open the door with my foot, alerting my beloved cat that I'm home. I hear some meows coming from  the kitchen as I drop all my belongings and stretch my back as I stumble my way in the direction of the meows.

     I enter the Kitchen to reveal a kitten with e/c eyes like Y/ns. You smile noticing that. (whenever I type smile I always accidently type slime- help slimecicle is in my fic 0-0) I snatched up a bag of chips and headed for my room/office as the spotted tabby kitten mewed and followed me. 

     I strut into my room and grab my guitar. now sitting in the corner of my room, holding my guitar, I think. I think about Y/n, about how I have her number, and where she lives, what she likes. she's so pretty~ wait- so I like Y/n??? I mean, yeah she's beautiful, and nice, and kind, and understanding, and did I mention her beauty?

Fuck, I'm in love.

( 742 words lol )

( uhm- eat, sleep, drink water, watch something funny, enjoy life.)

(anywaysssss TOODLES<3)

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now