Not a Chapter-

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     HeyheyHey! sorry for no chapter but I feel as though its important to make some comments about shit like the layout of your house-

     So, apartment #13, to the right of the staircase- directly to the right- no hallway or anything. open the door and there's a fairly sized enterance room, foward left corner there's a pillar thing. left there is an enterance to the living room. foward to the dining room. the dinning room and kitchen are barely separtated. the kitchen right wall is counter, fridge, and stove/oven. the right back corner, is a delicate metal table with two chairs. (this was moved to the dinning room for the coffee date earlier in the book) dinning room has, y'know, a dinning table with eight chairs. you didn't know why you would need it but it came with the apartment. in the right middle of the dinning room is your little desk with your journal and wooden rocking chair. hallway in the far foward kitchen takes a left turn and heads into your bedroom, which has a bathroom. there is also a bathroom in the back left corner of the enterance room. 

     I think thats it in your apartment- pretty big huh. you got a good deal on it too. 

     also, facts about you!  most people see you as a clean freak but in reality you just hate yourself when your not doing anything productive. your memory is not the greatest but its not like your gonna forget important shit like c!Karl does- (i just spelled Karl as Kale-) you've never had huge friend groups. you enjoy greek mytholigy. you perfer scrapbooking over just writting because you have to worry about using the right words to describe things less. with scrapbooking you can create an acurate picture of the emotions you feel and only have to write two senteces. you started college but dropped out your second year. you studied Digital Marketing and Comunication. when you were a kid you wanted to own a bakery but as a young adult you stated in was 'unachievable' 

     Facts about Wilbur pog- the entire 'I've changed I've changed ' thing is because oh his past relationship with Jessica or the girl in Your New Boyfriend. he is actually slightly allergic to cats, but seeing Sunflower --who's original name was Tabi-- in a small cage in a shelter. he knew he had to give the small cat the life he deserved. he lucid dreams constanly but usually doesn't notice it. it really doesn't help his obssesion with you- the reason he enjoys writing is so that one day he could give them to the person destined to read them, his true soulmate. thats also the reason he writes them like letters. he started playing guitar when he was young and never had any pets growing up. actually, Sunflower was his first ever animal companion. one of the reasons he's very 'protective' is that he gets so sure that you --in this case-- are his one true love and he needs you to realize that. so everytime he someone trying to ruin your destined relationship he cuts them out of you life- actually he cuts them out of all life.

     okay poggers- ask any questions that crossed your mind! and a little thing for all my future chapters, feel free to point out grammar of spelling mistakes! i usually dont proof read these so its actually incouraged!

anywaysssssssssssss                          Toodlesss!!!!

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