Dinner Date

733 17 8

Second person pov

     You sat down at the table next to Wilbur opposed to opposite of him -which somehow usually happens. The pot sits in the center of the table, a towel under it so it doesn't burn the wooden table. A bowl of potato soup sits infront of you. "It's probably hot so you shouldn't-" Wilbur started before you interrupted him by taking the spoonful of soup and shoving it into your mouth.

     you immediately cough as the soup burns your mouth. Wilbur lets out a laugh while placing a hand on your should as you burn your tongue. "Jesus!!!" you eventually cough out, fanning your mouth. "I was about to tell you!!" Wilbur lightheartedly defends himself as you realize your taste senses are fried, pun intended.

     Once your mouth doesn't feel like the gates of hell you can't help but laugh. Wilbur joins in with a giggle. "did it taste good?" he laughs out, making both of you descend into friendly banter, "I COULDN'T EVEN TASTE IT DIPSHIT!" you scream laugh, lightly slamming your hands on the table.

     "HEY I PUT MY BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS INTO THIS SOUP" he mocks a stereotype as he mirrors you actions. "OH NO YOU DID NOT" You say back, ah yes, totally friendly banter. (this continues to go on for atleast another minute) Eventually- after snarky comments plague the entire dinner, they finish eating.

     You and Wilbur end up just chatting about  childhood stories and random things. For once, you let Wilbur lead the conversation and talk the most. It's a welcome change of pace. "And then Tommy just leapt onto Techno and they both ended up falling so I had won!" Wilbur laughed at the ending of his story, recalling the fond memory.

     You laugh too, deciding to Segway this to your leave. "Well, I think Jaya might be expecting me home soon, I need to remind her to drink water so she doesn't shrivel up while sitting on her desk!" you laugh, Wilbur smiles, though you can see the falsity in it.

     "how- How about you stay over for drinks! I have red wine that was basically Techno's favorite! you would love it!!" he say desperately. "Maybe this weekend we can, I don't think I have plans-" you say before Wilbur interrupts you. "Or we can now!" He says, smiling as he grabs my hand, now standing up aswell.

     "I'm sure Jaya can probably take care of herself! Won't you have a drink with a friend Y/n?" He asks, now waving to the rest of the house and gesturing for you to stay longer. "Wilbur.." you look at him like a disobedient puppy. "ugh fineeeeeeeee" he whined dramatically bringing a smile back to your face.

     "Let's go get you home then." He says, walking towards the door with you. You both walk in silence for awhile, almost waiting for the other one to say something stupid. "sooooooo, were you serious about drinks?" he gives you puppy-dog eyes and you burst out laughing.

     Wilbur follows with a lighthearted giggle as he opens the door for you, oblivious to what he did while you smile more at the act. you both walk out onto the driveway, you immediately shivering at the cold yet being oblivious to the fact that your clothes were still inside.

Wilbur- not so much.

     You were also wearing Wilbur's jacket once again. For once in your life you didn't remember what you were wearing. Wilbur however, stared fondly at you whenever you snuggled into the jacket a little more. Or tugged the shirt down just to pull up the collar of it a few seconds after.

     Once you got yourself into the passenger seat and Wilbur had started the car, you finally both settled into the heat, both of you faces dusted red from the cold- and Wilbur's from being flustered. Wilbur turns on the radio, hoping for some quiet background to  distract him from Y/n-

. . .

     -Then very, very, very, loud Christmas music comes on. "SHIT MAN!" You yell as you cover your ears. Wilbur scrambles to turn the volume down and sighs in relief as silence takes over the car once more. "Christmas music in August?!?!?? I get it's snowing but-" you say exasperatedly as Wilbur huffs out a laugh.

     Wilbur pulls out of the dark driveway, only slightly worried about driving in snow and ice this late at night. The both share a few quiet laughs over not-Christmas music that quietly plays in the background. Wilbur parks outside your apartment, getting out with you to say goodbye.

     "Well darling, this seems like where we part. If your free tonight call me, I have a feeling I won't be getting too much sleep tonight.." He says, his eyes trailing away from you as he speaks before snapping them back to you with a smile. "I'll see if I can! Talk to you later Wil." You hug Wilbur tightly before releasing you grip and running inside.

     Wilbur watches you leave his view, clenching his fists. It seems as time moves on, he depends on you more and more. how curious.

(923 words :( )

(Hullooooooo how are you beautiful people :0 I'm going on vacation in about a week (on the 25th) so don't expect many uploads TwT I honestly wish i could just stay couped up in my room with my c!Tommy playlist and this book but I'm also probably gonna have a good time there. I'll try to get another chapter out before i go-

but anygaysssssssssss                             Toodlesssss

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