Jaya And Alex!

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Y/n Pov

     It's now Saturday, Jaya is my roomate now and Alex is coming over. Wilbur said he's working today and didn't specify why. but thats not what I'm focussing on, because today is gonna be the best sleepover party ever! even if Wilbur can't come.

     "hey JayJay, Did you buy the popcorn for tonight?" I ask fluffing pillows on the beds we conjoined. (basically pushed them together to make a bigger bed-) "yep! I even got the white cheddar kind cause I know you like it." she says playing with her stylus. I wooed quietly and continued fluffing pillows.

     "y'know I've noticed that whenever you have time to spare you're always working. It's suprising seeing how my sister right now would have been on her phone for the last 3 hours!" she laughed, spinning back to her drawing tablet. 

     "heh. yeah. It's just that when I'm nt doing anything productive I feel like I'm slacking off-" you smiled awkwardly to yourself, not being able to see Jaya. "Understandable. Now I want to finish ATLEAST 10 more frames before Alex comes over." She says spinning back to her desk and starting to draw again.

     And with that I put ear buds in and started blasting music.

Eighth Wonder  by: Lemon Demon

You nodded you head to the beat, mouthing the lyrics as the entire apartment seemed to clean itself. Ah, the magic of music. In only an hour, books were put in alphabetical order, shelves were dusted, I even made chocolate chip cookies before Alex even texted me he on his way!

     But eventually there was a knock on the door and I pulled out one of my ear buds to see Alex in bright blue Jean shorts, a black mesh jacket with a black rim and a red tight crop top. He also had cute 3D colored glasses. Over his shoulder was an almost matching blue and red duffle bag.

     "Hey! Come on in! Grab a cookie! Jaya's in the bedroom by the way-" you say opening the door wider so he could enter. "Like your outfit tho- just reminds me of something I have planned for later tonight-" you grin. Closing the door behind you and turning off your music.

     "Oo. Suprises? And cookies!" You both make your way to the kitchen, Alex taking the lead. "So how have you been? Or how has Wilbur been? ... I can't believe I've never met him! We need to plan something with him-"

     you giggle grabbing a cookie. "Oooooo! They're still warm!" Alex quickly shoves cookies in his mouth and mumbles something unteligible. "Hey Y/n- oh hey Alex!" Jaya comes out of the hallway holding a yellow notebook which I know is her character design notebook. 

     Alex waves to Jaya with a muffled "hi" with this Jaya laughs walking towards us and grabbing herself a cookie. "I like your jacket- you would just need some super big boots to put your outfit together- but its still great, I could never" he laughs, taking a bite of her cookie.

     "awwwww, look at you being humbbleee. Stop it." Alex swallowed the many cookies that were just in his mouth and burst out laughing. Jaya and I joined him in the chaotic laughter echoed through the house. Alex's laughter was, interesting to say the least.

     I was more like a cackle, the kind of cackle that echoed through a room, the kind that woke up dogs, And I loved it. It was unique- what can I say. Jaya's laughter is very different. it's a light giggle at best. it sounds fake- like some weirdo's anime dream girl's laugh. love her laugh too.

     Well, wanna take the cookies to my room and Look at what I've been working on recently?" Jaya says, grabbing the plate of cookies. " 'my room' sure, sure Gra- Jaya. fuck. are you serious! sadness, now!?   to be fair, Jaya doesn't know about the whole Grace thing... maybe I should tell her tonight.

     suddenly a familair ringing comes from your pocket. oh someones calling. It better not be Fred or I swear- its... Wilbur? "one sec guys, I'm getting a call." "okay! have fun-" they laugh, going into the bedroom. you giggle a bit before answering the call. 

     "Hey Will, finished your overtime? sorry again about that." you smile. you would never admit it out loud, but you kinda missed Wilbur's voice. "hey Y/n! I've been missing you all week! do you think I could come over today? like, right now?" his voice was was tired and the way it sounded over the phone made me want to say yes.

     "sure! Alex is over though. we were actually planning a sleepover tonight-" "Ooo! can I join?" well, that was out of nowhere. but I do want him too- eh, they wouldn't mind. "Sure!! and make sure to dress your best- don't tell Jaya or Alex this but, we're gonna do a little bit of a fashion show kinda thing-"

     "sounds fun! I'll be there in 30- see you in a bit then!" He hung up and I imedietly ran to the bed room to tell Alex and Jaya. "guys!" they turn their heads and look at me with a confused stare. "Wilbur's gonna join usssss!"I clap and hands together they both smile, Alex a little more than Jaya though.

     we spent the next thirty minutes looking at Jaya's art- which she has alot of- she has an entire box of old notebooks, three note books she's working on now, a Ipad full of art, a computer full of art- and a couple folder full of sketches. but eventually there was a knock on the door and we all knew who it was.

     "Wilbur!! you could make it!!! welcome, Grab a cookie!" I gave him a welcome hug as Alex and Jaya came into the room. "that's Jaya, my roomate. and that's Alex! I'm pretty sure I mentioned him at some point." you laugh pointing to the two of them at their introductions.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two..."

( 1066 wordssss )

( Heyyyyy- how's everybodys winter going. happy whatever you celebrate- it's been really rainy and windy this week which is so cool- I live in hawaii so any type of weather change is welcome. hope ya'll are doing well, actually tell me how your winter is going, I'm curious- Ima keep this short soo )

Anywaysssssssssssss                                        Toodlessss

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