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Y/n Pov

     Work was boring. It ended quickly though. Wilbur dropped you off at your apartment complex. You had a nice short chat with Atteca before going up to your apartment. You went straight to your bed and clocked out. Your social batteries is dead.

     You wake up suddenly, unaware of why you did so. You check your phone, '8:57' huh. Your room is pretty dark, and your eyes haven't adjusted to the lack of light. Only one of your windows has the curtains open, which is a little strange in your book.

     You struggle to get up from your bed to go close said curtain and go back to bed. There's a muffled thump and bushes moving. You get to your window and see the vines sorta ripped and the bushes squashed and tattered. What the fuck-

     You continue to examine the scene, trying to figure out what had happened. Had someone been watching you? No, why? There's no reason why anyone would. Was someone just vandalizing the complex? That- that's probably the best answer considering my mental health. Yeah, that's what happened.

     You take a deep breath and leave your room to head to the kitchen. I'm not gonna be able to sleep after that one. Did you make box Mac & Cheese with Garlic Bread? Yes, shut up, it's a comfort food.

     You take your dinner to the couch in your living room and put on some entertaining TV show to distract yourself. So there you sit, at 9:30, eating garlic bread and watching trash TV trying to not think about the possibility of someone watching you sleep. God someone could've been watching you sleep.

<okay Wilbur pov and a little backtracking-  >

     Did I actually drive home? No. I drove away and walked back.  I just wanted to be with her more. I know it sounds greedy seeing as I just spent the night with her, but when you know who your soulmate is you want to spend as much time together as possible.

     Either way I debated what I could do. I couldn't go to her front door because I don't have a key and just knocking would be weird. And there's no other entrance to her apartment... I could throw rocks at her window like a cliche movie? I know she like that kinda stuff.. wait, her window. I wouldn't be weird to climb through her window right?

     I've changed, this is my soulmate, it's not weird! And so, that's what I did. And after a few minutes I was propped up on a thick vine watching her sleep peacefully. Damn, I need a polaroid of my own to take pictures like this. She looks so gorgeous...

     Did I watch her sleep for almost two hours? Yes, u told you I could do this all day. Then she started waking up. Fuck. I climbed down the vines almost slipping twice. then proceeding to jump onto the ground and run around the corner to get my car. 

I wish it could've lasted longer...

<ahahah. Time skip bitch                  Oh yeah Y/n pov>

     You woke up feeling like crap with a stuffy nose. You went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. Shit am I sick? You grab a thermometer and put it under your tongue. '109°' fuckkkkkk. Your cheeks are all red and you feel hot and cold at the same time, mostly cold though.

     You go to the kitchen to make some breakfast and attempt to soothe you freezing body. You put bread in the toaster and grab a washcloth to run over warm water and put on your forehead.

     Sitting in the kitchen you pull out your phone to call in sick. "Hey fred?" "Oh, Y/n. What's wrong? Do you need a day off of work. I know losing someon-?" "Actually, I'm gonna have to call in sick, I think I have a cold or somethin' " He answered quicker than expected. "Oh! Are you okay!? Do you need me to visit?!?" "Uh, no it's- it's fine. I can come in on Saturday for an unpaid overtime if you want."

     "Oh no no no! Don't come in, stay home. You don't need to do overtime either. Take this as a paid vacation day!" Wow, maybe being a suck up to my boss was worth it. "Thank you so much! I'll try and be back to work by tomorrow." You were about to hang up. "Call me if you need anything Y/n." Then he hung up.

Now playing:  Shit  by: Bo Burnham

     Damn, is he this nice with everyone?  You munched on your toast. Should you call Wilbur? Probably. You rest your head on the table. I feel like shit. You go back to the couch just feeling stuffy and numb. You turn on the TV and continue your show. And so, you spent another hour wallowing in your own pain. 

(Sorry just vibe to this song until it ends then keep reading-  also Wilbur pov)

     Y/n isn't at work... did she see me? No, she couldn't have. could she? You sit down at your desk and turn on your computer. Is Grace getting to her? I doubt it. It seems all you can think about is Y/n. Maybe I should ditch work and see what's wrong for myself...

     Your phones starts to buzz on your desk. You look at the caller 'My Love' oh shit- you answer it. "Hey Y/n! Is everything alright?" "No, I'm fine, just sick." You frown. "That's it. I'm coming over there. See you in 20." You start repacking your things. Hopefully Fred isn't here right now.

     "Wilbur. Is there a reason that your leaving work early?" Pffft- he sounds like a teacher. "Actually, yes. Y/n called me and told me to come over." He flashes a more upset look before looking back to you. You stand up with your messenger bag on your shoulder, now looking down at him.

     He sneers. "You may leave, but your working overtime on Saturday." You clenche the strap of your messenger bag. You walk away, resisting the urge to kick his heel and make him fall. Maybe you should have.

( 1134 words )

( sup bitches, bitchboys, and everybitch in-between. Can I just say I'm so on track with writing these that it's scary. Cause I'm finishing them day of and I get worried that I'm gonna take to long- moral of the story I need to write more. Anyways how are you doing today from 1-20 one being 'I think I'm either gonna cry for 2 hours or kill myself' and twenty being 'I'm gonna go kill God and become them, then eat my favorite ice cream flavor.')

Ps: if you are a 1- no your not. You, yes you, are loved by many people. One of those people are me yes, my readers should be content with their lives! 

Anywaysssssssssssss                         Toodles!!

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