Sick day ft.Wilbur

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Y/n Pov

     Did he just say he's fucking coming over? You sit up on your couch. It's not like you look terrible, you don't even have a runny nose. But why? He's literally ditching work to take care of you while your sick. What the fuck?

     You here the front door creak open. You get up from your couch, running a hand through your hair and smoothing out any wrinkles on your nightgown. You make your way to the entrance room to see Wilbur putting a coat on your coat hanger. Oh it's raining. you didn't even notice.

     "Hey Wil, you didn't have to come you know." He jumps a bit and turns to you. He immediately rushes over to you asking if your okay. "I'm fine, your not my mom." You laugh. He presses his hand over your forehead. "Oh my god your burning up!" You laugh again "yeah, I have a fever."

     "We're going to your room, you need rest." And with that, he sweeps you off your feet and carries you towards your room looking redder than you were. To be honest you were a little flustered aswell. He pushes open you bedroom door and walks in.

     "Wil, you didn't need to do this." He places you gently on your bed. "No, I did. All of this was completely necessary." You laugh. "S-stoppp!!! My throat hurtsssssss" you dramatically faint onto your bed. He chuckles. You eyes don't reopen as he sits next to you.

     "Darling, you know I can't help myself when it comes to caring for you." A hand is delicately placed on your cheek. You nervously giggle as you squint open your eyes. He's sitting on your bed with a hand gently wrapped around your cheek as he gazes almost lovingly at you.

     There is a silence among the two of you before you laugh again. "Willlllllll! Stop!" You sit up against your head rest as his hand retreats back to his side. His gaze stays on your face before he blinks and shakes his head as if shooing away a thought. 

     "Well, do need anything?" You shrug "soup?" He laughs. "Sure, I'll make you some 'soup'" he mimics you voice making you burst out laughing, covering your mouth in a pathetic attempt to stop the pain in your throat. He shakes his head, laughing to himself as he walks out the door. Why is Wilbur kinda attractive????

     -wait no -wait  ...  yes? I mean, not like in a 'date me' way.. like in a 'you're a pretty person recognize it' way... he's just nice to look at, that's all. Yeah, just pretty. 

Wilbur Pov

     Fuck. She's so fucking pretty. Jesus christ. (I- *sigh* "She can't just fucking lay all nice atop a bed and see me just laugh." I really wanted to write this but no- not today-) I put a pot on top of the stove, huffing. Atleast I get to spend the rest of my work day taking care of the love of my life. 

     It was a little hard making soup in a kitchen you don't have alot of experience in. What I'm saying is I spent 5 minutes searching for the can opener. Either way, at the end I had a bowl of Soup with Ritz crackers and tea. I quietly pushed her door open to see her awake, fidgeting with her polaroid.

     I place the bowl down and her head rises. "Thankssss Wil." She grabs the bowl and takes a sip."Oh you made the vegetable soup, this was always a personal favorite." She smiles, taking a sip of tea. "How do you recognize what soup you have after taking ONE bite!!?!" I exclaim, puzzled. She laughs.

     She finally calms down and takes another bite of soup before answering with, "is it weird that when I was young I chose the couple soups that I liked and just stuck with them forever?" I gave her a surprised look "YEAH!" She bursts out laughing once again.

Things calm down and she finishes her soup and crackers. "Y'know I was contemplating giving you my polaroid." I look at her. "I don't use it as much and you seem to like it." She shrugs, her eyes staying on her cup of tea. "So I can have it?" She nods.

     "I was gonna make it a suprise but I feel like I should give it to you as a thank you gift instead." She pauses, chuckling a bit. "And so you could say no if you want and I could keep my polaroid." I laugh. "Wow, now I'm gonna take it just to spite you" she smiles silently laughing.

     She fidgets with the polaroid a bit more before putting her hand out with the polaroid in it. I take it slowly. It's still warm from her hands... "pfft- ... wanna play a board game?" She says out of the blue, "WH-WHAT-T?!?!?!?!!" I laugh, She joins my laughter.

     "I don't know I'm bored!!!" She queaks I between laughs. I wheeze. She swings her feet off the bed and stands up. "N-no wait- HA- I'm fine- don't leave-" she turns her head to look at me "Oh I'm leaving. Not only that but I'm going to look for the old ass box of board games-"

     I laugh once more as I hear her also giggle down the hall. And with that I was chuckling, alone, in my crushes room, did I mention I was alone? Also, remember when I wish I had a polaroid when I was watching Y/n? Now I'm gonna bring it with me whenever I'm planning on seeing her- which is almost always seeing as I can't bear to be without her.

     I straighten my posture from the crippily laughter and start to observe the room. Since I've only ever seen it from the outside- and start walking towards her desk, where a computer lay, completely unlocked.

 (1036 wordsssss)

(Heyheyhey! I'm here with the evening upload! Or aleast evening for me- I love in Hawaii so could be just a wee bit late for ya'll🤏 can I also just say I've been listening to Chuckle Sandwich while writin- why is Chuckle spelled so fucking weird? That- *confused microwave noises*)

AnyWayyssssssssss                               Toodlessss!!

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