Darling and I

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Wilbur Pov

     After our little song fiasco we sat chatting on the bed. She sat crisscross with Sunflower on her lap, leaning against the headboard. "-And that's why housecats are great." Sunflower meowed happily from her lap.

     "Waitwaitwait. Does that mean you love Sunny more than me?" You pouted your lip and she laughed. "Sunny's a cute nick name. and no, I like you more, only a bit though." She patted you on the head and giggled. You blushed realizing that this woman, who was shorter than you! Just pat you on the head- and you're telling me!! That she doesn't have the same feeling I do. Wtf man.   

     You both stare into each other's eyes for a bit. Y/n's eyes are a beautiful E/C, you get lost in them almost every day. She looks away, flashing a sad glance at the ground. You stand up, lifting up her chin to gently face her. "What's wrong darling?" You cringe at the pet name before her mood lightens up and she starts giggling. "Darling? Seriously?" She laughs.

     "Okay, shut up and tell me what's wrong. Is that better?" You say sarcastically making her laugh once again. Her laughing quiets down and she looks up to you, your hand still propped up under her chin. "If I'm honest, I'm worried about Grace, she hasn't responded to any of my texts and I haven't seen her at work once... do you think she's okay?" Her question sends a pang to your heart. It makes you wonder if kidnapping grace was really the best option.

     "I'm sure Grace is fine. Maybe-maybe a family thing came up." She looks to the side for a bit, thinking. Suddenly She stands up, face to face with you, before she pulls you into a tight hug and whispers, "I really hope she's okay..."

<time skip and pov change brought to you by, blue raspberry jolly ranchers. =}>

     Wilbur and Y/n Spent the rest of the day chatting and playing board games. "Holy fuck its 10pm. What the hell?" Y/n stands up, looking at her phone. "Oh. Can you not stay longer?" He looks up shuffling an Uno deck. "I mean, I could. The drive back home is really long though, and driving at night is not my favorite thing" she laughs. 

     Wilbur also stands up peeking through a curtain I the living room. "Oooohhh, it's also pouring rain." He looks back to Y/n and gives her a worried shrug. She runs over to meet Wilbur next to the curtain to see the storming rain outside. "Wanna stay the night?" He asks immediately regretting his choice of words. Only to get a thoughtful look on Y/n's face. Is she actually thinking about it?!?!

     "Y'know what, screw it. Sure." She tosses her phone onto the couch and looks back to a very surprised expression on Wilburs face. "What?" "I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D ACTUALLY SAY YES?!?!" Y/n breaks out laughing as Wilbur turns bright red before joining her.

     After the laughter stops you both are just left standing there. "You do have clothes though? Right?" Wilbur asks another small laugh escaping his lips. " I'll be fineeeeeee. Do You have a guest room? " She sits down on the couch and picks up her phone. "Yep!" He says walking over to her and sitting down. The two sit on the couch in silence before Y/n looks at Wilbur and says, "movie?"

     The two picked Nightmare on Elm Street as their movie of choice. And by the end, Y/n is laughing off her fear and Wilbur is clutching on to her for dear life. "WHAT THE FUCK." Y/n's laughing gets louder and it turns I to a wheeze. "SHUT UP TEA KETTLE, HOW AM I GOING TO SLEEP?!?!?" Once she calms down she turns to Wilbur and looks him dead in the eyes, "In a dark room, alone, while the quiet crackling of a fire echos through the halls." Wilbur shivers.

     Y/n laughs, returning Wilbur's half hug, half silent cry for help. Y/n looks beautiful as always, while I probably look like a tomato.... Wilbur thinks looking at Y/n for a bit, zoning out. " is that supposed to be a death glare? Cause it's not working." Y/n says smugly.  "Uh- what- no." He nervously laughs realizing she caught him staring. "What time is it?"

Wilbur Pov

     "Uhhhhhhhhh 30 past midnight, Why?" I choke on my spit and start coughing. "HOLY SHIT, Y/n, we have work tomorrow-"  her eyes widen. "What?!?!? What day is today!?!?" "It Wednesday idiot!!!!!" At this point we are both half off the couch and Sunflower was meowing in protest from the movement. 

     "Well, I'm gonna go to bed- goodnight Sunflower" she kissed the cat on the head. "And goodnight Wilbur-" -she.... kissed me? On, the forhead!?!??!?!??! She got up, and quickly walked to the guest room. I sat there having a small breakdown because, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP-

     After a couple minutes of contemplating reality I got up and went to bed. Sunflower followed as I opened my door and sat on the edge of my bed, like I had been earlier with Y/n- Y/n....... her lips were so soft. She's so perfect. I changed into a black hoodie and shorts and lay myself down in my bed, staring up at my ceiling, hands propped up under my head, thinking.

< time skip and Y/n pov brought to you by Arby's we have the meat >

     I awoke to the smell of toast and butter. I slowly untwisted my body from looking like the archway to hell and yawned. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly regained consciousness and memory of the night before. I attempted to gasp but my voice failed me as I slapped my hand over my forehand as if there would have been a sign of the kiss remaining. 

     I rubbed my eyes again focusing on my surroundings and that delicious breakfast smell. I got up from bed and grabbed my phone, shovingit into my hoodie pocket. Walking tired out of my room I hear a almost silent mew and turn around to see Sunflower stretching on the corner of my bed. He promptly jumped off my bed and made his way over to me. I smiled to him before opening the door and letting him investigate the smell first.

It feels like today is gonna be a good day...

( 1085 words-)

( haha- this sucks. Anyways kinda cliffhanger but not really. This chapter took way too long but what can ya do- write faster that's what. So ima be trying to get back into my schedule so expect chapters every other day.)

Anywayssssssssssssssssssss                 TOODLES!!!

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now