Sleepover part 2?

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Y/n Pov

     it's been a bit and Alex and I were now scavenging through the closet in my room. Alex stated that he wanted to try something more feminine and for that I agreed with. he would probably look great with an e-girl look. I told him I would help with his make up and we agreed to do matching outfits.

     Once we figured out what we were going to were we went to the bathroom and changed. for Alex he was wearing a black skirt with neon green thigh high socks and and a tight black crop top that covered his neck and revealed all of his arms. he also had many bright green bracelets and accesories to brighten his otherwise all black outfit.

     for make up I gave his a heavy pink blush with green eye make up and little black hearts on his cheeks. he smiled and went over his outfit again as he waited for me to finish. I had a black one piece bathing suit with a lighter black pleated skirt over it along with a bright pink and black jacket that I wore sitting off my shoulders.

     I wore similar make up with a couple black chokers with pink highlights. I brushed my hair out and put it in (what ever hairstyle you want) making sure it looked cute. I also wore matching thigh highs to match with Alex even more. as we were about to walk out and show everyone else we quickly posed for a picture in the mirror.

     "Y/n!!! Pose!" Alex leaned onto me as we both posed for a picture, me in the middle of putting on black lip stick.  "now can we go? I want to see what Jaya thinks- and the boys-" I complained playfully "I actually like Wilbur..." he giggled nervously. I gasped and smiled "That's great!!! I'll keep that in mind!"

     he let out a sigh of relief. "I really needed to get that off my chest, thanks. lets go now!" he locked his arm with mine and walked out of the bathroom. "I can't wait!!! I hope he likes it..." you smiled seeing your friend crush on the Wilbur. the two of you entered the living room to see the three waiting for you.

<Wilba because he's a simp- >

     He saw you stand next to Alex and await some opinions. you said previously that the rules were that we rate honestly and try not to be biased and that no ones feelings would be hurt. you looked godly. you waited awkwardly and even did a little spin, which flashed part of the bathing suit. at this point my face was as red as Y/n's make up. 

     Jaya stood up and circled the two. "from an artists point of view-" I zoned out, my eyes focused on Y/n. her h/c hair fit her outfit as she tugged on the chokers on her neck. she looked fucking hot and I hoped she stayed in this all night so I could just look at her. 

     "I would say 8/10 since it's well designed aswell as matching with eachother-" Jaya smiled as the two silently celebrated with fist pumps. Techno was also quiet, I eventually was able to drag my eyes off Y/n to see him have a slight pink dusted on his cheeks? It couldn't be?

     "soooo, Wilbur..... Techno? whatcha think?" Alex asked also doing a little spin. techno coughed, finally taking his eyes off Y/n. "uhm, 7.5/10 you both look like every e-girl ever but it also suits you." he shrugged now not making eye contact. I could tell he was trying to not be a suck up and also not be mean. ew.

     "10/10. no comment." Wilbur said looking back to Y/n and not making a facial expression except for the obvious blush on his face. Alex laughed, flustered. (this is hard to write because I just feel bad for Alex....) "okay- who's going next, and can I come too? I barely get to dress up in this stuff."

     everyone laughed at Y/n's comment. "you own this stuff! how do you never get to wear it?" Jaya laughed. "One, work dress code. Two, I don't go out." Y/n laughed, an embarrassed blush on her face. Techno stood up before I could say anything. "I'll go." he huffed out.

     Y/n clapped her hands excitedly and lead Techno to her room. god I wish me and techno could switch places right now. he just had to speak up. As I mentally cursed Techno Alex sat next to me in the outfit, seemingly waiting for me to say something. "you look nice." I mumbled out before continuing to think.

     Alex turns bright pink and I groan mentally. "he better just be flustered cause he doesn't get many compliments or I swear I plunge a knife through his crop topped ass chest." I think adjusting myself so I didn't have to look at Alex. 

<   E   3rd person techno->

     Techno was leaning on the closet as Y/n looked through a drawer. Techno tried to look forward but kept glancing at Y/n. she pulled out a white detailed shirt with embroidered flowers. she looked at the tag. "uhm, what are your body measurements?" she looked up. Techno was already looking at her and jumped when she matched his eye contact.

     'her eyes are pretty' he thought. they indeed were. Y/n's eyes were a pretty e/c with a darker outline. her irises were large and definitely didn't go unnoticed by everyone she met, lets say it was another part of her unnatural "charm".

     he blinked and realized Y/n was standing infront of him with a roll of tape measure. "Arms up since you obviously don't know your own measurements." she stated playfully. he chuckled, bringing his arms out. Y/n wrapped the tape measure around his upper torso, basically having to hug him. 

     his heart beat picked up as she measured his lower torso, arms, legs, neck even. he held his breath the entire time and only noticed when she stepped away, still in full e-girl attire. 'I probably shouldn't be crushing on someone my brother has the hots for.' he thought.

     'then again, Alex likes him.' he debated with himself before Y/n threw something at him. "try this on, it'll look good with the rest of the outfit." he grabs the cloth and looked at it. it was a rather proper looking button up. what did she have planned?

( 1139 Words ^^ )

( yoooooooooo- don't know what to say here- since I writing these ahead of time and all- hope you guys don't mind 👀 how was the nearest holiday? and is it new years? did I guess right? cause rn its Dec 22 about 9:30- I've been working on this all day.... just realized I probably should have done some school- welp, to late now :} )

Anywayssssssssssssssssssssssssss             Toodlesss~!

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