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(early chapter cause I'm nice hehe :} )

TechnoBlade Pov

     I hummed, waiting for the cookies to be finished as a sat in the living room with Y/n. I glanced at her bookshelf, uneasy from the silence. I always get uneasy when I can't read someones thoughts. when they're talking, they usually accidentally spill some of their thoughts. but right now, I have no idea if Y/n hates me or if she's madly in love with me-

     wait she has Greek Mythology books? I calmly stand up, no expression on my face, hiding the surprise and joy that sprouts deep in my chest. "you have.... Greek Mythology?" I glance at her with a fake confusion painted on my face. she looks up, clearly a little worried from my tone, she should be.

     "u-uh. yeah? they're cool stories... Sometimes I read them if I can't sleep!" she smiles at me. I hum in response, turning back to the shelf. 'Dionysus, Theseus, Poseidon.... damn alot of Thesus books...' I pull out one of them and open it, walking back to the couch and starting to read.

     after a while Y/n starts humming a song I don't recognize. I turn to see her with headphones in and her phone out. I tilt my head to get a better view of her phone, just the song name. no, I'm not paranoid- shut up.

     my eyes slowly follow back to her face as she stares at her phone, slowly nodding to the beat. "what's the song?" she turns up to me, taking out one of her earbuds, "hm??" I close my book, keeping a finger on the page. "what's the song you're listening to? I'm curious." 

     "oh! uh yeah- I could send you my whole playlist if you're interested- but the song is 'I love you like an Alcoholic'" I pause examining every feature in the way she spoke and expressed as she talked. "Sure." I shrug. "I'm curious what your music taste is." I restate. her face lightens a bit.

     "Cool cool cool. What's your phone number by the way?" she looks at her phone. I blink realizing what she means after a few moments. "-mmmm yes. I remember that number, totally not checking right now-" I chuckle, taking out my phone to check what me number was.

     did I actually forget my number? no, I'm not stupid. but it made her laugh, and released the tension in the room. I gave her my number and the first text she sent me was a picture of me from her perspective. I quickly turned to her with a confused expression to see her up against the arm rest with her phone pointed at me.

     she snaps another picture with her shutter at full volume. "hey! pictures aren't free y'know!" I grin which causes her to cackle, dropping her phone on her chest and falling backwards laughing. after a bit of her calming her own giggles she sends me her playlist, probably feeling as if she made a new friend. it's sad that she's right.

     there was something magnetic about her. something so endearing it even feels Dangerous... but her, Y/n, there is no way on this excuse of a planet she could be dangerous- no way. it's the way she smiles, the way she always gets in and out of problems like it's normal, and the way she smiles.

     her damn smile. it's overwhelming- I'm serious. if I were to have to stare as her warm smile for more than a couple minutes I'd get a headache. but it's like an addiction, I want more. even though there is something in me that knows something is wrong. 

     we sit in silence, me reading a book, her mindlessly drifting into her songs. that is, until Wilbur walks into the living room. seeming, dull... he glances between the two of us before putting on a kind smile and fully entering the living room. "Hey N/n~! the cookies are done! I already took them out so you don't have to!"

     Y/n's head whips up as she takes out both earphones and has some mindless conversation with Wilbur. Wilbur seems off, like he's trying to act nicer for Y/n which I already recognized- he's a total simp. but something else is putting him more off then usual. hmm.

     "well, if cookies are done I'm going to go get one, or five. it's a gamble." I get up glancing at my book to mark the page number in my head, '113' I walk to the kitchen with my eyes go immediately to Alex, who's the only other person in the kitchen. he returns my gaze and gives me a small wave. 

     "hullooooo." I reply walking over to the plate of cookies on the counter. "so." he starts turning towards me as I take a bite out of a cookie. "your brother is hot-" I almost spit out my cookie, and stare at him wide eyed. what the fuck.

     I swallowed the cookie and coughed, making sure he wasn't joking. definitely wasn't expecting that one- "y-you're serious?" I ask, still staring at him confusingly. he looks at me like I'm dumb. "uh yeah. I'm totally asking him out- like, next week." he laughs as if it's normal.

     you can't just say that you like someones brother- and act like it's normal. Wilbur's only had one other relationship and it ended terribly. "okay well, that is definitely something. I mean, if it makes you feel better last time I checked he was Bi-" I shrugged still concerned for this mans well being.

     "REALLY! sick- I need to ask Y/n for his number-" he smiles silent cheering for himself. "I mean it seems to me like Wilbur kinda likes Y/n." I look back to the cookie platter taking a bite of a new cookie. he looks to me, pausing. I can see the cogs moving in his head as he realizes I'm right.

     "no..." he whispers under his breath, still thinking deeply. 'oh yes....' I think now smiling. 'chaos and drama. love to see it.' 

( 1077 wordsssssss )

( heyheyhey! was are your new year resolutions? Mine are more base on figuring out a more defined outline of where I stand as a person and what my morals are- pretty annoying if you ask me :/ but I also want to start cosplaying and revive my old ass yt channel from the dead lmao- might share it with you guys when I get to that ^^ )

Anywaysssssssssssssssssssssss                TOODLES~~!

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