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Wilbur Pov

     Y/n looks so perfect... I mean she always does,I don't know why I'm surprised. We both walked over to a claw machine with little plushs, there was a cherry plush, a candy corn plush, and a little ghosty plush that Y/n couldn't take her eyes off. It had a little black top hat and Y/n really seemed to like it.

     "Look Will! He's so cute!"  She swiped her game card into the machine and tried to grab it. She surprisingly got it on the first try. "Wha- how?" She grinned, "I'm just lucky like that!" She flipped her hair and I burst out laughing. We continued to walk around playing random games until Y/n forced us to go back to the same claw machine and get me a matching ghost plush.

     "C'mon willllllll, it'd be soooooo cute!" She whined pushing towards the machine. "Fine... but then can we go look at prizes, I'm hungry." He face lit up. "Yay! We'll be matching ghost buddies!" She grabbed my hand and led me to the machine. I swiped my card but before I could try and get it Y/n jumped in and got it first try like always.

     "Your always so lucky" you laughed. She grabbed the new ghost plush that had a beanie. "Yeah, I was even lucky enough to meet you" your cheeks went a rosy pink. "I also think it's kinda ironic that I'm this lucky but the number 13 is kinda just drawn to me." She laughed starting her way towards the prize counter. 

     You followed behind her, the words still replaying In your mind. "So what do you want?" You asked as she looked around the shelves of toys. She gasped "WILL! I need ittttt!!!!!!!" She was pointing to a large dog plush with gold circle glasses and a warm brown beanie. It was giant, like 3,6 giant. You sighed.

     "How much is it?" Her wholesome smile grew wider, it made you smile in return. She handed you the two ghost plushies and ran over to check the tag. "10,000-" she answered. "What?!?! That's like all of our tickets!!" You said. She came back over to you.

     "Pleaseeeeeeeee Willlllllll" She said tugging on your shirt. Why is she so cute, God. You stood there looking at her cute face. She was making puppy dog eyes at you and it was working.

     "....      fine." She cheered. "Thank you!!!!!!! I owe you for sure now but thankssssssss!" She jumped up on you, wrapping her arms around your neck and burying her face in your shoulder. Your entire body turned red as your heart did backflips.

     You wanted to bathe in this feeling forever. This feeling of being loved. You've never felt this way, not even with Jessica. The girl you swore to never say the name of again out of spite. But now, Jessica felt like a foreign name. Y/n towered above Jessica, literally, She was short as hell.

"-Hey will, I think I am now stuck, can you let me down?" You snapped out of your thoughts and immediately set her down. "Your the one who jumped on my in the first place." You laugh, handing her one of the ghost plushes.

     You both walk over to the counter and swipe both of your cards coming out witha total of 11,051 tokens. "You grab that giant ass dog and I'll transfer all of the tokens left over onto one card for the next time we go." She nodded and ran over to the dog and picked it up, it almost cover all of her face as she ran back over to you and scanned the tag.

     You finished paying and left the arcade, by now it was around 4. You walked Y/n back her car as she placed the dog in the back seat and the ghost on her dashboard. "Hey do you wanna get dinner before we go? I know it's a little early but you mentioned that you were hungry and I have nothing better to do." 

<Y/n povvvvvvvvvv~>

     "Oh sure! I think there's a burger place near here!" And with warm fries in mind, the two of you trot over to a Burger King. You opt for large fries and mozzarella stick while Wilbur just gets a Whopper. 

     The minute the two of you were out the door you wiggled your hands into the paper bag Wilbur was holding and snatched the mozzarella sticks. Wilbur laughed as you shoved atleast three into your mouth as you both walked.

     Suddenly he tensed up a bit, like he had a troubling thought. You also swore you saw him blush a bit before asking a very muffled "you good?" He laughed again at your attempt at talking. "Yeah yeah, I'm good."

     He looked down, watching his feet as you both walked. It was already dark. Curse late November, the sun always set early. "Hey Wilbur, want some?" You held out a mozzarella stick and he smiled. "Who says no to fucking Mozzarella sticks?!" He laughs loudly, taking the food carefully from your hand. You laugh with him, this is nice.

     You walk back to your car with him, chatting and laughing. But at the end of the night you wave goodbye and drive home.

<HEHE Wilbur pov go burrrrrrrrrr>

     I wave goodbye to Y/n and start walking to my own car, the events that had just happened flashing through my eyes. She's so sweet. You smile at the ghost plushie and start your car. You drive, not to your own house but to hers.

     You just wanted to make sure she got home safe, Nothing more. When you arrived at her apartment complex her car was parked in the front. You smiled. she got home safe, good. You made a U turn, still smiling to yourself as you drove. This time, to your own house.

( 972 words-)

(Suppity wuppity nerds- =} I actually finished this at a sleepover at my friend's house so big vibe right there. Anyways I hope ya'll are doin' well, and if not, I hope it gets better! I've been doing okay tho.)

( also ima go back to including this part in the word count cause why not- and, I'm going over the past chapters and I'll be doing this for them aswell.)

Anywayssssssss                                                      Toodles~

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