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2nd person

     Wilbur grabbed a shopping basket and -just you had said- went straight to the candy isle. He grabbed an assortment of of sweets, also including candy corn because of the upcoming Fall. When he was satisfied with the assortment he went over to the snack category and tried to remember your favorites.

     When he decided he had spoiled you enough he went to the checkout, smiling briefly at the cashier before leaving. He placed the snacks in the backseat, not bothering to open the trunk as he hummed happily. 'Techno's staying in the guest room so maybe we'll fall asleep on the couch togetherrr! '

     The entire drive to your apartment complex was Wilbur daydreaming about you like a Highschool crush and almost swerving off the road multiple times. When he finally parked he saw you walk out with a different bag slung over your shoulder, He smiles.

     You reach his car, opening the passenger seat car door and putting your bag by your feet. Wilbur starts to pull out of the lot when you look in the backseat. "So what'd you get?" You question, staring at the bags. "it's a surpriseee. but I know you'll like it." Wilbur smiled, not taking his eyes of the road.


     Wilbur opened the door, holding it open for you. "HEY TECHHH, WE'RE HOMEEE" Wilbur Yelled into the house, only getting a pink haired head peaking out of the kitchen. "WE???" Technoblade yelled back, now stepping out of the kitchen to reveal the kitten being held by the armpits infront of Techno.

     "Yeah. Y/n's sleeping over." Wilbur said, closing the door after both of you and heading to the kitchen to put the mystery snacks away. "Oh. cooollll" Techno put the cat on his shoulder and gave you finger guns. You laughed as Sunflower struggled to get comfortable.

     Wilbur walked back out of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. "Ohhhhkay- what do you guys want to do? it's only 6 soooooooo-" Wilbur looked between the two of you. "I was just gonna paint with the small, fragile, furry creature." Techno says, taking Sunflower from his should and cradling him like a baby.

     "Ooooo. water color time?" You looked to the two of them. Wilbur immediately smiled, "Sure! Techno brought all of his nerd art supplies." Wilbur grinned playfully. "Heh?!?!" Techno looked to Wilbur who was already running to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. "Get back here you little rat man!!"

     Techno threw the cat onto the couch as he chased after Wilbur; which Sunflower promptly landed, meowing angrily before licking his paws and watching Technoblade leave his view. "awww you poor kittyyyy." You immediately melted for the cat, slumping down next to it and softly scratching it behind the ears.

     it leans up to you as you pet it for a few more minutes before Wilbur and Techno come back into the room with painting supplies. "welcome backkk" You say, still petting the cat. "ah, I see you are interested with my small animal cult." Techno smiled, placing down a palette and some colors onto the table.

     "Ooo, do you have any pets?" You sit up. "yeup. I have a little dog, His name is Floof." Techno said, a small smile forming on his face as you laughed softly at the name. "Floof is so cuteee. I just imagine big burly you- having a little pink puppy purse with Floof in it-" You laughed.

     "Ooookay. painting timeee." Wilbur comes out of the kitchen with glasses of water for the paint and sits down between you and Techno. You slid onto the floor with Techno and Wilbur so you could paint on the coffee table properly, 'This is definitely what adults do.'

     You all start randomly splotching paint on your paper. You however, actually had a plan. You wanted to paint Wilbur's eyes. They always seem to circulating your head when you think about them. The sweet swirl of honey and umber. You smiled at the thought.

     You looked over to Wilbur, trying to catch the exact color, just incase your mind was fooling you. He looks back, quickly noticing you eyes on him. He smiles shyly. Nope. His eyes were just as charming and beautiful as you remembered.

     "your pretty.." You mumbled, before realizing what you had said and widening your eyes adn looking away. "Y-Your eyes I mean!" You tried to laugh off your embarrassment awkwardly as you blushed a warm red. His new smiled made his eyes scrunch up as he blushed aswell. 

    "Ofcourse... My eyes.." He grinned, looking back down to his paper. You scoff, attempting to cover your face as you continue painting. Techno eyes you two briefly before shrugging it off and continuing his own painting. What color were Technoblade's eyes? 


     You sign your painting smiling at how the eye turned out. "You finished?" Techno asked, sitting down with a bag of cheetos. "finally, yes" You sighed, leaning over the table to grab a handful of cheetos and rolling your eyes. It turned out well but that took soooo long.

     "So what did you guys paint?" Wilbur asks, mostly trying to see what you painted. "Oh. I painted Patches and Sunflower." Techno smiled, showing his painting of two content looking cats. It was obviously a little abstract but it looked like it would be in a comfy cat cafe, so you considered it a win.

     "Oooo! cute! Who's Patches though?" You query, tilting your head. "It's my friends cat." Techno smiled subtly, looking very much like the cats in the painting. "aw. sweet!" You say, looking at the cats again as Wilbur's glare to Technoblade goes unnoticed.

     "What about you Wil?" You turn slightly to face him. smiling your sweet, sweet, smile that wipes away any other thoughts from Wilbur's mind. "O-Oh. Uhm, yeah!" He grabbed his painting, which had been facing down since it had dried so no one saw it.

     He flipped it to face you. You smiled. The painting way a cartoony eye with a body that was cleary based off of you with music notes in the background. "Awww, it's so cartoony and brightly coloreddd! I love it!" You smiled Wilbur visibly lightened up, blushing.

     "Cool, cool. but can actually see it?" Technoblade laughed lowly, making you smile. what could you say, he had a nice laugh. Wilbur resentfully turn his painting to show Techno aswell. "Cool." Techno comments shortly, making direct eye contact with Wilbur.

     Wilbur seems to glare back before putting his painting back on the table, face up this time. "So, What'd you paint darling?" Wilbur asks, looking to you with playfully innocent eyes as you laugh. "Well lover boy, I think you can guess." You smile, hiding your slight embarrassment and flipping around your painting to face Wilbur and Techno.

     Wilbur puzzled over what it was and how it related to him. Techno however, just looked blankly at it, his head and eyes almost unnoticeably twitching. "huh, you both drew eyes aswell." techno said. "Wait- OH WAIT- OH- OH IT'S MY EYE- OH IM SO SORRY-" Wilbur yelled, apologizing for not realizing sooner.

     "IT'S A REALLY GOOD PAINTING I'M SO SORRY-" He apologized as you laughed, making him go quiet. "No it's fine! you look cute when you confused!" You laugh, not even realizing what you had just said. Wilbur did though, and he instantly melts into a blushing mess as Techno just stared at Wilbur.

     Only when you opened your eyes from laughing and saw Wilbur's and Techno's expressions do you rethink what you said. "-LETS WATCH A MOVIE."

( 1286 words <3)

(yoooooo looonnnnggggggg chaperrrr. and pretty early to! Now say your proud of me 🔫)


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