Office time with Wilblur :))

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Second Person Pov

     You took the bus to work today. not for any reason in particular. You had cash and were actually early enough to catch it and make breakfast for Jaya that you left sitting on the table. you almost fell asleep but you kept conscious enough to hear the stop that was close to your work.

     You grabbed your bag from near your feet and slung it over your shoulder. you walked out into the snow, glad you layered up. You had decided to wear Wilbur's jacket along with a white turtleneck and dark brown wide legged pants that matched his jacket with a couple belt chains.

     You had chunky snow boots with fur that matched the fur the brushed against your jaw as you walked through the parking lot, a yawn escaping your lips. you stomped the snow off your boots and stepped inside the office, sighing contently at the heat that filled the room. 'Thank god. '

     You walked straight into the break room, planning on making some warm coffee without being interrupted. "ah, Y/n." you look up to see who called your name to see Fred leaning against the counter with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "Here." He sets his cup down and hands you your own.

     You didn't question how he just had another cup of coffee, "Sugar?" You asked in low effort. He just nodded, smiling kindly as you looked back to the coffee. "mm, thanks" you mumble before taking a sip of coffee and leaning on the counter for support of your sleepy body.

     You both stay in comfortable silence as you finished your coffee happily, feeling more energetic and warm. "Did you know it was going to snow?" You query, shifting the room out of silence. "heh, I had no idea. And I have a feeling people aren't gonna be coming for the exact reason." He laughed subtly, making you smile. "I've never seen you wear that jacket before though. It's cute."

     You hum, putting your mug in the sink. "It's Wil's," you say, looking back to Fred "but thank you." you add, almost making him not cringe backwards with hatred. "ah" is all he murmured, taking another sip of his coffee. "Y/n!" Wilbur opened the breakroom door and ran up to you, grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around into a hug.

     "Wilbur! Jesus!! you scared me!!" You pull away from the hug, smiling. Wilbur just giggles, putting his face into you (his) jacket. "You're sure giddy, what's the occasion." you ask, forgetting about Fred entirely. "You're still wearing my jacket" He says softly, smiling into the fur. 

     heat rises to your face. "It's comfortable okay! Do you want it back or something?" you lightheartedly scoff. He just tightens his grip, "No, keep it." he whispers before releasing completely and going to pour some coffee for himself. you adjust the jacket scoffing once more as an attempt to hide your blushing face, he just smiles.

     "So! How have you been Fred?" He asks as other people start to file in. None of them catch you eye. Your stare seems to be frozen on Wilbur, and he's loving it. "mm, productive." He comments, eyeing Wilbur with hidden meaning. Wilbur's smile falters. "ah. good.." he frowns.

     He glances where you once were, only being met with other workers scrounging about. He frowns, real disappointment now painting his face where the deceiving version once lied. "Well! I'm going to get to work now! See you around!" He stated after the long not-so-quiet silence in the break room before heading to his work desk with his returned smile.


     You had basically zoned out while working, just typing aimlessly as you thought about absolutely nothing. And very contently, Wilbur watched just that. He didn't mind if you didn't look back at him, and smile at him with all the love in the world that made him melt.

     So, when Everyone began to leave and you snapped out of your trance and looked over to him, Wilbur. The first person you look at. The first thing you think of. He smiled, making his eyes squint and his cheeks rise. Happy. Pure glee. You smiled back, beginning to pack up your things.

     Wilbur did as well, glancing at you every few seconds until you began walking over to him with your bag slung over your shoulder. "Hey Wil" You say, smile evident in your voice. "Hey Y/n!" He mirrors happily, swinging his own bag over his shoulder. you both make you way to the door, chatting about this and that.

     "Well, is was nice catching up! But I took the bus today so-" You began to start a goodbye before Wilbur interrupted you. "Why don't you come over for dinner? Then I can drive you home! Sunflower misses you too." Wilbur adds cheekily knowing you couldn't resist the fluffy house-cat.

     "uh- Y'know what- sure. Dinner sounds nice anyway." You've sure been spending alot of time with Wilbur- not that you mind! It's just nice, to have someone to always push you to be social. Someone to always be able to talk to. Someone who will always compliment you when you're feeling down.

     Wilbur's nice to have around. You hope it stay like this. Nice roommate. Nice apartment. Nice friends. Nice friend's cat. "WOOOOO!" Wilbur cheers for himself, making you laugh as you pull yourself out of your thoughts. You follow Wilbur to his car, listening to him as he begins to talk about something you don't focus on, just happy to be in the moment.

     You get in the passenger seat as Wilbur turns on the car with a hum, soft silence now filling the space. "Sooo, is Tech gonna be there?" You ask curious. Wilbur's tensing shoulders and quiet scoff go unnoticed before he replies to you. "uh- yeah- about that. He- uh, left?" Wilbur pieces together the simple lie, cringing at his unsure tone.

     "Aw, well, I hope you said goodbye to him for me!" You say, taking Wilbur's voice as sheepishness, worry about making you sad- which was definitely part of it. But Wilbur happily moves onto a new topic, making sure it doesn't go quiet again as he fills the trip with stories and quips that make you laugh. 

(1119 words :D )

(hey bestiessssss. Sorry this took longer than expected lol. BUT- I have my discord server link in my bio if u wanna check it out :))  Also my c!Tommy spotify playlist is there and I'm really proud of that >:] AND ALSO- HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YA'LL LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE AND DATING PEOPLE AND NOT DATING PEOPLE IS POGGERS >:D )

ANYGAYSSSSSSSSSSSSS                               TOODLESSS<3

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