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second person pov

     You both sat on a bench with icecream. you had gotten strawberry and Wilbur had gotten plain chocolate. you had relentlessly made fun of him- then asked to try it. "You want some now?-" Wilbur laughed, tilting the cone closer to you. you laughed aswell, though still leaning down slightly to taste it.

     "shhhhhh" you joke, continuing to lick your own ice cream. Let's be honest, Wilbur has been a blushing mess this whole time don't worry. you both continue to eat your ice cream, Wilbur not-so-subtly glancing at you every few seconds. "So, you come here often?" You query, immediately bursting into a laughing fit at your own joke.

     Wilbur chuckles softly, just watching your with a dazed smile. You calm, wiping a tear from your eye. you had folded over while laughing now looking up to him with a smile. "Don't look at me like that- I wanna ride the ferris wheel with you" He says sweetly, grabbing your hand and hoisting you up.

     "But those things are so slowwww- I will literally fall asleep before we get to the top." You complain as Wilbur starts dragging your towards the ferris wheel. "Then you can sleep, I bought cotton candy though-" Wilbur says, still looking ahead. you immediately brighten up.

     "Where!?" You grin, your interest taken by Wilbur. Wilbur does his best to not crumble under your voice and leads you to the ferris wheel. When you both sit down you lay on most of the bench and place your head on Wilbur's lap dramatically. "The diabetes are so far out of reach I might just cry." You flail you arm over your head.

     Wilbur would have laughed if he wasn't having a crush crisis. basically, all that was going though his head was, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  DAYUM 0//0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'      ...             yeahh..

     "Wilburrrrrrrrrrr" You snap Wilbur out of his trance by tugging on his jacket. He just chuckles sheepishly, distracting you from his quietness. You smile at him, "Cotton Candy? I went on this stupid ride with you." Your eyes sparkle. Wilbur smiles, "Yeah, yeah, okay."

     Wilbur pulls out a container of cotton candy from his jacket, making your jaw drop as he hand it to you. "How the friggity fuck did that fit in there?! excuse me?!?!?" Your face scrunches up in confusion. Wilbur laughs, throwing his head back. You open the plastic container of sweets, your brows still knotted together in stubborn bewilderment.

     Wilbur looks at the view as you see how much cotton candy you can fit in your mouth. "I still don't understand- but I'm not complaining." You say, your mouth stuffed with cotton candy. Wilbur laughs, turning to look at you, his ears bright red. "What are you looking at?" You ask, having swallowed the cotton candy.

     "Just you." He smiles, the blush creeping onto his cheeks. You blink, getting flustered yourself. "UH- UHH- UH- UH-" You jest, your face getting redder. Wilbur cackles, making your laugh aswell. Two blushing messes on a ferris wheel at sunset. god- just date already.

     "Look!!" Wilbur points to the sky as the sun falls below the mountains, watching the golden hues of the sun slowly disappear from the sky. "Ooo! prettyyyy" You go over to Wilbur's shoulder, leaning on it instinctively as you watch colors swirl around in the sky. Wilbur resists the cheesy pick up line that you set up for him.

     He just hums in response, tentatively wrapping his arm around your back, pulling your closer. You don't seem to notice; or atleast you don't show that you do. it's not like you were having the heterosexual equivalent to a gay panic- of course not. "Wil?" 

     "Yeah?" The silent atmosphere dissipates with your soft voice. "your eyes match the sunset." You comment, your voice almost a whisper. Wilbur could see the golden sky in the corner of his eye, but he was more focused on you. Wilbur almost silently hums in response, his eyes flickering down to your lips.

      "your eyes are really pretty. did you know that?" You turn to look at Wilbur, a the gold light gracing you like an angel. "You're  really pretty." Wilbur says, smiling at you. your cheeks turn rose gold in the light. "You're lying." You whisper, Wilbur's smile didn't falter. "Do you want me to prove it?"

     Wilbur wraps his hand around the back of your neck. if you could feel his heartbeat you would probably take him to the ER. "May I?" He whispers, his breath hot. you answer his question by grabbing the fur of his coat in kissing him. His eyes widen in surprise but doesn't complain for a second.

     Wilbur cradles your face like your the most precious thing he's ever come in contact with. which is true on his part. When you finally pull away the ferris wheel is already on it's way back down. Wilbur is a red stammering mess as he mumbles to himself. you smile, your face a sweet pink.

     Wilbur was dying inside- and going to heaven. He was sure that he was either dreaming or about to have a heart attack. He pushed his hair back, savoring the taste of your lips, traces of cotton candy and sweet chapstick being left in his mouth.

     Wilburs hand brushed against where you grabbed his coat and looked back up to you. You smiled, your bare arms crossed. "Wait aren't you freezing!?" Wilbur widens his eyes, realizing how cold it is- and how your wearing a sleeveless turtleneck. You laugh guiltily.

     "Here have my coat!" Wilbur takes off the long jacket as you attempt to protest. "No it's really fine!" You smile sheepishly, shaking your head as Wilbur places the jacket. "No it's not- I would like my date to not be an icecube by the time we leave!" Wilbur only realizes what he said after you stare at him.

     "UH- I mean-" Wilbur's stutter was interrupted by your blushing face laughing. "nooooooo- that's not what I meanttttt" Wilbur cries. You just continue laughing, his jacket wrapped around your shoulders as the ferris wheel slowly come back to the ground.


(BRO I'M SO COOL, I WROTE LIKE 90% PERCENT OF THIS TODAY- IM SO COOLLLLL. ahahaha. anyways how are ya'll- also follow me 🔫 I have a oneshots book- also, GREENHOUSE TOMMY AAAAAAA. i feel like i have three emotions- GreenHouse Tommy, Simpbur, and Windy (me) it's great- except for when i don't want to be a girl cause gh!Tommy or Simpbur lol. ALSO- I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER BTW IT'S IN MY BIO PLEASE <333 )

anygayssssssssssssssssss                            toodless<333

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now