Just, Normal?

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(haha- get goofed- I am posting something today >=} )

Y/n Pov

     Me and Grace haven't talked in a couple days. I've just been hanging out with Wilbur and this boy I met who works as a new cashier at my favorite cafe, his names Alex. I want to talk to Grace about what happened but I can never find just the right time to confront him...

     But I decided today was the day. Three days after which we last talked. I had come early to make coffee like a usually do. the door squeaked open as I hoped it was Grace. someone opened the break room door I turned around to great whoever it was. It was Grace, Just like I had hoped.

     "hey Grace. wants some coffee?" I lifted a mug full of coffee in her direction. just how she liked it, about a fourth full of cream, the rest black coffee. "uh, sure I guess..."  they replied in a quiet voice, avoiding eye contact. I handed her the mug and we both stood in awkward silence, sipping coffee.

     "How are you? has your family finally started using your correct pronouns?" you questioned, mug covering your facial expression. "uh, everyone but my mom. even my dad which is surprising, cause of how much he just listens to whatever she says." you nod.

     "My siblings are still chill as you know. Charles was able to get a job and move out, dad was a bit sad but her knew it was for the best. how about you?" you smiled. she cared. "well, my dad was talking about visiting in November. so now my mom refuses to visit me this year so he won't think 'that I want to see him'." he laughed a bit, which made you smile even more.

     "haha- Family drama am I right?" she laughed, making you laugh aswell as you finished as your coffee. a couple people started to file in, including Wilbur. "Oh hey Y/n! hey, Grace... are you guys friends again?" he stated rather happy. did he not want us to fight? awww, that's sweet. 

     "yep! I think?" you turned to Grace who gave you a quick nod. "yep! anyways, There's still a bunch of coffee left so feel free. I'm gonna go start working early." you shot finger guns as you left the break room, heading to you lucky desk number 13.

Grace Pov

     It's hard to believe Y/n is friends with Wilbur. I hate Jared's guts but I have to agree, Wilbur's Psycho! "uhm.... I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot when we first met." I look up at him. fuck he's tall. "I think we have." you say in a slightly snarky voice. "Well, tell me about yourself! what's your favorite color? Mine's probably an Auburn brown!" he sips his coffee.

     It's almost like he's taunting me with this fake personality he's made up. "My favorite color issssss, some shades of orange and pink and red, like a sunset!!" you finish you coffee and place your mug down. 

     "what do you hate about me? and me hanging out with N/n? cause that's one of the reasons you fought, and I don't want you two to fight about me!" this fucking douche- 'I don't want you two to fight about me!!!' dickhead. 

     "hmmm. well, I'm worried about your mental health! and I don't want Y/n to have to deal with your and hers by herself!" he looked away and thought for a bit. "by herself? I thought you were her friend? you wouldn't help her with that? and for your information, my mental health is quite fine!"

     "my parents love me, I have kind friends, I'm doing some hobbies I love. I'm quite happy currently!" THIS- 'my parents' did he listen in our conversation? how?? "if anything, I'm worried about you affecting her mental health..." he smiled. "Well." I looked at the clock. "I'm gonna go start work. you should too-" 

     I briskly walked out of the breakroom, heading to my desk. which was sadly on the complete opposite of the office to Y/n. Y/n is really nice. I learned that she was (insert whatever your sexuality is-) when we first met. which means I actually have a chance with her. 

Wilbur Pov

     I rolled my eye's at Grace walking out the door. 'he's pathetic ' I thought to myself. 'I can't believe Y/n is even friends with her...' I'm still gonna use her pronouns of course- I'm not that much of a dickhead. 

     I finished my Coffee and went to my desk, glancing at Y/n's beautiful face before turning on my computer. I want- no, I need to spend more time with her. I should invite her over to my house. since I've already been to hers and she seemed to love Sunflower last time I mentioned him.

     she could come over on Thursday, since I usually get groceries on Wednesday. That would also get me enough time to clean up the place. seeing her place, I feel like my place should look just as nice. maybe get Sunny a haircut...

     you worked and worked mostly thinking about cleaning your house for Y/n. maybe finding out her favorite song and trying to learn atleast the beginning of it. sooner than you thought, your shift was over. and everyone was leaving. you stood up and went to talk to Y/n at her desk.

     "hey Y/n! are you busy on Thursday? cause if not do you wanna come over to my place and meet Sunflower?" you asked putting your hands on her desk, making sure not to cover any of her papers.

     "oh yeah!! I wanna meet Sunflower- I mean.... sureeeeee I would love to go over to your place to hang out with youuuu, not just to see Sunflower..." she snickered. "pfft- sure, to hang out with me." you laughed. "anyways, I'm gonna go, see ya Tomorrow!" you waved to her, wishing you could talk to her more. 

but now you only have 2 days to get you and your house ready for visitors.

( 1051 wordsss poggers)

(I fit in all three Povs! yay-

-also thank you for almost 300 views!! and if you like the chapter- ugh I hate saying this... but vote if you want! <3)

anywayssssss,    Toodlesss! =}

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