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Y/n Pov

     You sat down at my desk and turned on your computer. I really need more friends- maybe I could have lunch in the break room and try and get to know my coworkers better. You get lost in thought for a little to long before snapping back into reality and continue working. 

     You scribble down some notes before glancing around the room to find Wilbur staring at you. You wave. He gives you a surprised look before hesitantly waving and turning back to his computer. I wonder how long he was staring.....

     Before you know it, it's lunch break. Luckily you're not very hungry so you headstraight to the break room. You grab a cup of coffee and lean against the wall, looking at the group of people chatting and eating in the room.

     You notice Wilbur is nowhere to be found before a short Irish man walks up to you- or at least short to you. "So, you're Y/n right? Nice to meet ya." He puts outside hand and you shake it. You finally remember him. "My name's Fred, but you already knew that from the interview." He laughed dryly. He sounds like he needs a cough drop.

     "Oh yeah! What brings you to this office?" You ask as politely as you could. "Oh right. Grace Hessian hasn't been at work recently so I decided to see if anyone here knows where she's been. She hasn't answered any of the email, phone calls, or texts that the company automatically sends when you don't show up to work, two days in a row." He shrugs.

    A pit forms in your stomach. You completely forgot about that! "I-I've attempted to contact her aswell. She hasn't answered." You decide to not mention how worried you are. "Well that's a shame. Are the two of you close friends?" 

     "Uhm yeah. You could say that." You say placing your cup down and focusing your attention on Fred. "Hmm... If she doesn't show up tomorrow we'll try and contact her closer friends or family. I'll try and keep you updated." He gives you a warm smile.

     "Thank you..."   he walks away. 

Wilbur Pov

     I creak open the basement door and head towards Grace. She see me and lets out what I assume are muffled curses. "Calm down sweetie I'm coming." You approach her and rip off the duct tape on her mouth.

     "YOU MONSTER!!! SHE WAS OVER YESTERDAY WASN'T SHE!!!! YOU PSYCHO!!!!!" She screams. You grab her face, shutting her mouth and glaring her in the eyes. "Deary, it's not like she's worried about you." You shrug. "She loves me, and no one's even worried about you." You smile.

     You can see the fear in her eyes. she stays silent. "You know I'm not gonna torture you you know. I actually pity you." Your smile widens. "Do you want to go on a little trip? My lunch breaks almost over so we have to hurry."

     She gives you a confused look."w-where?" Your grin widens endlessly. "Your house of course! I'm going to poison you!!" You snicker. Her face turns white as she starts shaking. You can hear her heartbeat and it only makes you laugh harder.


<Time skip brought to you by my Halloween costume idea for next year: the rabbit for Alice in wonderland. My friend is gonna be Alice.>

     We arrived at her empty house. I opened the trunk, waving hello to a now unconscious Grace. I looked around to see empty streets before picking her up and lugging her to the front door. It was unlocked.

     I tied her to a wooden chair in the living room. Now to prepare her death. This could go multiple ways but I think I have an idea. I searched cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen before finding a bottle of bleach. Perfect.

     I grab the bottle and place it on the island along with an ice tray. I carefully pour the bleach into the ice tray and place it back in the freezer. I walk back over to Grace and pull out a chair, preparing myself to wait atleast 10 more minutes before she wakes up. (696 words I swear this wasn't on purpose

Shit I'm gonna be late.

( 708 wordssss )

(Haha. My search history now includes: 'how much bleach can kill and adult female' and 'can you freeze bleach' I don't regret my decisions. Also fun fact, you won't die if you inject a small amount of bleach into your blood stream. =}

Anywayssssssssss                                    Toodless~~

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now