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(say whatever you want, this song is a fucking bop)

Wilbur Pov

     You rushed out the door. did you just leave for Sunflower's sake? no. you left for so many reasons. either way, you hope Y/n didn't take it personally and drove home. once home you fed Sunflower and went to your room, closing the door so he wouldn't bother you more. you grabbed your current journal and sat down on your bed.

     'dear, _____'

     you always left it blank, expecting to fill it in when you knew who you would let read them. it never happened.

     'Today after work, I went over to Y/n's house, for coffee and glazed bread. her room decor was fabulous, it seemed to be a vintage fairycore aesthetic. she invited me to a walk with her 'friend' from work Grace. if its the Grace that I've seen around the office, she's a lesbian. I should probably keep an eye on her, I don't want her hurting Y/n....'

     ' I said I would go, I'm hoping I could show on my guitar skills. maybe she'll like me more and drop Grace. I know they're not dating, maybe.... I don't know when it is, I should ask her that. Do you think Y/n likes me? I hope she does. I also learned she really likes Sunflower-' 

     Your cat meowed at the door of your room. you let out a heavy sigh and got up and let the mewing cat in. "your glad Y/n likes you, cause sometimes your a pain." you didn't hate Sunflower the cat, you were just a bit on edge from today.

'so I'm hoping to invite her over to my place so we could read together, and I could play her whatever song she requests, and we could play with Sunflower together, and maybe kis- no. no. it's just a measly crush, that doesn't mean you want to make out with Y/n-  her lips are probably so soft, and sweet just like her sugary angel voice.'

'no, more like a fairy, delicate yet powerful, themed, tricky but in a fun challenging way. Y/n........ is beautiful. beautiful, and kind, and nice, and funny, and sweet, and everything like a magical fairy. I love her. and 'Grace will not get in the way of that.'

     you shut your book quickly and slammed it on your desk quickly. shutting off of the lights and yanking your covers over your shoulders trying to fall asleep. I'm different now, I've changed, I'm a better person now, I'm a great personn-   ... you fell fast asleep.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time Skip ~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

     You wake up to Sunflower pawing at your face. "meeh" it's Saturday. you sit up and pet Sunflower. "Sunny? want to make some pancakes for breakfast?" he purred in response to you scraggy morning voice. you got out of bed now wearing a t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

 you stretched as you made your way towards the kitchen to feed Sunflower and yourself. you gave Sunflower his bit of kibble for the morning and grabbed the pancake mix from one of the cupboards.

     mixing the batter was the easy part, you and stoves never agreed. but today it seemed to work with you. so in a short time, you had a couple nice fluffy pancakes with some butter and syrup. eating it was good I guess, it was to early for you to care how your breakfast tasted. it was like 7 am, you were tired.

     you fumbled out you phone, yawning. ''morning N/n, when is the walk with Grace? ' you texted her hoping you won't be waking her up. you sat up and grabbed your dirty, syrup covered plate and placed it in the dishwasher. 

     you flopped on your couch and pulled out your phone yet again, looking through twitter.            'ugh, twitter ' you scrolled through looking at all the drama you didn't care about before Y/n replied to your text.

     'oh, we're planning to go at around 2 pm.' you groaned, what were you supposed to do in your spare time? 'did I wake you up btw? sorry if I did. ' you grabbed your remote and turned on your Tv, searching for some new shows. nothing.

     as soon as she responded you were reading it. 'no, no. I was up since like 5, you're fine. ' you were a bit surprised by her response '5am?! are you good? I was barely able to get out of bed today and I woke up like half an hour ago- '

     you were a bit concerned bit let out a sigh of relief when she replied, 'eh, whenever I wake up as long as its after 3am I just stay up. ' you laughed to yourself as you realized you and Y/n were almost completely opposites when It comes to being a morning or a night person.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~time skip~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

Y/n Pov

     you quickly texted Wilbur where him, Grace, and yourself were gonna meet up. you grabbed your bag filled with things you might want on the nice nature walk through a cool looking forest. you shoved your phone into the pocket of your shorts and ran out the door, grabbing your keys on the way out.

     on your drive you thought about Wilbur and Grace. Grace said they didn't really know eachother. And Wilbur is really nice so I think they'll be ok with eachother. maybe we could even be a trio! that last thought made you laugh. Wilbur probably wouldn't agree with that, knowing him.

     you arrived to a park/forest meadow area and Grace with a dark brown backpack slung over her shoulders with loose shorts, longer than yours synched at the waist with a thick brown belt. she also had a oversized tank top with black fingerless gloves and a heart locket necklace.

     she looked like a main character in an jungle adventure movie. and she looked great. you parked your car and headed over to her. as you checked your pocket watch you missed her trying to somehow hide the blush on her face. 

     you two only got to chat for a couple minutes before Wilbur showed up with his guitar case slung over his shoulder with a big grin across his face.

  it was contagious. 

( 1112 wordssss!! yoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!)

(100 reads!!!!!!!!!!!! HEH?!??!?!)

(please give me some feedback on my writing so far! everytime someone comments or votes on my books a swear my heart skips a beat lol)

(also!!!! reminder that you are loved and valid! eat some food! drink some water! get some sleep! mistakes are okay and you make it towards whatever goal you're working on!! <3 <3)

(anywaysssss         Toodless~~~)

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now