Someone Unconscious-

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Wilbur Pov

     You decided it would be best to deal with Grace during lunch break, even through you would much rather spend that Time with Y/n- You needed to get rid of him. So, when Lunch came, You waited until everyone had left. and luckily enough, no one was staying in for lunch.

     You walk over to the closet to see Grace, duct taped and angry, or.... scared? you couldn't tell and you didn't care. you picked them up bridal style and gave them a warm smile before carrying him out of your office, through the long hallways connecting all the other offices and to your car that was parked close by.

     you waved to her again as you closed the trunk door and headed home to drop off the conscious body. 

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time Skip Lol~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

     You had to knock her out again which made tying him into a chair kind of hard but eventually you had her unconscious body in a chair in a kind of hidden corner of your basement. You were sorta proud of yourself for committing a successful kidnapping. but you had to rush back to work because of how long it to to drive, and knock them out, then tie them up.

     but either way you weren't late and you were even able to have a nice short conversation with Y/n which made your heart flutter. finishing work was easy, you just had to temporarily forget what happened and not think about it at all.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time skip again sorry~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

     you took a deep breath and opened the basement doors, heading straight for where Grace was located. once she saw you she failed an attempt at screaming at you. all you did was wave her hello and walk closer. "so~ I am really sorry about having to knock you out- twice." you ripped of the duct tape on his face.

     "but please shush. Sunflower doesn't like loud noises." almost on que the spotted tabby cat walked gracefully down the basement stairs and mewed heading for the two of you. all they did was breath heavily and glare at you, almost at a lost for words.

     "Grace, I am very disappointed in you for disapproving of me and Y/n's blossoming relationship" you tsked as you shook your head. "she deserves better." you froze, twitching slightly "what? " you clench your fists. "she deserves better. did you not hear m-" you punched them in the right jaw.

     she coughed up blood. staying silent, as he should. "that's what I thought." you shook you hand, loosening the tense muscles that came from punching them. "now. Y/n is coming over tomorrow so I will silencing you again. My biggest question is why I should keep you here............ alive I mean." she visible shuddered. 

     "but you will be alive for now, I don't know how I would let you go free without you incriminating me." you made a fake hurt face but started laughing instead. "okay well. it was fun, but I will be taking my leave now, sleep tight!" you wave to her.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time Skip~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

Y/n Pov

     I didn't see Grace at work yesterday, but I decided to brush it off. she doesn't have to tell me everything. But I'm probably not gonna see her much today. I've been having trouble sleeping so I came in later than usual only to meet Wilbur making coffee again.

     "heyyyy Will..." you yawned, walking towards him. "o-oh. hey Y/n! did you sleep last night? You seem tired again." you stretched and mindlessly slouched onto him. "would you like some coffee sleepy head?" he ruffled your hair. "mmmph." you squinted you eyes open and grabbed the coffee mug.

     You realized that you were basically leaning him to stay standing up and straightened your posture turning a light shade of red. "s-sorry heh." you sipped you coffee diverting your eye contact from him. "sooooooo, I guess I can pick you up from your apartment after work, and bring you over to meet Sunflower..." 

     "oh right! ohmygosh, I completely forgot! But yeah, that'll work." you facepalmed completely realizing you completely forgot that you were coming over today. "also, did you see Grace at work yesterday? or was she not at the office." you didn't notice but Wilbur's heart started beating twice as fast. "u-uhmm, I didn't see her so maybe?" he attempted to fix his breathing.

     "oh. okay then! maybe she got a cold or something." you shrugged, completely oblivious. you finished you coffee and started hand washing it in the sink. "Wilbur, what is your family like?" you look at him.

     you both maintain steady eye contact before Wilbur looks away and answers, "Well, I'm an only child. and my dad is really nice, we're not in contact much though. My mother's dead..." "o-oh... I'm sorry." you felt bad, you try to imagine your own dad raising you on his own. Wilbur interrupts your thoughts,

     "Don't apologize, she was a great person! Though she died when I was only 7... then my father adopted two other children. if it was to cope with the pain of losing someone in the family or something else, I have no idea..." he gives you a warm smile, almost pained to have to remember the sad memories. but happy to share them with you.

    "Brothers? I'm surprised. What are they like?" You rest your hand on your head and look at him. "Well, I have a younger brother, his name is Tom or Tommy. And then my 'twin'. See, we were born on the same day. but, y'know, he's adopted. His name is Technoblade. They're cool I guess, Techno is just so obviously dad's favorite." Wilbur visible clenched his fists before looking at you and relaxing.

     "Sorry, I'm just rambling about my family...." he apologizes, placing his coffee cup on the counter quietly. "No no no. It's fine. I want to learn more about you. That's what friends are for right?"   He smiles.

( 1049 words! )

(I'm sorry again for just stopping posting and not coming back. Life's been shit to me and I'm just trying not to fall into depression lol. So I'm probably not gonna post as much if I post at all- i hope you understand!!! ^^)

Anways, Toodles!!!!!

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