Y/n My Beloved

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Simpbur Pov

   I yawned as Alex hugged me goodbye. As much as I wanted to hang out with Y/n, Alex was following me around like I was the love of his life. I waved him goodbye once more before closing the door to Y/n's apartment. I sighed. The silence was welcomed after hearing Alex's annoying voice and fake laugh for more than an hour.

     I walked out of the complex, waving to the front desk lady. Techno had taken the bus home earlier since he had "stuff" to do- which I assume is taking care of Sunflower. he honestly likes that cat more than me- I get in my car, glancing at Y/n's room window before leaving the neighborhood and heading towards my own.

<mmm time skip and 2nd person pov>

     "I'm home Techno!" You hollered into the house, dropping your bag on the floor and heading to your room. The thought of Alex couldn't leave your head and you really needed to relax. You collapsed on your bed before searching blindly under your mattress.

     You pulled out a grey brown folder and opened it up. It was full of pictures of Y/n. Ones you took together that you printed out. Ones that you had took of her sleeping. She was beautiful. You lay on your back with pictures of Y/n scattered around you bed, remembering the good times you had shared.

     You need to hang out with Y/n one on one more. You needed more than just the occasional hangouts with friends or the short conversations during coffee in the morning. You needed her to confirm how much she loved you. Just so you could show her how much you love her.

     "HEY WILBUR? CAN WE GO OUT FOR DINNERRR???" you hear techno yell through the house walls, probably from the guest room.  Remember when Y/n slept over! You think of how quickly she jumped up from the couch and went to bed, not before kissing you on the forehead of course.

     You snap back into reality, remembering that Techno asked you a question. You opened you phone, looking at the time. 'It's only 6- telling him it's to late would be a lie that he would see right through' you groan. "FINEEE- YOU'RE PAYING THOUGH!!" you holler back after the awhile.

<time skip again cause this is a filler chapter 🙄>

     you sit down, picking up the menu. not feeling it- not feeling it- Maybe I should eat healthier for Y/n.... yeah. "Techno what are you getting?" he sighs shifting in his seat. "steak probably.. what about you?" he asks monotonely. "Chicken Cesar Salad. should I wave over the waiter?" you ask, putting down your menu.

     Techno nods. you put your hand up and search for a waiter. "Oh Wilbur!! I didn't expect to see you here!" A familair voice states from behind you. oh my fucking god. you turn around to see Alex in a feminine waiter's outfit. "Oh! Techno you're here too!" he smiles, techno throws him a kind glance as a hello.

     "So what can I get you two?" he giggles. are you fucking serious right now? Technoblade casts you a look before ordering. "I'll take a medium rare Steak and He'll have a Chicken Cesar Salad." Techno states, making clear eye contact with Alex. "Well okay then! I'll be back Wilbyyyy!"

     you hold back yourself from rolling your eyes as he walks away. Techno raises an eyebrow at you- to which you just glare back at him. he laughs his low stupid chuckle, "So what's up with you and him?" he chuckles. you sighs, looking to your side where Alex once was before slamming your head on the table and sighing again.

     "he's just so fucking annoyinggggg" you breathe. he raises his eyebrows, giving you an amused look to g on. "-like we just hung out an hour ago and he's like "oh my gawd Wilbur!!!!"" you mock Alex in a high pitched little girl voice. he laughs, leaning back in his chair, almost making you smile, he is your brother after all.

     "you gotta atleast give him a chance though. he really likes you y'know." you sigh, pushing your hair out of your face. 'He's right in a way.. I do have to make him trust me.' "fine. you're right..." you sigh as he smiles contently.

     "Hey Wilbur! Here's your food!!" Alex says from behind my chair, Reaching over my shoulder to put a bowl of salad in front of me. "-oh yeah. Techno your food will be out soon! Anyways the restaurants pretty slow so how are you two~!"

     you take a huge bite of your salad forcing Techno to answer first. "mmm, good. just wish I had Sunflower here with me!" he laughed. Alex laughed, but it slowly drifted out and he shifted his gaze over to you. "how are you though?" he leaned onto my chair, looking into my eyes.

     "pretty good since you're talking to me." I grinned turning to face him directly. he blushed, seeing how close our faces were, backing away. "oh my god stopppppppppp!!!!" he laughed, covering his face. "ALEX!! GET BACK TO WORK!!" someone from the back yelled, Alex immediately turned his head in attention. "YES SIRRR!" He hollered back.

     "well I got to go! talk to you soon Wilbyyyyyy~!" he giggled. waving to me as he ran into the staff only room. the minute he closed the door I sighed and slammed my head on the table, shaking what's left of my salad. he hummed in confusion, tapping the table with is index finger.

     I groaned loudly, and turned my head so I was looking up to techno, my chin resting on the table. I gave him a shaky smile. "I'm giving him a chance!" you say exasperatedly. he grins at your antics. "very well." he states as another waiter comes with his steak. "thank you dear." he nods to the waiter who blushes and walks away.

( 1057 words )

(suppppppppp. we be chilling up in the sadness here. jkjk-     ... unless? 0///0 no- wait- no. wait no. I'm- no.... NO-    ... anygays! uhhhhh, hru? literally- answer me. how are you? cause I'm pretty good, y'know tired. even though I had a good amount of sleep recently. I wanna pull a whole ass gogy and sleep for a few months. like buff Dreamxd god? please come haunt my dreams so I can hae mushroom picnics with you? please?)

anygayyyssssssssssssssss                 Toodlessssss<3

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now