New Coworker????

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Y/n Pov

     its just a new job its ok- oh im gonna have to introduce myself to everyoneee....                                  you were worried, to say the least. but despite that, you open the door to your new office- empty, for now atleast. you came early to make everyone lots of coffee. mmm, coffee. you loved coffee. everyone would like you if you made coffee, right?? right.

     You walked over to break room and grabbed the coffee pot. how many people were in your office? alot is what you decided and filled it all the way up with water. you grabbed the according amount of coffee grinds and dumped them in the filter- making sure not to spill of course. everything was gonna be ok once you had your second cup of coffee.

Wilbur Pov

     the bus was so empty- are you early? you didn't check your clock yet today.... you turn on your phone to see it was only 7:30. shitttt i could've spent that time sleepinggg. well lets hope your new coworker is early aswell. oh right- new coworker. do you think she'll be chill? do you think she'll be a bitch? you'll have to find out I guess, hoping that she's early of course.

⇐==========x Time Skip~ x==========⇒

     mmm, you stumble through the door even after a cup of coffee. your addiction needed to be fed. you drag your feet through the door to the break room to see- her. she has beautiful h/c hair. such graceful posture. this- angel- is my new coworker? I'm blessed.

     shit. she's staring at you. "oh uhm, hi? you're here early, are you new?" you say in the most welcoming voice you could. "uh, yeah. want some coffee? what's your name?" she walked towards you with a porcelain mug and a full coffee pot. coffee! the angel brought coffee. what a blessing-

     "coffee!! yes please!" she poured the mug almost to the brim before asking, "do you want cream or something?" "oh no thanks, i like black coffee." you said putting your hands out waiting to be handed the warm caffeine. "oh-      same. I just put some sugar in mine sometimes." she handed me the mug and retracted her hand quickly. "Geez, your hands are cold!" she put the coffee pot back on the counter and turned around to face me. "sorry, they're just like that-" you laughed awkwardly a bit.

     "no its ok, its probably just me being used to the warmth of the coffee" awww. so kind aswell. She poured herself a cup of coffee and started opening cabinets, presumably looking for the sugar. she flung open a cupboard to find a container of sugar on the top shelf. you see, she wasn't short. but the top shelf was pretty high up. she was........ 5,7 give of take? but she was struggling to reach it.

     I giggled a bit at her jumping "do you need some help there?". she stopped jumping and walked over to me. she was really close. our chests were almost touching as she looked up at me. "yesssss pleaseeee" her mood swung from solem and close to slouching over and whining about how high up the top cabinet was, and how I was a Tall king- WAIT- TALL KING??!?!?!?! HEH?!?!

     "tall king??" I ask reaching up and grabbing the sugar. "look at you! your like fuckin', 6,5!!" she mentioned as she snatched the sugar from my hands. "6,3 actually, but tall king???" I giggled again and saw her sneak a smile while pouring a surprising amount of sugar into her black coffee.

Y/n Pov

     "hey, what is your name???" I asked, realizing he didn't answer last time. "oh, uhm... you can call me Wilbur." he smiled awkwardly. "okie Wilburrrrr." you dragged out the 'r' and put the sugar container to the side. that was so cringey ew. why would I say something like that. ew. 

     He must've saw the face you put on and burst out laughing, putting his hands on his knee's. gonna be honest, it looked like he was having a heart attack. You started laughing along with him, dropping the face you made as you question how often you say things like that.

     you heaved your self onto the counter and took a sip of coffee. he looked at you strangely, still muffling his laugh. "what???? can a girl not sit on a counter?" you laughed and took another sip of your warm coffee. "th-this is an office, with other people." he laughed again. "are you not- do you not care???" he said straightening his posture but still giggling a bit. 

     "other people now qualify as below me. so no, I don't care." you said in a formal tone only to almost fall over with laughter. "well our actual shift is gonna start soon. do you know where your computer is??" he shifted his weight and continued drinking his coffee. "uhm, would you believe me if I said yes?" you shrugged your shoulders up and grinned.

     "absolutely not- what's the number you were given?" you hop off the counter and grab you coffee mug. "uhhhhhh, thirteen? i think." Wilbur looked at you, "oh! then we're quite close!" he walked out of the break room with his coffee, and you a short ways behind. 

     "this is your computer and mine over there if you need anyth-" he was cut of bye the squeaking of the office entrance and another male voice, "ayeee, Wilbur! already made friends with the new girl huh?" Wilburs mood quickly changed. he looked pissed.

     "Hey jared!" he passive aggressively waved and plastered on a visible fake smile. Other people around your age started to file into the office, heading to the break room for coffee.         "I think... I'm gonna start work." you said feeling the tension between the two. 

"don't go yet new girl! I thought I could help get into the groove of the place!" Jared laughed.     you hated it. you hated his laugh, you hated how he called you 'new girl', you hated him. "uhmm, no thanks! Wilbur already helped me with all that." you gave him a fake smile similar to wilbur's and walk over to your computer. you hated Jared.

(1059 words!! pogchamp. also let me change the descrpition real fast lol)

(I don't really have a plan for this but i like writing this so far!)

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