Nothing Suspicious

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Wilbur Pov

     I came home to Sunny mewing at the door. I sigh, opening the door. he meows happily and rubs his face on my shin. ew, cat hair. either way, you drop your bag and head towards the kitchen. you have lunch, and start looking around your house and making a list of things to do in order of most to least importance.

     once finished you start picking up trash, and things that you kinda just had around cause you were to lazy to do anything with them. you threw out alot of useless shit. after that you went to your own room. doing the same thing, then looking through your clothes.

     there was alot of old or ugly shirts that you would never wear. you decided to donate most of them. Then it was time to just make everything in your room look nice. you owned lots of stuff that would look pretty but you never bothered to put them up so now you were.

now playing: The Cult of Dionysus

     I put up some fairy lights, and placed some brown color palette paintings around the room, it looked nice. I also finally put up the light blocking curtains on your windows. your room actually looked acceptable. probably better than Grace's... 

     Sunflower sat perched on my bed, and only moved when I had to fix the sheets and pillows. even then, he hissed at me for moving him. I moved and cleaned the rest of the house fixing pillows, wiping down counters. it wasn't terrible, but Y/n was definitely a motive. 

     I thought about her pretty figure, and her laugh, and her nice features. I would kill  to be her lover. that only made me think of Grace though. she's so irritating... ugh, I wish I could get rid of her like I got rid of Jared......

     I cleaned for the rest of the day. It was quite calming, only having music and your thoughts to accompany you. plus Sunny I guess- but at the end of the day, I had almost cleaned every room, it was just the two guest rooms and the kitchen. it was a productive day.

-=≡=-=--≡=≡=- ~Time Skip~ -=≡≡=-≡==-≡-≡

I walked into the office quietly, hoping to catch Y/n making coffee and suprise her. Cause if you kinda lift up the door when you open it it doesn't squeak, that's why I was there when Grace and Y/n had their talk. I just reopened and closed the door so It wasn't suspicious.  but this Time, instead of Y/n being early and making coffee, it was Grace, Talking with-                                             Jared? 

     I pulled out my phone a took a picture. just incase I needed it later. I decided not to interrupt them and just listen:

 "-nah girl, Y/n hatesssss me."

 "so? I just I need her to know how much of a creep Wilbur is..."

 "how would I help with that at all?" 

"I-I don't know!!!! figure something out!!"

 "uhm, How would I do that without talking to either of them?"

 "what?!?!? why can't you talk to them?"

 "uhhh, I want to keep my girlfriend! geez...." 

 "That doesn't explain anything!!!!"

 "Wilbur threatened to show some footage so Jessica would leave me!!! I love Jessica enough that I wouldn't want to lose her!"

 "What the fuck! ugh. I- ughhhhhh. this is impossible!"

 wow. they're both so loud.... and this entire conversation is hurting my feelings ): 

"dude! I have a date with Jessica today so I was gonna skip work. yet you still had to pull me in for this stupid talk, I'm out."

luckily, he walked out the opposite door so he didn't spot me at all when he left.

     I walked through the breakroom door alerting Grace. "now that was just hurtful." I mentioned, pouting my lower lip, towering over her. that same amount of power when I was threatening Jared rushed through my body. I loved it. "you c-creep! you were s-spying on us!!! I'm so telling Y/n when she comes!!" she yelled.

     "no no no. we can't have that!" It was almost as if I lost control of my own body at the moment. I swiftly grabbed the breakrooms fire extinguisher and slammed it over her head. she was out cold, not dead though. I briskly walked over to a closet and grabbed duct tape. wrapping it over her mouth, arms, and legs.

     I lifted her to the same closet and closed the door. waving goodbye to her unconscious body. I took a deep breath and continued on my day, almost as if nothing happened. all I knew was that I would have to come back to her at some point.

     I started making coffee for everyone like Y/n would when the door squeaked open, Y/n in the breakroom, yawning. "y-you okay?" I asked feeling the pit of guilt in my stomach. what if she saw? what if she knew? does she hate you? but instead Y/n just walked up to my and hugged my yawning again. "sorry I'm more later then usual, I overslept...."

     I felt my body turn bubblegum pink. s-she's HUGGING ME?!?!?! "Uhhh, I-It's okay? I'm fine making coffee this time." I smile awkwardly at her. she was leaning on me, arms around my torso, eye's closed. I let out a quiet 'aww' as I waited for the coffee to finish brewing.

     still, in shock I return the hug and she starts swaying, like we did in the field. in this moment, I felt like time slowed. Y/n was in my arms, and I never wanted to let go. In this moment, I knew we were meant to be together. and at any cost I would make sure that we ended up that way.

at any cost...

(1000 words) 

(Fuck ya'll. Shits been hard. I'll post my drafts but I won't be able to Write more rn. Sorry that I've been absent...)

(Grace go bonk haha)

(also this is were the obsessive part comes in lol)

anywayssssss-             Toodles =}

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