Tea Party

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Y/n Pov

     we sat across from eachother on the delicate metal table. Candles scattered around the now empty feeling Kitchen as quiet jazz played in the backround. I poured him a generous amount of tea before smiling and pouring myself a cup. 

     "This is a nice ambiance-" he murmered quietly, putting a sugar cube in his tea. I giggled softly, adding two sugar cubes to my own cup of tea. his smile was evident after my quiet as he went to grab a scone. "first bite of the scones, lets see how this goes." he say spreading butter on a blueberry cinnamon scone.

     I also grabbed a scone but waited for his feedback. he nodded, swallowing a bite of the scone, "pretty good, I would ask for the recipe but I don't bake." he laughs lightly.  I smile, taking a sip of tea before digging into my scone. silence overtakes us and leaves nothing but the jazz floating through the room. 

     I take another sip of tea and look at Wilbur. I've never noticed this but he's always much less reserved around me. I guess he likes my presence. I mentally shrug, taking a bite of my scone. I tune back into the jazz that plays throughout the kitchen. its a nice song, very slow dance-y.

     I finish my tea and grab the pot to pour myself more. he looks at me and grins. "second cup of tea already?" he tilts his head. "you're on your second scone so its only fair." I grin back. he shrugs in defeat, still with a small smile on his face. soon enough we finished the scones and were about to call it a night.

     Wilbur had his bags out in the enterence room and was ready to leave. "before I go.... may I have this dance?" he put his hand out as I realized this song, much like the one before, was almost perfect to dance too. I smiled, A little suprised but took his hand none the less. he put a hand on my waist and one behind my back. I put my hands around his upper torso.

     he started slow dancing around the room. two steps back, one step foward, two steps back, one step foward. we just danced, both feeling and looking elegant as ever. eventually though we heard the song begin to come to an end. and just as I was about to let Wilbur go, he dipped me down and held it for a good couple seconds.

     letting me look into his auburn eyes and wide grin before he moved back and pulled me back up, still grinning like an idiot. a really pretty idiot.  "well, I should go, Techno is probably wondering where I am. I had alot of fun though, maybe you should be sick more often." he laughed grabbing his bag and walking out the door. 

     damn. maybe I should. I would never say it out loud but if I'm going to be honest. I kinda forgot I was sick. I mean I didn't really do what I usually would on a sick day. usually I would sleep on the couch or in bed and just do nothing all day. if anything it made me feel more crappy. 

     but in this case, I feel better, which is weird. I did the absolute minimum of healing- my body probably hates me. and with that I went back to the kitchen and cleaned up while listening to that same jazz song on repeat. why? I don't know, it felt nice.

     Remember that time someone might have been looking through your window?- WHY THE FUCK- maybe I should get Cameras of something. Damn I really need a roommate- speaking of which, I should check on that. I put a plate on the drying rack and made my way to my room.

     I sat down at my desk to see my computer on. huh, I must've forgotten to turn it off. I go to the ad I posted and see two replies. 'Jaya, 20, college student, I make animations and draw for a living.' cool. 'Hayden, 23, retail worker, looking for a place with company, I like greek mytholigy.'  huh, they both seem cool.

(ya'll get to pick who your new roomate isssss! also if you're wondering ya'll are gonna be sharing a room. you've already ordered the extra furniture-)

( 837 words- )

( sorry that this chapter is kinda short AND that I didn't post yesterday day but school's been kicking me in the jaw with shit I don't care about and I've actually been hanging out with my friends- I know, I have friends, suprising right? anyways make sure to pick a roommate cause I want to get the next chapter out on time! thanks for all the support so far! the production of this book might slow when I start my other Simpbur x reader where I'll actually have a plot planned ahead of time and it'll be all fancy and shit- )

Anyyyywayyyyyysssssssssssssss                                 Toodlessss!!!

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