A day in the life of Wimblur

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Third person Pov

     Wilbur groaned, stretching in bed. he looked to his basic-ass alarm clock before getting out of bed and going to his closet. 'Another day of workkkk...' Wilbur thought painfully as he buttoned up a white dress shirt. he slipped on black suit pants and left his room, sleepily looking for some form a breakfast before he had to leave.

     Technoblade had made his brother toast -assuming he would be a groggy mess when he woke up- which he was. "mornin'" Wilbur croaked, sitting down and taking a sip of water that was sat on the table for him. "Goodmorning Wilbur, you have work innnnn, 20 minutes." Techno's lips curved upwards at his brothers new surprise. "wha?? it was 7 like, 5 minutes ago?" 

     Techno smiled, holding in laughter. "Well it seems you fell asleep again, you should eat quickly." Techno examined, looking down to a book he had brought with him on his trip. "Stop speaking like your from a fairytale prick" Wilbur grumbled, taking a bite of his toast. "Whatever you say, brother." 


     Wilbur hopped out the door, attempting to get his shoes on. He slid them on and full on bolted to his car. he hasn't rode the bus in a couple months now. Wilbur pulled out of his driveway still sipping the coffee Techno had also gifted him. Technoblade has been awfully nice- it was a bit worrying but Wilbur ignored it with ease.

     Wilbur's mind wandered as he drove. Y/n was gonna be there. did his hair look alright? Wilbur looked in his mirror, fixing any stray curls. How are him and Y/n not dating yet? Because he's a coward. Wilbur turned into the parking lot, pulling into the semi empty parking lot.

     He may have lied to Techno saying his shift started at 7:30- not 8:30. but it's a petty lie to explain why he wants to go to work early. He turned off his car, grabbing the messenger bag in the passenger seat and stepping out of his car, making sure to lock it as he made his way to the office.

     Wilbur creaked open the office door, immediately making his way to the break room, hoping to find Y/n and a warm cup of coffee. he walked into the room immediately looking to Y/n. "mornin' Wilb'r" Y/n yawned, now pouring him a cup of coffee. "Good morning! how are you?"

     "tir'd" She grumbles, sipping the coffee in her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry... did you sleep well?" Wilbur immediately crumbles infront the girl. walking next to her and wrapping his arm over her so she could lean on him. "no...I was up 'll night cause of sum stupid dreams." 

     Wilbur gave you a look of pity. "Do you want to sleep over? I know this sounds crazy but it might help you sleep." Wilbur proposed, smiling at the idea. "mm, sure..." you gave him a little smile, before finishing your coffee. "Im goin' to start workin' then- before a fall asleep." you grinned, putting your arms up in a stretch before giving him a little wave and leaving the room.


     You stretched as the day was finally coming to an end. Wilbur came over to your desk, already slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Hey wil- do you think we could stop by my apartment so I could grab some stuff?" You ask as you pack up your things, putting your backpack over one of your shoulders.

     "oh ofcourse! I was planning on making a detour to grab some snacks anyways!" Wilbur replies happily. you smile. He grabs your hand and you both start heading out the door to Wilbur's car. "honestly- I'm glad I was to tired to drive today. Leaving the car here overnight used to scare me so bad!!" you laugh, as Wilbur starts the car and giggles slightly with you.

     "So Jaya drove you to work?" Wilbur asks as he drives, keeping his eyes on the road. "yeup." You smile, looking out the window mindlessly. Wilbur glances at you. He's always surprised when he looks at you -like he's seeing you for the first time all over again- but always prettier.

     "hey... Y/n- do you like me?" Wilbur asks as he drove, now looking at you intently. "Ofcourse! We've been bestfriends for months now! ofcourse I lov-like you!" You caught yourself, blushing from embarrassment at your mistake. 'You could have gotten away with it if you just said love you! but when you change it up it sounds weird!! ' you thought, -ofcourse Wilbur took it a different way.

     "oh! I dunno why I even asked! Silly question!" Wilbur giggled lightheartedly as heat rose to his face. (When Wilbur realizes he's pulling bitches- but also not rly) The rest of the drive to Y/n's was just Wilbur blushing and humming to the songs on the radio as Y/n daydreams while looking out the window.


     They pulled into the apartment parking lot and you got out. "Thank you for your uber. 10/10" You bowed, making Wilbur laugh. "But you can go pick up your candy or whatever while I grab my stuff." You shoo him away. "aw okay. I'll probably be back in like- fifteen minutes!" Wilbur smiles, a little disappointed he had to leave you alone. 

     "Okay!!! See you in a bit then!" You waved, before heading into the apartment complex. Wilbur sighed happily, before pulling out of the parking lot and heading to a local drug store near your complex. As he drove he just thought about asking you to be his girlfriend.

     'What if Jaya didn't approve of our relationship? It wouldn't work with her in the picture anyway. You would have to move in with Wilbur ofcourse. Maybe it WOULD be better if Jaya was out of the picture- more... forcefully...' Wilbur smiled. 'And if you hurt Y/n in the process? ' The other side of Wilbur's head questioned. 'Haha. no. she loves me over everyone else<3 '

( 1043 words B] )

(haha hello people- we gonna get some action hereeee~ yeah but- ALSO- FOR THE PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ASWELL- I HAVE A DREAM COSPLAY COMING 😏 -I mean- i have it I just have yet to record anything for it yet- )

ANYGAYSSSSSSSSSS-                          TOODLESSSSSS~!!

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now