The Winter Festival

720 18 12

Second person pov

     Wilbur waits infront of the archway of the carnival, already holding the tickets for the both of you. When he see's your car pull up his heart jumps in his chest. He's made a rough plan for tonight, And if everything goes to plan this is going to be the perfect (unofficial) date.

     You step out of your car and Wilbur believes his heart will break his ribs with how it pounds. You had silver necklaces over your sleevless turtleneck and a pleated skirt that reminded him of the sleepover. Wilbur straightened his posture, clenching the tickets in his hands.

     Wilbur himself wore a white button-up that was his particular favorite because of the buttons. They were small flowers solidified in a button mold with clear resin. He also had a long kahki jacket with faux fur near the neckline. The tail of the jacket reached down to his ankles as he vibrated with excitement and you approached him with a smile.

     "Hey Wil, You look nice" You smile, still holding your keys and phone. "Hey Y/n, You look more gorgeous than usual- which is pretty damn hard to do." Wilbur grins, as you blush slightly, laughing at his playfulness. "Thanks. And on the not of how pretty I am, could you do me a favor and hold onto my stuff, I don't have any pockets." You pout, handing Wilbur your things.

     "Ofcourse." Wilbur smiles, carefully handling your things as if they're glass and putting them in one of his dress pant's pockets. "Well, lets go shall we?" Wilbur says softly, putting his hand out for you to hold. You take his hand, "Yeah- I mean we just have to buy ticket's- wait. did you fucking buy tickets already?!"

     Wilbur looks away sheepishly. He knows how you get when he buys you things. He just can't help it. if it was up to him you would be carried everywhere so you didn't ever have to move a muscle to get exactly what you wanted... that's what you deserved.

     "-Fine just, can I pay you back?" You look at him, still not having to look up much because of your height. "Oh nonono. It's really fine." Wilbur flicks the tail of his jacket nervously. "I've invited you here, it's only fair that I pay for everything-" You put your index finger over his mouth.

     "nuh-uh! You might pay for the tickets but I swear-" You leave the end of the sentence up for interpretation. Wilbur is still flustered by your finger over his lips, as he holds his breath. You take a breath of your own, your arm falling back to your side. "I'm paying you back for everything after this alright?"

     "What? Nonono! It's really fine I insist!" Wilbur tries to persuade you. You just sigh, slowly dragging him towards the entrance booth as you argue playfully. "No I insist! I'll feel like a prick if I let you pay!" You say, as he give the worker your tickets. "I'll  feel like I prick if you pay for anything!"

     "Nope. You can't change my mind." You turn away, crossing your arms. Wilbur whines. "Pleaseeeeee" He says, slouching and grabbing your shoulder weakly. You don't answer, merely turning your head away from him. He grumbles something. "Pretty please?" He tries.

     You just huff, pointing your nose in the air. "Please Darling~?" Wilbur falls to his knees, an innocent pout look to you with puppy-dog eyes. "What!??!?!" You say with sudden flusteredness, whipping your head over to glare at him with red cheeks. He grins cheekily.

     "C'monnnn, you gotta now!" His demeaner changes immediately. "Wilburr!!!" you cry out, still glaring at him as your face went pink. "Whatt??" He matches the manner you spoke in, his pants still digging into the dirt as his hand continued to rest on your shoulder.

     You scrunch up your face before groaning. "Ugh, fine." You let out an annoyed sound as WIlbur jumps up to hug you. "Yayy! Now you can spend my money!" Wilbur jokes, making your groan again, shoving your face into Wilbur's jacket to hide your growing smile.


     You both walk path booths, some for food, some games. You were both about to pass a dumb aiming booth when you stopped in your tracks, making Wilbur stumble, since your hand was tightly gripped in his. "What?" He looked to your line of sight as you stared at the booth blankly.

     "Want." You raise your arm to point at a prize hung on the booth. It was a giant orca plushie. "What?" Wilbur repeated himself, walking closer to you. "The orca?" He said, tilting his head. You nodded, a blank expression covering your face and you didn't dare break eye contact with the toy.

     "Really?" He said, still holding onto your hand. You looked to him, your stare engulfing him as you nod again. "Okayy.." He breathes, getting out his wallet and approaching the booth. "Wait Really?!" You beam from behind him, catching up to him slightly. "Yeah! did you expect me to just say no and keep walking?!" 

     You laughed, "yeah-" You squeeze his hand happily as he talks to the worker at the booth, giving him a toy bow and arrow. "Luckily for you- My dad made me-" and Technoblade "-Take Archer classes when we were younger-" He focuses as he talks, shooting the three fake arrows he was given.

     You clap "YOOOOOO!!!! ORCA TIMEEE!!!!!" You praise him. that's all he needs. Two out of three of his arrows made the bullseye, the other one was close- but it was enough for you to hug him as the worker grabbed the large plush and put it infront of the two of you. Your smile got infinitely bigger.

     "How can you even carry that thing!??!?" Wilbur jokes as you adjust you hold on the humongous stuffy so your chin rested on it's head. "heehee" Is all you replied with through eyes squinted with your smile. Wilbur just smiled, not as big or as blinding as you, but he was happy.

(1073 words >:)))

( HEYA BESTIE! I have my final day of SBA so happ for that but also, I have SBA testing tomorrow... sadge. ANYWAYS GREENHOUSETOMMY GREENHOUSETOMMY GREENHOUSETOMMY! if you read my oneshots and you liked my sk8 park!tommy or the treehouse!tommy check out greenhouse tommy! it's the I Need To Start A Garden series by Fuglychan AND ITS MY FUCKING LIFE /pos)


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