How could this happen...

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<Y/n Pov>

     I sat on my bed and glanced at my alarm clock. 10:00 pm. I don't know why I'm up. I could be doing things or cleaning. Yet I sit here on my bed, waiting. For what you may ask, No idea. My phone rings and I immediately grab my it off my nightstand and answer it.

     "Hello this is Y/n." You start, unsure who the caller is. "Hi, yes, hey. This is Fred" your face relaxes. "Oh hey Fred. Why are you calling so late. Is something wrong?" The reply he gives you fills your stomach with dread.  "Yes sadly, Grace has been reported missing."

     The call goes on longer than both of you had thought it would, you asking questions, him giving the best answers he could. It was back and forth and back and forth for most of the call. Eventually though, it dissolved into a calm conversation about how eachothers close ones are, seeing as you would like to refer to Grace as a 'close one'. 

     The call ended at around midnight and your sat there, alone with your thoughts. Tears streamed down your completely emotionless face. You called Wilbur, you just needed company. Anything to keep your thoughts from wandering to darker places.

     "Oh Y/n! Why are you calling so late?" He questions cluelessly. "H-Hey Wilbur.... can you come over." You croaked, trying to wipe the tears off your face withyour other hand. "Uh yeah! Sure! I'll be there in 5" he says panicked as you hear rustling in the background. He hangs up.

     You get up from your bed to wash your face. It's the least you should do since you do have someone coming over. You look yourself in the mirror, eyes are red and puffy, your cheeks are shiny from tears. You look like a mess.

      You splash your face with water and wipe it off with a soft towel. You put on a thin layer of mascara because your eyelashes are just sad without it. And go wait by the door, smoothing out any wrinkles on your nightgown.


     I open the door to her apartment nervously. Why was she crying? Did I do something wrong? What if- I see her fidgeting with the hem of her beautiful lavender nightgown atop a sofa. 

     "Y-Y/n? You called?" I say closing the door behind me. Her head jolts up but calms when she sees me. She gets up and quickly runs to my arms and hugs me tightly. I return the hug. "Wilbur.... G-Grace is missing..." she says into my shoulder. 

     Oh my god- they didn't find her body? Geez so that's why Y/n look like a wreck- WHAT IF SHE FINDS OUT- "shhhhhhh." I pat her on the back slowly trying my best to comfort the love of my life as she hugs me.

     After a few more comforting moments of silence I say, "I think, this sounds like a tea problem." We make our way to the kitchen with her quiet sniffles and hiccups the only sound in the house. I set her down and put the tea kettle on to boil.

     I take a seat next to her. "So, what happened?" I ask as calmingly as possible, trying not to pressure her. "Well, I got a call from Fred a couple hours ago about the bad news, I guess I just... don't know what to do." I take a deep breath.

     So it's Fred's fault she's like this- poor girl- It's not that bad... Grace sucked- the kettle whistles and I immediately get up to turn it off. I choose two green tea bags and Y/n's favorite mug. I know this cause she literally started bringing it to work. And a plain white one for me.

     I place the tea bags in the cups and fill them with water. "Well, I guess all we can do now is hope nothing to terrible has happened to her." You claimed. She gave you a scrunched up face. "How are you so calm about this?"

     You gave her a monotone look that hid your hurt feelings. "Well... you know Grace and I weren't that close but...... I've had a close friend go missing before..." you stopped. This was true- why were you unraveling your problems onto her- she doesn't care- you're the one who murder Grace anyways.

     "I-I'm sorry....." she turned to look away from you as you sat down. Did she feel, guilty? "It's okay. Kind of a hard topic but we were just talking about Grace so ya know...." you let out a stifled laugh. "I guess... you wanna talk about it?" 

     You were taken aback. No one ever really wanted to hear your opinion on the situation. "Uhhhh, sure." You took a deep breath and started going on about your bestfriend Jschlatt. About how he was kind of a dick, but deep down, he was a good person. About how you you both got into trouble in high-school. How everything was great.

     How one day he came frantically to you, talking about how he got in trouble with a not great group of people. How he dissappeared a few days after. How the police barley cared. How it broke you. How it broke you to see that no one had cared. Because you cared. And you made it so that everyone you cared about would know.

     You left the last bit out. Because you knew that she knew the he cared for her. Because why else would he be hear talking to her at 2am. 2am on a work night- FUCK ITS A WORK NIGHT-

     You finished your long, sad story before looking at the time and realizing 'FUCK ITS A WORK NIGHT' So that's what you said. "FUCK, ITS A WORK NIGHT" She also turned her head to the clock on the wall. "Fuck. 

       Welp, wanna stay the night?"

( 1036 wordsssssss )

(Ahem, hello, hi yes hi mhm hello hey yeah hi. I hope you liked the fluff cliffhanger there. Cause you don't get that until next chapter- anygays, hope yall are doing well. Please eat, unlike my sister who DIDNT EVEN TOUCH DINNER TONIGHT- yeah- I'm calling you out- EAT THE FUCKING RAVIOLI)

Anywayssssssssssssssssssssssssss            Toodlesss~~~

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