Sick Day pt2

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Wilbur Pov 

     Did I look through your computer? No, of course not! - ... maybe a little? Only the open tabs! And the only thing of importance was that you had posted was that you were looking for a roommate in her area. Which is... fine. Yeah! It's fine! But I decided not to linger to long and start looking at the various Post-its on the wall.

     They all seemed like reminders. 'Don't forget to take the melatonin pills in the cabinet!! ' 'Grocery shopping on tuesdays!!' 'If you see this drink some water!! ' I smiled at the clumsy writing. I never saw you as forgetful...

     I then moved my way to the dresser were I saw a picture of you with your parents. Aww, sweet. Just then Y/n came through the door with both Sorry and Uno in hand. "Im back!" You yelled before noticeably shivering, dropping the games and diving into your bed for warmth

     Oh how I wish I could cuddle you closely, feed off your love for me because I know you do the same. You love me even if you don't know it- "So which do you wanna play?" She asks, turning towards me from the nest of soft pillows and fluffy blankets on her bed.

     "Uno. I haven't played that game in years." I let out a small chuckle. She reaches off her bed to grab the deck of cards from the ground. It resulted I her falling of the bed and fits of laughter from both her and me. She's so fucking cute.

     Eventually she set the game up on on a large book so the cards wouldn't flip when someone moved on the bed. "-Red." "NO! You bitch-" I slam my cards onto the book as she bursts put into sweet little giggles. My upset face is immediately disturbed by the smile that crept onto my face.

     "Ughhhhhhhhhh" "what? Don't you have atleast one red??" She pouted out her lower lip before laughing again. "It seems you have all the reds in the big ass deck of yours!!" She covers. Her mouth to stop her laughter. "Willllllll! I can't get better if I keep laughing this hard! I came in with a fever and I'm gonna come out with a sore throat!" She smiles

     "I'm pretty sure that's your problem." I say putting down a red after drawing like 20 cards- "could you get me some more teaaaa???" she asks as I organize my new cards.  "Pleaseeeeeeeee Wilbyyyy???" She whines.    I smirk "'Wilby' really-" I look up to see Y/n sitting on her knees with a pouty lip and puppy-dog eyes. Well fuck.

     Five minutes later Y/n is losing her shit with a cup of tea in her hands. "WOW- I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE SUCH A SIMP WIL-" She says laughing. 'Only for you my love... ' is what I wanted to say. But instead, "wha- YOUR LITERALLY SICK!!!! IM NOT A SIMP!!!" Which only makes her laugh more.

     Despite my upset manner the grin on my face was evident aswell as little snickers that escaped my lips. Remember that time she kissed your forhead?  - ...   My face turned a light shade of pink. I hate how brains work.

(Haha- not projecting on that last sentence at all...)

     "Yellow." She says. I grin. "YES!!" I place a skip card. Then another. Then another. Then a 1 before laughing to tears as she looked in confusion at the 4 cards I had just played. "I-  I regret my decision..." she murmurs quietly before placing a yellow +2 on the discard pile. 

     I pause for a bit before throwing down another +2. "Plus four huh." She grins, placing ANOTHER +2. "Plus six now Wil. I pray that you have a plus two." I let out a giggle before placing a red +2 card down. I smile. "Fuck." She says, already starting to pick up the eight cards.

     "You basically brought this upon yourself. You can't blame me for carrying out with it." I grin. She scrunches her face and looks at me. "Aww, poor Y/n! Poor Y/n!" I say giggling. (We all know the cute Wilbur giggle- where he's like 'HeHeHe!')

     She places a red skip before giving me a +2. I take the two cards and we continue to play for awhile, actually having to shuffle the deck a few times. Eventually she won but it was a close match. "HAHA!!! YOU OWE ME A CHOCOLATE BAR!!!" my head jolts up.

     "WHAT! we never agreed on that!!!!" I exclaim, putting the cards back in the box. "But I'm the winner!!! And I'm sick!!!" She states wrapping herself with a fluffy     off-white blanket. "... fine, but not today! Candy couldn't possibly help your fever!"

     "Whatever MOM!!!" She giggled, falling on her back with the blanket still Wrapped around her. We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile, just looking eachother. Her face was blushed from her fever and her hair was flared out on the scattered pillows. She was... gorgeous.

     "Well." Is said, interrupting the silence. "I'll let you get some rest. Holler if you need anything." I smiled making sure to grab the camera before leaving Y/n to rest, Something I should have let her do hours ago.

    I walked around her apartment yet again and was, once again, drawn to her journal. When you see someone's Diary what are you supposed to do? She didn't mind last time. I shrugged to myself before walking over to the journal and taking a look at the most recent page.

     The page was filled with stickers of Cherubs and old newspapers, something she seems to have alot of for being a relatively normal person. My eyes immediately went to the words. 'God's grave shines with glee, those who believe do not see, Those who leave let them be, Those who hate always flee. '

     Blinded by God, what a reference. Also, 'them '? Either there's multiple or god is a they in her eye's. I also noticed that she now has a dried lavender flower as a bookmark. Her poems always fascinate me as a puzzle to be solved. Her writing is so fantastical....

( 1083 words )

( OMGOMGOMG this was so late but I had a Thanksgiving thing that went on for way to long- but I'm here now and back from my little break! Anyways hoped you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for all the support! )

Anywayssssssssssss                               TOODLES!!!!!

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now