Dealing with the Dead

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Wilbur Pov

     Did she just ask me out!?!?? I was now driving back to Grace's house to finish everything up. Like the bow on the top of a present. I parked in their driveway and stepped out of the car walking up to the porch.

     I opened the door to Graces former home only to pause in the hallway- The door was unlocked.  I immediately went searching through the house, only stopping in a pant when I realized Grace somehow got out- did I leave the extra pair of keys here? shit.

     I thought it wouldn't do any good to grumble about, so I cleaned up. putting the chair back and hiding the rope- and leaving Grace's house for what I hoped would be the last time.

     I picked up some groceries on the way home and thought about the arcade. This is basically considered a date right? She's literally called me love and kissed me on the forehead. She definetly loves me.

<heh now Y/n pov. Also- remember Alex?? The cashier who was mentioned as Y/n's new friend? Well he's back and now he's  a barista.>

     Alex texted me something about not seeing me in awhile and wanting to hang out over the weekend. I said we could meet up on Sunday since I'm going to be hanging out with 'someone else' on Saturday. Speaking of which Saturday's tomorrow- and I didn't realize that until I got home today-.

     I picked out a oversized yellow t-shirt with light denim overalls and a couple bee pins for the outfit. For accessories I chose a white headband with white lace gloves and short white socks with a lace frill accompanied by white platform sneakers. Cute.

     By the time I had finished picking a decent oufit and picking up the clothes I had just scattered around my room, I made dinner for myself. What time are we even going to the arcade? I really should have said we could go next weekend-

     I ate dinner alone, like always. It's kinda really sad when you think about it. I need to get a roommate or something- roommate isn't actually a bad idea- maybe I should get a roommate.

     I fell asleep awaiting tomorrow.

(404 words- gogy why are you in my fic?!?!)

     I woke up at 6- on the week end!!! I sat up in my bed and went on my phone knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Wilbur had texted me last night- 

'hey when are we meeting at the arcade?'                                                                                                                                                                           Sent at 12:00 am

     Jesus christ Wilbur get some sleep. But ignoring the time he sent it, he had a good question. When are we meeting? The arcade opens at 11 so maybe we could go at noon. Yeah noon sound like good time.

'Maybe at noon?'                                                                                                                                                                            Sent now

     Oh god- you just texted him at 6 in the morning. Welp. You stood up, leaving your phone on your bed as you went to make breakfast. You were still in Wilbur's oversized shirt from the day before minus the belt.

     You made toast with way to much butter and some tea to start your morning. Breakfast was great, probably because of the butter. Either way, once you finish licking the excess butter off your fingers you hand washed your Plate and knife and decided to spend the rest of your morning listening to random YouTube videos and unnecessary parts of your house.

     By 10:30 you decided to actually start getting ready by grabbing the clothes you picked out the evening before and jump in the shower for a bit. Once out and dried off, you put on your outfit so you could walk around feeling pretty before you left. There was no such thing as overdressing. 

     You spent the rest of the time before you left brushing your teeth and combing your hair and making sure you looked nice and weren't forgetting anything in your purse. You had your money, credit card,  chapstick, and mints. You smiled, checking the time before heading out the door to your car.

<time skip brought to you by: Swallow your Affection by Jeebly, it's the best fic ever so read it now->

     You stepped out of your car and immediately saw Wilbur waiting outside of the arcade. He looked, dapper if you will. And nervous. He was wearing a white        dress shirt with long brown overalls with a black belt and beanie accompanied by, of course, his circle rimmed glasses. You waved at him.

     He gives you a giddy grin and struts over to you. As he come closer you see bags under his eyes. "Wilbur, did you sleep at all last night?" You grab his hand and start walking back towards the arcade.

     "Nope!! But it's fine I feel as energetic as ever!" He gives you a warm smile that indicates that he's fine. You return the smile. The two of you enter the arcade and are immediately met with loud voices and flashing lights. Wilbur directs you to a counter were Wilbur buys two game cards. "Hey! You can't just pay for it! I feel bad!!"

     The female worker smiles "savor the free money girl, my girlfriend never pays for stuff." You pause for a moment before you realized what she meant. Did she think me and Wilbur are dating!?!? Your cheeks heat up as you see Wilbur's do the same. She hands you both the cards with a sly grin. "Have fun."

( 928 words lmao )

(Haha, I'm almost contemplating going back to old schedule but I'm not gonna yet- just incase I have a mental collapse again. Also, thank you for 1k reads! I know I'm a little late and we're at 1.2k now but still! This means alot! I'm also thinking about doing another Wilbur X reader fic were he's actually just an online stalker and your a cute e-girl cause I don't think a one like that exists-)

Anywayssssssssssssssssssss                          toodlessss<3<3<3

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now