surprise!! :)

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Simpbur Pov

you knock on the door, a smile plastered on your face. Two very familiar voices echo through the house before an ex-lover of yours answers the door. she shudders, taking a step back in surprise. "Well?! Who is it!?" Jared yells from farther into the house. you step in, eyes hooded with Malice.

"it's so Lovely to see you two!" you grin, your hands behind you back, swiftly hiding your weapon. "Wha- Wilbur?!" at this point Jared is up from his seat, glaring at you with a defensive stance. "I'll get straight to the point." you pause, everyone staring at you. "you both need to shoo- move away- leave."

"what?" Jessica asked, utterly confused. "I need you two to go on a little vacation- forever." you smile, a threatening aura waving around you. "Hah. wait- your serious!" Jared laughs. "You really are deranged huh. " he laughs. "what are you gonna do if I don't listen!" he grins. your sly smile widens to a toothy smile.

you grab Jessica, or Jessy- like she would beg you to call her. but that was years ago. you tug her by the hair, swiftly revealing the knife that you had carried with you, drawing it to her neck. "what did you think I was gonna do!!" you giggle, a psychotic look it your eyes.

'how stupid was she to stay so close to me. it would have been so much harder if either of these dumbasses had an IQ above 65- but I guess I'm in luck! ' you think. "WHA- GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" he yells, attempting to scare you while still keeping his distance. 'Pathetic- I'm not surprised! '

"Move an inch jared- I fucking dare you!" you smile, your pupils dilating in suspense. "I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!" he yells, sweating bullets. you only laugh harder, the knife digging into her skin, making her yelp. "Ha- touch your phone and you'll be buried right next to her!" you state, your own voice now echoing through the soon-to-be empty house.

"I have eyes everywhere!" you lie, contemplating slitting her throat right there. "If you kill her I'll call the police!" he tries to stay calm. you roll your eyes, "knowing you your phones probably in the other room! and we all know who's faster here!" you smile. "c'monnnn~ convice me I can trust you~! there's no getting out of it now!" you exclaim.


Y/n yawned, getting up from a nap. she looked at her phone, '5pm' Y/n groaned heaving herself from her bed. just then Jaya Walked in. "oh- you're up. Well we're gonna go soon." she said, going to the closet to get ready. you groan, pulling yourself up from the comfortable bed.

You decided to dress more alt, wearing a dark red plaid pleated skirt (what a mouthful-) along with a black vest, covering the sheer silver button up with suns embroidered onto it. you smiled, twirling in the mirror before quickly slipping on black thigh highs with red lace, along with your black Mary-Janes.

"You're going on a hike, in that?" Jaya looked you up and down judgmentally. "Yes" you said twirling again to emphasize your sure-ness. "-And I look great!" you smile, hopping down the stairs of your apartment complex. "uh-huh." Jaya rolled her eyes, walking slowly down the stairs as you looked up at her.

she wore a dark green tank top with a black jacket and black and white contrast binding track shorts. (did I look that up? yes.) her brunette hair in a long ponytail as the only jewelry she had on was black lace choker and an earring cuff with emeralds on the top of her ear.

The only thing your outfits had in common were: One, you both looked hot. And two, you both wore eyeliner. Something Jaya had decided on after telling you her face without makeup was ugly- to which you swiftly disagreed, but let her put on the eyeliner anyway, complimenting her with AND without makeup.

after what seems like forever you reach the lobby. "Oh hello Y/n! Were are you two headed?" Atteca smiles waving from behind the front desk. "We're going on a hike!" You reply energetically. She laughs, "Oh! For a second there I thought you were going to hang out with that cute brunette boy! He's quite a looker you know." She grins.

      You blush from embarrassment. 'Wow, an old lady just gave me dating advice.' You think laughing to yourself as you reply, "I guess he is." "Well then miss Adams, I think we will be off!" Jaya smiles, glancing at you. "Oh yes yes! Go on your hike, I didnt mean to hold you to up!" She waves to the two of you as you walk out.

     The moment you leave the building Jaya sighed and continues walking towards the car. You both sit down on opposite sides of the car in sync. Jaya immediately slams her head into the steering wheel. You laugh. "What? Dont want to talk to people?" You cooe, poking her shoulder playfully.

     She just groans in response, though a smile clear on her face. Jaya was never one for talking to people, since most of her existence now is her sitting inside, only talking to close friends and cashiers at stores. While Her social battery was easily drained and talking to people quickly became a chore- it also became something you could tease her about.

     "for real though, we should get going to whatever hike We're going to. I dont want to come home at midnight!" You laugh, buckling your seatbelt. Jaya smiles, starting the car after buckling her own seatbelt. "You have a point- I dont want this random burst of late night energy to run out to soon." She said, backing out of the parking space before pulling out of the lot entirely, and driving in a direction you've never gone

(1278 words)

(Hello hello! I actually finished this chapter on my phone so excuse the weird paragraph spacing in the end. I just got back from hanging out with my friend Dawfi and I wanna tell you all about it!! So the original plan when we decided to meet up at 9:30 at night was for Dawfi to bring seltzers -which we both hate btw- but when we met up she explained how they were out at the house but their mom had some in her car. So, we went to their car, opening it up to get warm seltzers. (Let me also say we found a piece of maybe-glass along the way so we were carrying that aswell) she grabbed to of the luke-warm seltzers and we set off, finding a place to attempt to chug them. While walking around the neighborhood we found an empty parking lot, perfect. That's when Dawfi decided to test if the pane and maybe-glass was glass at all. So they did the only smart thing- and threw it on the floor! It shattered. And we started laughing for surprise, instantly running when we saw anyone in the streets. Eventually things calmed down enough for us to start drink the seltzers. (We had been shaking them the whole time, mind you.) We cracked them open and attempted to drink them. I'll be honest, it ended up with mostly spitting it out onto the pavement. Dawfi did end up chugging a good bit, and regretting it after. I ended up just putting my half empty can on the floor and stomping on it- having warm seltzer spray everywhere. It was a fun night :})

Anywayssssssssssssss,                      TOODLES!<3

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