Sleepover (again)

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( bro- i just realized that my 13th chapter (y/n's "interesting" lucky number, is Nothing Suspicious- the one were Wilbur bonked Grace on the head with a fire extinguisher- the one where he first starts getting obsessive-)

Techno Pov

     She continued rummaging through closets until she pulled out a dress of some kind? she also grabbed a puffy sleeved button up. she threw them on the floor. "okay... those are for me-" she murmered. "wait- did you have anything in mind for this or can I pick stuff out for you?"

     seeing as you were already holding a shirt she tossed to you were quite curious to see what she had planned. "meh, I don't mind." you shrugged. she smiled and moved to another closet and grabbed a pair of very dark brown dress pants. almost black actually.

     she opened a drawer and pull out what looked like.... overall straps? "here- take these- trust me. they'll look good on you!" she smiled before moving to a bunch of jewelry boxes. you started hoisting off your sweater to put on the the button up when she glanced at you and immediately looked away.

     "NOT IN HERE ASSHOLE- Jesusssss" she covered her eyes as she laughed. you also chuckled, leaving the room shirtless as you started putting your arms through the sleeves of your new shirt. Once you fully changed into your outfit you entered the room again to see Y/n with a hoard of accessories in her hands. she giggled, putting some on a dresser and walked over to you.

     she immediately started attaching a choker to you neck. it wasn't to hard for her to reach but she had to go on her tippy toes to get the latch on correctly. you could tell she was breathing quietly from concentration but you could still feel her breathing on her neck as she finally clipped the choker and sighed, pulling away.

     "jesus- Why are necklaces such a pain in the ass! and I have like three more for you too-" she groaned. you chuckled, fiddling with your suspender straps. (haha SUSpender) "Y'know what- put them on yourself- you know how to not strangle yourself- I'll go change." she laughed, nudging your shoulder before walking out of the walk in closet to go change. 

     "LOOK GUYS I'M OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!" she yelled in a muffled manner making you wheeze. you walked over to a mirror on a dresser and started attaching necklaces. you stared at the mirror and realized how good you looked. like, damn. you weren't usually a self centered person but you looked really nice.

     you finished putting on the necklaces after looking at the design of each one. Many of them were bronze, rose gold, and gold, all also having flowers detailed on them. you add the rest of the jewelry when Y/n came back from changing.

     she wore a poofy short sleeved shirt with embroidered flowers scattering within it with dark Olive green overalls and faux leather belts and bracelets. she also had a choker that matched the one she had put on me earlier. she had thigh high socks that were a muted grey-brown with detailed white flowers near the top.

     "look at us!!! very vintage aesthetic- wait-" she looks at the two of us in the mirror, wrapping her left arm around me before rummaging through a drawer and pulling out a glasses case. she opened them and revealed a small pair of glasses with gold chains. she pulled my head down and placed them at the tip of my nose.

     she grinned, turning me back to the mirror and giggling. it pulled the look together but i couldn't help but chuckle hearing her contagious laugh. "I gotta go do an entire new makeup look so you wanna come with?" I smiled at her offer and nodded my head with a quiet chuckle.

     she smiled in return and walked out of the closet and headed for the bathroom again. I smiled softly once more before leaving the closet and heading towards Y/n who already had pulled out containers of makeup. I walk over to her and lean on the entrance of the bathroom as she put s/c foundation on a sponge. 

     I noticed that she had already wiped off all her makeup. "so- whats your plan?" I asked after a straight minute of silence as she applied a full face of makeup. "well- I'm going for more of a vintage look. so I'm thinking light makeup with more brown, Olive, and gold hues.

     speaking of which-" she turns to me, moving her hair away from her ears to show gold flower earrings with short gold chains attached to the backings, matching my glasses. "-ya like em?" she grins, before turning back to the bathroom mirror with a smile still displayed on her face.

     I couldn't say I wasn't blushing a little. but I only nodded slightly and the earrings and continued watching her as she did her makeup. she put on a more orange blush and brown and grey-green eye shadow. she finished her makeup eventually, after glancing at me a couple times. probably because I was staring- in my defense, how could I not?

     she smiled, glancing at her face once more before ushering both of us out of the bathroom and towards the living room. "okayokayokayokay-" she said before we walked into the room where Alex was trying to strike up a conversation with Wilbur desperately. she lightly grabbed my face and made me face her. 

     she stared into my eyes, almost making me shiver. Those e/c eyes. she blinked, stopping both of us from staring any longer. instead she moved my glasses around, making the gold chain chime and she positioned them perfectly at the tip of my nose. she gave me one more smile before hooking her arm with mine and walking out into the living room.

<Wilbur Pov my love>

     Techno and Y/n walked in hand in hand -or more like arm in arm- but Y/n looked stunning. she earrings shimmered in the gold light. And honestly, I would worship her thighs if she let me. she glowed the god she is as twirled around before make technoblade also spin in a circle.

      Technoblade. he looked.... good, it was true. but I would have looked better in that outfit. I probably would have made her happier. I could see the way he looked at her. he knew. he knew my relationship with her. yet here he is, chuckling as she figdeted with his suspenders.

     her being so close to his body fueled the same emotioned that Grace made me feel. I don't want techno to end up like Grace. Techno is my brother, all he needs to do is stay away. Maybe, maybe I could just talk to him. Maybe just encourage him, to rethink this. yeah. see! things don't have to be violent!

( 1184 )

( mmm yes hello yes hi. how are you? I'm good, watching a mushroom documentary that kinda sounds like a religion advertisment- I love is- mushroom religion- cultshroom- )

Anygayyyssssssssssssss      Toodlesssss!!!

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