A Non-Problematic Sleepover

745 21 36

Second person pov

     you all lay on the couch as the credits roll. You slump against Techno, breathing slowly as you sleep. Wilbur is basically on top of you, watching the credits with hooded eyes. Technoblade sits there, holding both you and Wilbur up while blankly staring at the tv.

     "Wilbur." Techno catches Wilbur's attention. "You obviously hold a grudge against me. I would like to know what." Techno says, his eyes quickly darting to Wilbur as he adjusts his position to properly look at Technoblade. Wilbur squints his eyes pointlessly, trying to read Techno's expression.

     "I don't know what you mean, brother." Wilbur says, quietly sitting up and adjust the banket He put on you when you first fell asleep. "There is is again." Techno points out. Wilbur sighs, "Let's talk about this in the Kitchen, I don't want to wake up Y/n." He looks to you lovingly.

     "Fine then." Techno gets up, walking into the equally dark and quiet kitchen. Wilbur looks at you, watching your eyes flutter peacefully. He turned off the silent credits on the tv before getting up. Kissing your head before heading in the kitchen. He was doing this for you.

     He followed Technoblade into the kitchen, turning on one of the dimmer lights, in hopes not two disturb you. "So?" Techno leaned on the walk, crossing his arms. "You love Y/n don't you? I mean you make it quite obvious." Wilbur walks around the dining table, his hand tracing the detailing.

     "You do aswell." Techno tilts his head as Wilbur walk around. Wilbur hums in response, he was going to have to make this quick. "I can't have that though... You liking her." Wilbur looks up, making Techno straighten to the wall. Murderous intent pulsed through Wilbur's Golden eyes.

     Wilbur grabbed a towel, grabbing his biggest kitchen knife and running towards Techno with a heavy slash. Techno ducked, trying to get out of the way of his obviously very far gone brother. Wilbur tackled him. both of them falling to the ground. Wilbur slammed his hand over Techno's mouth.

     He knew his brother too well. He knew the breathe he took before he angrily screamed at someone- which didn't happen often. "Shut it. This was inevitable dear brother." Wilbur whispered, giving his brother one last smile before he plunged the knife into his heart.

     Wilbur watched his brother grab him weakly. mumbling something incoherent before collapsing. Wilbur fell beside his brother, the knife still stuck through Technoblade's heart. Killing someone like this was harder. 'A brother or with a knife? ' His consciousness asked him, making him groan.

     He always got headaches after he killed someone. The guilt and pity and worry would always pull at his gut, trying to pull him down to hell. He looked over to his brother, who was still biting Wilbur's hand. 'It will be worth it in the end. She won't end up like Jess...-ica. Jessica, fuck.'

     Wilbur brought himself to sit up. yanking his hand out of Techno's mouth. Ew. Dead man's spit. (WHY DOES THAT SOUND KINDA COOL THO- LIKE A FIC OR A BAND OR SMTH ) Wilbur stood up. He was gonna have to carry this buff man into the woods and bury him before morning.


     Wilbur now stood above his brother's poor excuse for a grave as he wiped dirt off his cheek. Wilbur checked his watch, seeing how much time he had. He sighed, beginning to cover his brother in dirt. 'Why go to the gym when you can kill people? ' Wilbur joked to himself.

     He shoveled dirt, covering his brother's corpse as frown forming on his face. 'It'll all be worth it in the end.' He reminded himself, seeing how careful he had to be around you. If one piece in the game of love was out of place it would fall apart like fragile origami. He needed to be careful.


     He walked back in from the back door, a dirt and blood covered shovel sitting outside the door. He unbuttoned the first button of his tight button-up. He hadn't changed since last night. He looked at his dirty hands and shirt. He needed a shower.

----------Pov Switch----------

     You yawned, stretching on the couch. 'What time is it? ' You shuffle around the narrow sofa to find your phone. You shimmy and get your phone out from under you to check the time. '5am? jesus christ.' you groan, throwing your phone on the floor next to you. You look around.

     'Wilbur and Techno aren't here.' You think, sitting up. You shrug, maybe there asleep in their rooms. You go to the kitchen, wanting to see if Wilbur had anything for an actual good breakfast. After looking through every cabinet and getting used to the kitchen layout you decide on crepes.

     from the other side of the house you hear a shower turn on. 'Okay so at least someone's up.' You think as you stir crepe mix. You let your mind wander as you cook the crepes, three for each of you -and then extra for Wilbur so he can actually eat something.

     Wilbur mentioned that he didn't cook alot and so when Techno leaves you will genuinely be worried if he'll even continue having breakfast. You had zoned out so you didn't hear the shower stop and the faint noise of Wilbur's door opening. "Goodmorning darling. You're up early." Wilbur says from behind you, making you jump.

     "Agh! Wilburrrr!" You groan, almost spilling the crepe mix. "Sorry darling." Wilbur smiles, pretending to be sleepy. "It's okayy. I'm making crepes." You tilt the pan, spreading the mix out thinly. "Oooo." Wilbur comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso.

     Your ears turn pink as Wilbur lays his chin on your shoulder. "Is Techno up?" You ask, eyeing Wilbur's very close face. "hm? no. I don't think so." Wilbur looks back to you. You both stare at eachother for a bit. "Your hairs a mess." You break the silence, flipping the crepe. "Hey!"

     Wilbur stands back up, now just trying to fix his hair. You laugh at his attempts, sliding the crepe onto the plate before turning to his. "Here, stay still." You walk over to him, running your hands through his hair and fixing it. Wilbur turns red as you finish, immediately turning back to the crepes. 

     "Th-Thanks." Wilbur sputters, now refusing to touch his hair. If you fixed it, it must be perfect. "Okay. I'm done burning your house down." you joke, taking the plates to the small dining table. "I'll go wake up Tech-" Wilbur interupts you, "Can't we eat breakfast together first? Alone. Please?"

(1230 )

(Heyyyyyyyyyyy Lemme just say. This little shit was sitting with 1016 words for two days and i couldn't bring myself to finish for some odd reason. but anygays- I'm chillin' This dude I know tho is an asshole but his parents are also assholes so they won't get him a therapist even though he deeply need one- and I used to be his therapist friend and just put up with the shit he said to me and my friends before yesterday. Were I realized "No, fuck you" And just responded how I usually would to someone venting to me for no reason. "I'm sorry lol" and "Sorry I just don't know how to respond lmao" cause he's a dick.)


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