Dearest Crush

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Wilbur Pov

     I sat down in The living room, patiently waiting for Y/n to arrive. Sunflower was on my lap purring as I hummed to the quiet jazz music coming from my phone. A nice chime broadcasted across the house as I headed towards the door with Sunflower following close behind.

     "Hello Y/n!!! C'mon in!!" You waved her to come in before watching her take in her surroundings and smile. Oh that sweet smile. It gave you butterflies seeing how much she liked your place. "This place is great!! You really know your decor like me huh?" 

     You both laughed until Sunflower made his presence know by jumping up on a chair and mewing loudly. "Oh my god! Is this Sunflowerrrrr!!!!! He's so cute!" she instantly ran over to your cat. Petting him and giving him double his usual attention for a week in one day.

     "Soooo, you just live alone in this big place?" She question petting Sunflower. "Uhm, I guess if alone means with a pet then yeah." You shrugged watching Y/n in all her glory. Her happiness glowed around like an aura. "Gosh you're really pretty" you mumbled under your breath, hoping she didn't hear you.

     Luckily, she didn't. She stops petting Sunflower and looks up at you and gives you the most wholesome joyful smile you've ever seen. It made you heart warm from the cold state of, y'know, kidnapping someone. 

     "Soooooooo, Y/n. What's your favorite song?" You questioned walking in the direction on your room. She stands up turning to face you with a confused look.      "Uhh, its... uh, I don't know if I should tell you the truth or something more popular-" she laughs.

     "Truth? I want to know your real favorite song." You smile as she follows you towards your room as Sunflower mews resentfuly but follows. "Well, it's a song called 'never ever getting rid of me'. It's from a Broadway musical." She looked away from you clearly a little embarrassed. 

     "Wait- oh! I know that musical!! Ooooooh! Ok." Her face lit up. "You know it!" It makes your heart do backflips seeing her face filled with a wholesome joy like that. You open the door to your room and welcome her in fancily, bowing to her. She walks through the door and courtesies. You both break into giggles.

     She looks around your room. You start worrying, do you think she likes it? What if she thinks your taste is terrible? Then what? It'll be so awkward- she breaks you out of your trance. "This is nice! I love the wall decor! And the fairy lights really bring it all together!" She smiles, turning back to you in which you blush a cherry pink from the smile and the compliments.

     You cover your face as she smiles and walks over to your bed dropping herself onto in and laughing at how she sinks into the cushioning. You peer at her through your hands only to blush harder. She's on your bed, stay calm, you're fine, this is fine.

     "You good? You look like you're crying or something?" She sits up from laying on your bed and looks at you. "N-no. I'm fine." You release your hands from your face and grab your guitar from the corner of the room and take a seat next to her. "Whatcha gonna play for me?" She asks leaning on your shoulder waiting for you. 

    How does this song go? Oh right. "Ready to sing along with me?" "Wait- wha- I don't even know what song?!?!" "Your favorite one silly!"

Now playing: Never Ever Getting Rid of Me

     She stuttered a bit at the beginning but her singing voice was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. It's as if she was a siren, calling me out to sea. To be honest, if she was a siren I would be dying in her arms. Drowning in her breathtaking call. Hah. See that pun there. Hah.

     It was quite fun to sing a song with Y/n. Especially this one. A voice in my head told me that this was 'relatable' to our situation. I tried not to listen to that voice.

     It was I little harder to strum and sing but anything for Y/n. partway through the song she started just singing along with me. To be fair, she didn't have alot of lines.

     We harmonized with only widened both of our childish grins. I didn't break eye contact as I carefully stood up and knelt down on the floor infront of her, still playing the melody off memory. I was pretty impressed with myself but I think my love for Y/n took over and played the song for me.

     I could see her blush a light pink as I looked up at her. Eventually though, the song came to an end and we both took a couple deep breaths having finished the song. "You're a great singer." I smiled, placing my guitar on the ground and sliding it over to the corner it was once in. She sighed, blushing more.

     "Mhm, you too, I never took you for a singer but your voice is great for it!" She tilted her head as she gave you a close eyed smile that gave you butterflies in your stomach. You stood up and pretended to brush the dust off your knees before flopping yourself onto the bed, face down into your sheets.

     She laughed loudly as you muffled a giggle out of your fluffy blankets. "For the second time, are you okay?" She Exclaimed through laughs and wheezes

This is the best day ever.

(935 words-)

(Hahaha I finished this- heh. Sorry again for not being able to post as much.... but we got some fluff in here, some romantic love, Wilbur being a simp, Grace being in the basement tied up-)

(Haha, hah, heh, who said that? Grace is- fineeeeeee. Probably.=}

Anywayssssss Toodlesss~~~

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now