Sunflower Time

689 17 26

Second Person Pov

You and Wilbur held hands as you trudged through the snow on his driveway to the door. "-and oh my god what if you got him a little sweater!!" you continue think about how cute the cat would look in clothes. Wilbur giggled, squeezing your hand, "Sunflower would hate that!!" He laughs.

"I know but- what about shoes? Make him pick. Shoes or sweater!" You say as Wilbur opens the door for you wordlessly, the hand you were holding now slightly closed from the loss of warmth. you kicked of your shoes off, still rambling. Wilbur seems to enjoy you talking. content to listen when you aren't talking about anyone he dislikes- which is everyone but Jaya so far.

"Like- maybe it could have little sunflowers on it or- SUNFLOWERRRR" you run over to the cat that stood in the kitchen entrance. You kneeled next to him and picked him up, smothering him in love. Damn, Wilbur never thought he could be jealous of his cat. Why couldn't you hold him like that :(

"Sunnyyyyyyy~ my boiiiiii~ I missed youuuuu~" you coo at the cat holding it close to your chest. "Wow. thanks" Wilbur rolls his eyes and walks past you sarcastically, though you could see the sliver of a smile showing his teeth. "Noooooo Wilburrrrrrrr" You place Sunflower down on the couch, going after Wilbur who had walking into the kitchen.

"Wilburrrrrrrrrrr" You side hug him, wrapping your arms around his torso- sometimes he forgot that you weren't totally tiny compared to him. He looked away from you, hoping you didn't notice the blush rising to his face. "Willllllllll" you weaseled your head under his arm, looking at him with puppy eyes.


Wilbur would joke with you back if he wasn't having a mental crisis. mmm bad thoughts. no. "I-" Wilbur pulled away from you, making you frown. "-I should probably start dinner, why don't you choose a movie with Sunflower." He says, still not making eye contact with you.

you huff, his lack of attention not meeting your standards. "hmpf- fine." You harumpf, spinning on your heel quickly and walking away from Wilbur. He cringes slightly at how angry you seemed, but trying his best to ignore it. He would make something good that would impress you, then it would be fine.

How upset could you possibly be?

You flop down on the couch, Sunflower immediately padding onto you chest and rubbing onto your (Wilbur's) Jacket looking for pets. You sit up, rubbing Sunflower behind the ears. Wilbur basically ignored you back there! You will not allow that in this household. You want revenge.

What to do for that though.. what to do.. You tap your chin as you think, Sunflower finding a comfortable spot next to your thigh to have a nap. I meannn. You could just annoy the fuck out of him, tease him a bit- friends tease eachother right? right- totally. it's funny- yeah.

"WILBURRRRRRR," you call into the kitchen making Sunflower jump. "YEAH?" He calls back, his voice staying kind even when he yells. "COULD I BORROW SOME CLOTHES TO CHANGE INTO?" you yell, looking at the kitchen entrance. He pauses before replying, "UH- SURE." he stammers a bit.

     You can't help but smile fondly at his stutters. But the moment doesn't last too long as you stand up to go rummage through Wilbur's clothes like the goblin you are. Sunflower jumps off the couch to trot behind you ask you enter Wilbur's room. The first thing you notice, it's fucking dark.

     Light blocking curtains cover the windows and all the lights are turned off. This vampire ass bitch- You flip on the light switch, immediately being met with a much more welcoming room. A few clothes are scattered across the floor along with papers, some folded and some just straight up crumpled.

     Curiosity itched at you hands as you forcefully made your way to his dresser. You opened up the middle drawer to be met with shirts, both long sleeve and short sleeve. you begin to look through them, knowing if you found one big enough you would have to look at Wilbur's probably crusty sweatpants.

     You picked out a giant dark red t-shirt. it had a white cat being crushed by an anvil that you thought was pretty cute. he actually had it in a couple different sizes to you could snatch the biggest one. You folded the shirt messily in your arms and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. 

     Sunflower meowed from behind the door before you saw their shadow flop down and prepare to wait for you from under the door. You sighed contently, before taking your eyes off of the cat's shadow to look yourself in the mirror. you run a hand through your hair and slip off Wilbur's jacket.

     You change into the oversized shirt, folding your clothes and sitting them on the counter. You kneel down and grab the jacket again, throwing it over your shoulders before opening the door again, seeing Sunny look up at you with keen eyes. "Hey little boiii, c'mere." You bend down and pick up the cat and lay him in your arms.

     You scratch Sunflower behind the ears as you make your way to the living room again. "mmmm, little boi. thinking of crime aren't chu" you coo, Sunflower purring in your arms. You love cats so much, you cannot handle the sweetness right now.

     "I wonder what your w'ttle owner is do'win right nowww" you are convinced that you are not speaking English at this point. You nuzzle your face into Sunflower's fur as you entered the kitchen. "Hey Wiwllll" you say in your cooing voice. "Oh hey darling.. One sec." Wilbur finished chopping potatoes and spun around to look at you.

     He was silent for a bit, mostly staring as your chin continued to rest on Sun's. He coughed a bit, face noticeably redder and turned around again. "You want to uhm- know what I'm making?" He asked, body now turned away from you. "yeah sure, what'cha makin'?" You waddle over, leaning against Wilbur's side as he stirs a pot. 

     "Potato soup." Wilbur says back shortly, popping the P. He tapped the wooden spoon against the pot before setting it to the side. "It's uh- basically done if you're hungry." Wilbur commented after, waiting for you to respond. "Sure!"

(1211 words )

(I would  like to take a moment to both apologize for how stupidly long it took to get this chapter out- and to remember Alexander Technoblade a Youtube and Minecraft legend. He was an inspiration for so many people and my heart goes out to those who knew him personally. If you follow me you might know that I made something similar to this but I would like to do it again. He had single handedly raised and taught so many of us so many things, but above all of that, he brought us distraction. He stayed calm and continued to make jokes when things got rough for himself and the rest of the world. And with that I would like us to continue his legacy and keep pushing to carry on<33 )

I love you all but until the next chapter,


DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now