Just another day??

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Wilbur Pov

     I awoke slowly, opening my eyes to see the sun just peaking out from behind the mountains. I turned to see Y/n cuddled up to my chest. Cute. Memories of the night before slowly filed back into my mind. -wait                      SHES CUDDLING YOU- I turn my head once again to see, as I thought, Y/n. Curled up in a ball. UP TO MY CHEST- 

     At this point I've just become a pink flustered mess. I rub my eyes, half believing it was another dream. Nope. I turn to look at the alarm clock on her night stand as it reads '6:03' great. Just what I needed another hour of sleep lost.

I lay back down, wrapping my arms around Y/n in an attempt to fall back asleep. I failed. Her body was curled up to my chest as my arms held her close. Her soft snores made my heart flutter.  I stare down at her restful face. I could watch her sleep for hours...

     Her chest climbed and fell as she drooled a bit on my shirt. Hah, never washing this shirt ever again. (🧍‍♀️) I watched her sleep for half an hour before I realized how weird it would be for her to wake up and see me watching her sleep like this- so, with a heavy sigh, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and got out of bed. Her bed.

     I carefully stepped out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Damn, this apartment looks so much smaller from outside of it. There's like five fucking nicely sized rooms- what the fuck. I rummaged through cabinets until I found both waffle mix, because I can't cook for shit, and a waffle iron.

     Was I still red- yes, shut up. But I had finished cooking about 4 1/2 waffles and put two on a plate for Y/n. I placed a generous amount of butter on top and drizzled it with maple syrup. I put some blueberries on the side of the plate before picking it up, and heading to her room.

     I enter Y/ns room to see her still fast asleep. I place the plate on her nightstand and sit on the side ofher bed, forcing myself to wake her from her peaceful slumber. "Y/nn~" I say softly, attempting to wake her up calmly. She squints her eyes open to see me blurily

     "No." She says groggily, turning around to face the wall. "I made waffles~  ...  Y/n please, we have to go to work." I nudge her side. She turns her head. Sitting up and grabbing the plate of waffles silently. I smile, a stifled giggle escaping my mouth. 

     She shoves a whole waffle into her mouth. Uncut, might I add. "What the fuck- weasel-" I clapped my hand over my mouth at what had just escaped my mouth. She mimicked my motion as she let out a muffled laugh. I joined her laughter.

     Once she had successfully swallowed a whole waffle she responded to me with a wheeze and a, "W-WEASEL!?!??!" You both burst into chaotic laughter. Still dying, you glance at the alarm clock and read '8:10' well shit. Your laughter comes to a stop as you stand up.

     "Its 8:10- I still haven't eaten breakfast- well, be right back!" You give the wall to your right a painful smile and run out the room as she bursts out laughing once again. You shovel the remaining two waffles and a half- cut of course- 'cause your not a public menace- and wash your plate because apparently Y/n LIKES to wash her dishes by hand.

     After another 20 minutes of so Y/n came out in black dress pants and a matching vest with a lavender dress shirt and black bowtie. She also had a couple small lavender bows I her hair. She looked so beautiful and graceful, as always.

(🧍‍♀️ -oh sorry, I'm just waiting for you guys to simp for Y/n instead of simpbur.)

     The car ride there was okay, as always. Except for the fact that we were gonna be late. That was fun. We arrived at work and pushed open the door to see everyone just, at work, As normal. I don't know what me and Y/n were expecting but for some reason it wasn't this. Nevertheless, we headed to the breakroom to make coffee.

     We entered the breakroom to see Fred. "You're both late." he frowned, obviously displeased. "Y/n," his tone softened. "If you needed a break day you could've let me know. Don't force yourself to work."

     Y/n gave him a nervous smile as he took a step closer to her. "No,no,no! I'm fine, really! I just woke up late that's all." She said a little jittery, like she was trying to get away from the topic of conversation, which, fair. Fred gave her a relieved smile then turned to me.

     "You're excuse?" He raised an eyebrow, now back with the disappointed and annoyed face. "I drove Y/n to work." I said matter of factly. His face relaxed but definitely not happy. He stared at me with an emotionless expression before Y/n broke the tension with, "coffee??"

     "Yes please!!!" I run over to her and grab the mug from her hands, drinking the black coffee quickly. "Haha, just like when I first met you" she smiled at the memory. Fred still seemed iffy but waved to us silently and left. What a loser. 

(FUCK- omg, loser just auto corrected to lover and I'm dying- XD  )

     Work was fine. I guess I'm just a bit down seeing that I have nothing to look forward to. I just want to be with Y/n... even if she doesn't know...

( 1004 words )

( heyooooo, how yall been???   Good good. I've been doing okay, ITS FUCKING HOT THOUGH-


if you get the reference good job. Also, can I just say I wrote like 80% of this today- )

Anyways                                         TOODLESSSSSS

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now