The actual sleep part of the Sleepover-

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Wilbur Pov

     Everyone was piled on the bed- except Jaya but she was blasting music into her headphones with her back to the bed. Alex clung onto my left arm as I sit scrolling through my phone. Y/n was on my other side since techno volunteered to sleep on the couch, smart choice.

     I glance over to Y/n only having to double take at her beauty. it always surprises me with how gorgeous she was. she lay on her side, facing towards me with only a couple inches of space our two bodies. I quickly lean over Alex to see my bag on the floor near the bed. I rummage through it with my right hand before pulling out my Polaroid camera.

   I grab it and check to make sure Alex is sleeping before looking back to Y/n and getting a picture of her. she always seemed graceful, even in pictures. I could probably take a picture of her any time of the day and she would still look like a god. I put the camera back in my backpack.

    I put my hand on Y/n's cheek and started rubbing circles on her skin with my thumb. "My darling, I'll make sure nothing ever happens to you. you will be safe..." I whispered to myself. I kissed her on the forehead before laying down facing her, relishing in the moment.

     Alex clinging onto me got to annoying at a point and I carefully grasped his hands and moved them away from me entirely. I turned back to Y/n and my mood instantly became happier. just, her existence makes everything seem better, she brightens my world so much, no one will ever take her from me.

     I tuck a bit of her hair behind her ear. in that instant I froze, she squirmed at the touch and reach out to me, grabbing my arm. I felt like I was dying and living my best life at the same time. like I drank the sweetest poison to exist. I loved the feeling, I craved it. I smiled, still blushing like a maniac.

     I would have slept but I couldn't let this moment slip away from me. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, letting her body sleepily wrap itself around me in the same fashion. she nuzzles her head into my neck and I swear I was gonna pass away right then right there.

     eventually though, I drifted off into slumber. My dream was.... Colors, swirling in the brightest form yet all that I could see was Graces happy eye closed smile. it hurt, I have no idea why. then- Alex, a similar smile. too similar, he needs to be gone. I will have to do it. but why? why hurt him? what trouble is he?

     then a peaceful meadow, the exact one when I decided Grace should be no more but I didn't think about that. I was playing guitar, I had to focus on the strings even though Alex sat infront of me, a bored look on his face as he ate strawberrys. he liked me, he wanted all of my attention on this date.

     Why was I on a date with him? I don't like him- I like You? No, he liked me, he had asked me to hang out in the meadow.  suddenly, he's kissing me. Why would I let him kiss me? he's loud and annoying and doesn't have the same charms as you. he doesn't have the same feeling of... of- I can't seem to put my finger on it...

     You're special. In a good way of course- but special nonetheless. 


     <Y/n pov now>

     you blink awake, lifting your head off of what you thought was a pillow. Nope. it was none other than Wilbur's chest. you quickly turn strawberry pink, noticing that you were also basically hugging him. the thing that scrambled your brain the most was that he was hugging you back.

     you were to scared to move- and the only still comfortable position without moving at the risk of Wilbur waking up was continuing to lay on his chest. so, that's what you did. you laid back on his chest and attempted to go back to sleep. well, attempt failed. you couldn't focus on anything and whenever you looked up you just saw Wilbur's gorgeous face. 

     but, eventually, Techno came in to wake you all up- it was almost 10:30 to be fair. but he saw you and Wilbur so you whispered out a quiet 'help me' he chuckled. he sat next to the bed and looked at me, completely stuck in Wilbur's arms. he huffed, "wow, I never knew Wilbur was so touchy-" he laughed.

     "I want to make breakfast helppppp." you gave him restrained grabby hands and he chuckled again. "okay okay-" and with that he quickly grabbed one of Wilbur's and and moved it away from you. "Wilbur doesn't wake up if you move fast-" Techno grinned, moving Wilbur away from you so you could scoot away from him.

     you sighed. "thank god- Imagine how awkward it would be if he woke up!" you cringed at the idea- he just laughed quietly. "now, it's breakfast time- I don't know about you but I'm starving!" you whisper laughed, walking out of the bedroom with Techno.

     "I'll be honest- I could really go for a doughnut right now." he huffed in his gruff voice. "Ooo!! wanna go get doughnuts for everyone for breakfast?" you jumped, already excited about the idea of an excuse to buy doughnuts. "yooooooooooo doughnut timeeee" he grabbed a sweater while you ran to get ready- still being in your night gown at the momment.

     you grabbed some shorts- a off-white t-shirt and one of your favorite fluffy ponchos. 'Winter is coming up! ' You fixed you hair and applied a light dusting of makeup before grabbing your purse and meeting Techno at the door. "hehhh??? where did you get that??"

     he waves to your poncho, making you giggle. "I'm telling you I have everything-" you smile, putting your arms out and spinning in a circle to show off the full poncho. he chuckles, opening the door for you. "lets go get doughnuts though."

( 1084 words )

     (heyyyyy peopleeee how are youuuuu? last night I did a tommy and tubbo cosplay with my friend. you can go check out my tiktok for that. anyways I hope you liked this chapter and I'll try and get the next one out soon!!)

Anygayyyyyssssssssssssssssssssssss            Toodles~!

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