just Wilbur

937 22 12

No Pov

Y/n walked through the parking lot, early as usual. stretching her arms as she walked. Wilbur came up behind her, unintentionally quietly. "Hey Y/n!" he exclaimed cheerfully, coming to her side as she jumped. "oh! Wilbur!" she smiled, calming as she adjusted her bag.

"how are you?" she asked as they walked into the complex. "good!" he said rather cheerily, almost skipping towards the entrance to their office. "did you get a normal amount of sleep?" y/n asks, assuming that's what's making him so energetic today.

"Yep!" Wilbur lies, his mannerism not stuttering once. "oh- well that's good! I wish I could say the same." she laughs to herself. truth be told, she had barely slept the night before, relying on makeup to mask her exhaustion. "what happened?!" Wilbur questions, his mood changing to a worried gaze on Y/n as they entered the breakroom.

"oh nothing to big, today's just an off-day for me I guess!" she laughed, trying to brighten the mood as she begun to prepare coffee. "Okay. but if you can't sleep I'm always here!" he grins, his mood swings, noticeable. "is this always how you are when you get sleep?" Y/n asks, a playful tone seeping through her words.

Wilbur laughs, getting out mugs for the two of them. "I guess so" he shrugged a soft grin still painting his face. Y/n smiles in return as she pours them both a generous amount of coffee, Wilbur already handing her the sugar. she nods a thank you as Wilbur watches her pour a couple small spoonfuls of sugar into the dark coffee.

"do you have any plans this week?" Wilbur queries, lifting the mug up to his mouth. She shakes her head in response, taking a sip of her coffee. "-Nope" she finally says, popping the 'P'. "Oh! Do you want to maybe hang out- just the two of us?" Wilbur asks, stares at Y/n, holding off a hopeful grin.

"Y'know what- sure! I'm up for anything you have planned." You smile as Wilbur grins glancing away from you to break his stare. People start to file in and Y/n quickly finishes her coffee. "I'm gonna go start up my computer, maybe we can talk after work!" Y/n calls to Wilbur, waving to him as he waves back, still taking small sips of his coffee.


Wilbur sighed, shutting off his computer. He looked up to see you also packing up. this brightened his mood, He was gonna hang out with you. He stands up, grabbing his bag and making his way over to your desk. "Hey! do you wanna grab coffee at the cafe down the street?" Wilbur puts his hand on your desk, leaning on it as you stand up. "Sure!"

You get up, grabbing your own bag and following Wilbur out the door. Fresh air hits both of you and you sigh. "God, being cramped up in that office can get suffocating." you groan, slouching playfully. "You're glad you work their, I might have actually left that job if I didn't meet you!!" you laughed.

Wilbur blushed. 'She only stayed because of me? ' Wilbur shook himself out of his thoughts, just laughing in response. "Yeah, Fred's been kinda weird too lately." Wilbur, commented, making a thoughtful expression, knowing exactly what he was doing. "I guess kinda" you take it into consideration.

You cross the road, the cafe coming into both of you views. "I can't blame him though, he's been really stressed" you say, shrugging. he hums in response, putting his hands in his pockets as you both enter the cafe. "Welcome!" The man behind the register exclaims.

     You and Wilbur start looking at the menu. "Do you want a coffee?" Wilbur asks, turning to you. "Nah, a jelly donut sounds good though." You say not taking your eyes off the menu. "Mmm. I I'll get a cookie then, is that all your getting?" He questions. You hum in response, nodding.

     He nods aswell, walking up to the man again. "One black coffee, a chocolate chip cookie, and a jelly donut for my friend." Wilbur states, monotonely to the cashier. "O-Okay! Is that all?" The man says, a little intimidated. "Yep." Wilbur smiles, handing the cashier his credit card.

     The man smiles nervously, taking the card and completing their transaction while Y/n sits at a   table. Wilbur takes his card, walking over to Y/n with a way more welcoming smile. "it's Monday right?" Wilbur asks genuinely, sitting down. Y/n just stares at him before bursting out laughing.

     "Yes-?!?!" She laughs, slamming her fist on the tables as she collapses. Wilbur laughs aswell, enjoying Y/n's joking manner. "I can't believe you!" Y/n giggled, calming down. Wilbur smiled, though a not-so-great memory of his ex came to his mind. He grinned coming back to the future, knowing she Jared won't be back.

     "So are you busy at all this week? Cause the winter carnival is coming up soon" Wilbur stated. The Winter Carnival came annually a couple weeks before break- not the smartest financial decision but they still make bank every year. "Wait really? it's come this soon? damn." Y/n thought out loud.

     "when is it opening?" Y/n asked, picking at her napkin consciously. 'Cute.' Wilbur thought, noticing. "If I'm rightt- then yeah, Wednesday!"  Wilbur confirmed checking his phone for the date. "Ooo! I'm free then, do you want to go?" Y/n offers, pushing the napkin to the side.

     She looked at Wilbur with a warm gleam in her eyes. it made his heart do backflips. "sure! You'll have to break the new to Techno though. That I won't be able to be his wonderful brother on Wednesday because I'm hanging out with the prettiest girl in the world" Wilbur fake faints, opening his eyes only to see Y/ns flustered face being dusted in pink.

     "ughhhhhh fine" Y/n groans, taking out her phone and unlocking it. just then a waiter comes with their orders. "here you go!" they say kindly, putting down a tray of things. "Ooooo!" Y/n coos, immediately taking the jelly donut into her hands. "thank you!" she thanks the waiter before shooing them away and taking a bite of the donut.

     she smiled contently as she took another bite on the donut. "is it good?" Wilbur joked, taking a sip of his coffee. Y/n grinned, swallowing two giant bites of donut. she just nodded vigorously before continuing eating. 'GOD SHE'S SO FUCKING CUTE-'

( 1113 )

(sup besties- so- I lied. i said I would get the next chapter out fast- than i didn't- soooooooo ahahaha. ignoring that, how are you? idk, tell me abt yourselves, I want to get to know my audience >:] )

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