Date prep<3👀

710 19 13

second person pov

     You sighed, powering off your computer as you picked up your backpack. "Y/n!" Fred came over to your desk. "Oh hey Fred! I haven't seen you all day!" you smile warmly to him. He smiles back. "Yeah... y'know I've been busy..." He glances away, only after a few beats looking back to you.

     "But, I wanted to ask if you wanted to grab coffee, maybe talk about a promotion-" Fred gets interrupted by Wilbur placing a firm hand on his shoulder "Hey Fred! Hey darling~!" Wilbur gives Fred a menacing look before giving you a closed eye smile, making you blush slightly.

     "You ready to go?" Wilbur asks you sweetly. you nod in response, giving Fred a pity smile, "Sorry Fred, I already made plans with Wilb." You poke fun at Wilbur with the comment, making Wilbur snort from behind Fred now pushing his aside to walk closer to you.

     "Yeah, sorry Fred." Wilbur's words were laced with venom as he gave his boss a sly smile. Fred rolled his eyes to hide sad expression. He lifted his hand from desk thirteen, watching as Wilbur laced your hands together as you both walked out of the office. 'He can't fire Wilbur without a valid reason ' he reminded himself.


     You and Wilbur walked out the door, Wilbur immediately wrapped his hand around yours, making you smile. Wilbur didn't make eye contact, just knowingly smiling with red dusting his ears. You both walked back to his car. You've almost forgot about the festering worry in your gut about Technoblade.

     "Do you think you could drop me back off at my apartment and we could meet up at, 4?" You propose, checking your phone for the current time. Wilbur nods, "Sounds good." He starts his car, knowing you would probably want to change into your ridiculously well styled outfit to hang out casually.

     He begins to pull out of the parking lot, heading to your apartment complex. As much as Wilbur wanted to spend every second with you. to wake up to you next to him, to drive you to work, to go on sunset walks with you, he could list the fantasies he's imagine of the two of you for hours.

     When Wilbur finally arrived at your apartment complex you waved to him as you texted Jaya that you were coming home- finally. Wilbur headed home to also change, he assumed that if you were gonna dress up nice he wanted to aswell. You unlocked the door to your apartment after climbing up the many flights of stairs.

     "I'M HOMEEEE" You yell, throwing your phone onto the table next to the door. You shrug off your backpack holding it with one hand as you make your way to your room. "Hey bestie" Jaya mocks a basic white girl voice, making you snort. "haha. but I'm leaving again in like- an hour."

     "Awww why?" Jaya whines, following behind you as you make your way to the bedroom. "Me and Wilbur are going to the winter festival" You explain, throwing your bag onto your bed, now going over to your closet. "Oooo~ you and lover boyyyy~" Jaya teases, poking your shoulder as you look through your dresses. 

     "Stop!" You laugh, pulling out a black dress and putting it infront of you body. "nah- to formal- go for something warm, it compliments your hair." Jaya smiles. "Okay Okay fine." You cross the room, now looking through your dresser as Jaya peeks over your shoulder quietly.

     Eventually you pick an almost black, red-brown sleeveless turtle neck, a short brown plaid pleated skirt, And black tights with hearts laced into them. Jaya grins at the outfit. You sigh with a smile, knowing her response. "I love it." Jaya basically pushes you into the bathroom to change.

     Jaya talks about some random stories as you change. "Okay you can come in now." You interrupt her story telling as you get out your makeup bag. Jaya swings open the door, you turn to her as she awes at the outfit. "You look so prettyyyyyyyy!!!" Jaya cooes, hugging you.

     "T-Thankss" You say between giggles as she hugs you. She finally pulls away, smiling sweetly at you, "Okay- so what're you gonna do for makeup?" she tightens her long ponytail. "I'm think neutral browns, maybe some sparkles-" You think, looking yourself in the mirror again with the outfit.

     "Okay, do you think it would be fine if you do you base 'n' shit while I look up inspo pictures?" Jaya asks, already opening her phone. "Yeah sure." You shrug, beginning to wash your face. 


     "Oh my god if you get that everywhere I will be going on a month vacation while you clean that up-" Jaya jokes as you carefully add black glitter to the inner corner of your eye. "It's fineeee" You say as put the brush down and smile at your makeup.

     "I'm so good at this shit✨" You say as your twirl around to let Jaya see. "you are." Your makeup was a brown to black gradient with black sparkles to match the inner corner of your eye. you matched it with a pretty natural pink lipstick that was about the same color as your actual lips and a similar color for the blush you powered onto your nose and cheeks.

(idk makeup terms sorry-  T T)

     "Awwwww!! So cute! Your dates gonna love it." Jaya winks as you scramble to yell at her. "HE'S NOT MY DATEEEE AAAAAAAAAAA, WE'RE JUST FRIENDSSSSSSS" You chased her around your room, not even trying to hide the growing blush on your face as you chase her with your arms out, finally catching her in a hug. 

     You hugged her for a bit, resting your head on her shoulder. "What time 's it?" You mumble, still hugging her. She wiggles around for a bit before getting her phone out of her back pocket. "3:50." They say before you suddenly release them from their hug. "I said I meet him at 4!! Fuck!"

     You run to grab your wallet, not bothering to try and find your actual purse. "Oh Geez- Go meet your boyfriend bestie! Send me pictures of your guys kissing~" Jaya jokes as she follows your to the door as you grab your phone. "Oh hush." You laugh as you hug her again running out the door. "BYEEE!" You both yell to eachother as Jaya closes the door behind you.

(1101 words =P)

(Heyyyyyyyyyyyy I know the paragraphs are longer than usual shuttup/j Follow me rn 🔫 I have a dsmp oneshots book with x Readers 🔫🔫🔫)

Anygayssssssssssssssssss                      Toodlessss luv uuuu<3

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