Pretzels & Kisses

814 17 16

Second person pov

     you both walk away from ferris wheel blushing like idiots. you wore Wilbur's long jacket that almost hit the floor when you wore it; luckily the boots you decided to wear stopped it from dragging on the dirt. You glanced over at Wilbur who was staring at the ground looking like a tomato.

     You both walk in the direction of the exit, almost reading eachother's minds. "Hey do you wanna, like- grab dinner before you leave?" Wilbur asks, turning to look at you nervously, still blushing like an idiot. "Sure! What did you have in mind?" you ask, covering your embarrassment with ease.

     "Oh- uhhhhhhhh let me check what's nearby-" Wilbur laughs a bit, opening his phone. "Ooo! there's a cafe place nearby! wanna go there?" Wilbur queries, turning his head to look at you, The blue light from his phone reflecting onto his face. "Sure!" you smile, grabbing his hand.

     You two walk out of the Carnival and down on of the dark streets. You swear you feel rain drizzle on your shoulder but you shrug it off as a hunch as keep walking with Wilbur. "It should be just down the road here" Wilbur comments with a smile, turning off his phone.

     Wilbur looks at you lovingly, reminding you of what the FUCK YOU JUST DID. YOU KISSED HIM ON THE LIPS LIKE- 5 MINUTES AGO AAAAAAAAA you cough, your cheeks turning pink as you snap yourself out of your thoughts. "It's raining..." Wilbur says, making you look up into the sky. 

     you can't help but agree as cold droplets hit your face. "oh- it is-" You reply, looking over to Wilbur. you both stare at eachother before Wilbur says plainly, "We should probably run." He then smiles, making you break into giggles as you both started bolting through the darkening road.

     Wilbur grabs onto you hand as a lit cafe comes into view, looking like a godsend among the dark buildings. You and Wilbur head towards it, Wilbur taking the lead and opening the door fo you. you nod, now panting as you both enter the bright place. 

     You throw Wilbur a smile before looking to the worker. "Hello" The very tired sounding teenager said. "Hey- When does this place close?" You ask, walking closer to counter and glancing through the menu. "mmm, 20 minutes.." They answer plainly. 

     "Oo! Okay we'll make it quick- what do you want Wil?" You ask, turning to the drenched man. "mm, Pretzels sound good. And a black coffee-" Wilbur tries placing an order before you interupt him, "Coffee!? No way. Not on my watch. Two Earl Gray teas please! And Pretzels sound good too so two of those aswell!"

     You smile gratefully as the teenager puts in your order. "Okayyy.. 12.60" They respond, making you grab Wilbur's sleeve as he goes to pay. "Absolutely not- gimmie my phone, I have my card in my case." you demand, not leaving room for Wilbur to disagree, he knew that much.

     He sighed, "Fineeee" He pulled out your phone from his pocket, handing it to you in annoyed compliance. "Thank you<3" You thank sweetly, Walking over to the person behind the register that had watched your interaction like a movie. You hand him your card.

     After you had payed you and Wilbur go and sit down in a booth. Wilbur was staring at his drenched shirt as you elegantly took off Wilbur's coat to reveal you dry outfit. "Lucky! This was my favorite shirt.." Wilbur pouts, making you laugh as you sit down opposite of him. 

      "It'll be fineee, it's just water anyway." You wave off his complaints, beginning to look around at the scenery while Wilbur just looked at you. The walls seemed to be red brick- but you could barely tell from the posters and wall paper sample places along the walls. it was a homey aesthetic.

     "Hay! come get your food so I can start closing up!!" The worker calls over the pouring rain outside. You stand up and jog over to grab the food. "Thanks! Would you mind if we eat here? I can probably make Wilbur tip." You offer, grabbing the food tray. The teenager shrugs.

     "Yeah sure. I don't get paid enough to care, just don't make a mess." They say, already heading to the back. You thank the gods for the chill employee. "Yyyy/nnnnnn" Wilbur cries out, throwing his hands in the air as he falls back into the booth. "Coming William." You joke.

     "Ugh- no. c'mon love. That makes it weird." Wilbur says, scrunching up his nose as you set down the pretzels and tea. You laugh quietly, deciding to sit next to Wilbur this time. "mmmmm, W I L B." You joke leaning your face close to his. He turns away laughing to cover up his flustered face.

     You laugh aswell, grabbing a warm pretzel. "Want some?" You say, tearing off a piece of the giant pretzel for yourself. "There is literally another one right there... Yes, yes I do." Wilbur jests as you pull off a piece of the pretzel that was basically drenched in salt for him.

     "Here." You say putting it in his hand as you reached for you tea. You both ate in semi silence. Well- as silent it can get with pouring rain drenching the streets outside. "So, nice weather were having out here-" You say after finishing your pretzel, sipping your tea.

     "Y/n... It's pouring. there is no weather." Wilbur says, shoving the remainder of his pretzel awkwardly into your mouth. You laugh at him, making him laugh and almost spit out the Pretzel. "EWWW!! STOOPPPP! THAT'S GROSSSSSS" You laugh, shoving him slightly as he covers his mouth with a napkin.

     You both continue to fool around. You, almost spilling your tea thrice and Wilbur almost choking on his pretzel. You were both laughing when the tired teenager came over to you table- which was surprisingly clean. "Okay, I'm about done wrapping up. So like- you and your boyfriend are gonna have to go now." They say.

     You choke on your tea for the billionth time it feels like, going red. Wilbur has a similar reaction, choking on his spit and going into a coughing fit. "Uh, we're- like- uhm. We're not- Oh jesus Wilbur are you okay?!" Your embarrassed stammering interrupted by concern.

     The worker stood there idly as Wilbur recovered from his soul leaving his body. "I- *cough* I'm good-" He croaks out, his throat sore from coughing. "We should- uh- get going though, We have dating things to attend to." He jokes, his laughter dissolving into cough again quickly. 

     You snort, "Yeah, Thanks for letting us stay here well we eat though!" You thank the worker, standing up with your arm around Wilbur's back. "Yeah, Yeah. I still have to close up though." They say, slightly ushering both of you out of the shop. "Okay, thanks again though!" You smile politely at the worker as you leave the closing cafe.

     The teenager closed the door behind you two, sighing contently as he walked back to your table, planning to wipe down any crumbs or whatever you had left behind. They were surprised to see a 20 dollar bill sitting on the table. They smiled, 'What a cute couple- imagine being happy lol '

(1230 words >:]] )

(Heya, im crying :,] )

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now