Wilbur! (non-cannon oneshot)

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Y/n Pov

"N/nnn~~ you can't hide from me~" you curled up under your bed, hand over your mouth. his voice was so smooth, like a poisoned jar of honey. "Darlingggg~" he's in the room. head heart is like a angsty 16 year old with a drum set in your ears.

     It's just a game of hide and seek. it's just a game of hide an seek. but somehow you were so scared. his foot steps thumped on your nice floors, you saw his shiny dress shoes walk past the bed. "I can hear your heartbeat dear~ I can hear your breathss~" his voice hissed.

     He twisted over and jumpscared you with his wild grin. you yelped as he pulled you out from under your bed. you were frightened, to say the utter least- once he realized you were actually scared he grabbed you, which made you flinch, and he placed you on his lap.

     he pet your head and played with your hair, apologizing deeply for scaring you. "I'm sorry love. we don't have to play anymore." he hugged you as your breath steadied.   "I- I'm sorry I just- " you hugged him back as tears threatened your eyes.

    "no need to speak love. how about we make some tea?" he pet your head. you laughed awkwardly as tears started to fill your eyes. "yes please. lavender tea sounds great at the moment." he picked you up and walked you towards the kitchen in your apartment. you laughed more, wiping the tears from your eyes.

     he placed you down on a chair in the kitchen and started filling up a rustic tea kettle. you admired what he was wearing as he waited for the water to boil. he had a cream button up and black-grey loose dress pants with a cream, thick stitched beanie and his iconic round glasses.

     you noticed a picture in the front pocket of his shirt. "what's that picture in your shirt?" you asked, still red from crying. he looked at you and pulled the picture out of his pocket, admiring it before walking over to you and placing it in your hands.

     it was a picture of you, with a F/f flowercrown, on the day you took a walk with him and Grace. you were asleep in his arms. you found it a little weird that he took a picture of you in your sleep, but the way the lighting captured you lashes and the couple freckles that you had. you smiled, thinking about Wilbur with you in his arms.

     You handed the picture back as the tea pot started whistling. you jumped, still a little on edge from what had happened a moment before. he quickly took the pot of the stove and took out your favorite mug. it was painted in abstract autumn maple leaves. just looking at the mug made you happy, so many happy memories

     he looked through your cabinet of drink stuff. it was full of tea bags, coffee grinds, cocoa, and couple alcohol bottles in the back. he grabbed a lavender tea bag and placed it in your mug. he walked over to you and handing you a mug. but not before he grabbed a chair and carefully sat down next to you.

     "I love you~ I hope you know that." he placed his head on you shoulder a you dunked your tea bag a couple times. "mhmm..." you leaned back towards him, balancing both of your weights. you took a sip of your tea. and before you knew it, you were fast asleep in his arms, just like in the picture.

Wilbur Pov

     the next time you look over at Y/n she's fast asleep. you change your position and lift her up. you carry her carefully into her bedroom and place her down. like a sleeping beauty. you kiss her cheek. you blush a slight red. you placed another kiss on her face. closer to her jaw this time.

     you place down another, and another gently placing kisses along her face, moving dangerously close to her neck. you left your head up and blush a blinding red. you kneel down next to her bed and slam your hands into your face. fucking stupid Wilbur. she'll hate you- ......... if she ever finds out.

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now