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Y/n Pov

     You awoke this morning being, as always, reminded of how lonely you were. Then your plans with Alex popped into your mind. Oh yeah, people existed. With that you got out of your bed and headed towards the kitchen.

     Your room was small yes, but it was a comfy small not a claustrophobic small. The walls were a soft pastel brown covered with paintings and newspaper sheets. You liked to read them sometimes, it was a way to pass the time.

     Speaking of time you had to get ready because you were leaving in an hour. You popped the kettle onto the stove and took a scone off of the basket of baked goods you were gonna give to Alex. You put the scone on a plate and went to your fridge to get some glaze you had laying around.

      You drizzled the glaze carefully around the scone and put the pitcher of glaze back in the fridge. You've been tempted to just eat glaze every time it gets left out for to long. The tea pot whistles as you immediately take it off the heat to stop the loud sound.

     Your movements are swift as you grab a teacup and quickly fill it with water before dumping a lavender and citrus tea bag in, along with a couple sugar cubes. You set the plate and cup on your table and grab your journal before sitting down. 

     You sat there for a while, thinking. Then you realized that you had a place to be and quickly scarfed down you breakfast and jumped in the shower. For an outfit you picked white and gold lacy skirt with a thick petticoat accompanied with an elegant undershirt with poofy long sleeves and a bunch of Shiney gold jewelry. 

     You put your hair in a ponytail, leaving a few pieces of hair out to frame your face. You put on lacey socks and your maryjanes before grabbing your purse and running out the door.

<ayeeee Alex pov this is new 👀>

     I sat at a café table waiting for Y/n. She's nice and cute. I would never date her though, not exactly my type. I'm gay. But either way she seems nice and I love how she just overdressed for everything. I wonder what she's gonna wear today...

     Just then Y/n opened the door with a ring of the bells above as she walked over to me with her shoes gracefully clacking on the floor. Damn I wish I was her. Her outfit was lovely, it looked like she was straight out of a fairytale. 

     "Hey Y/n!" You gave her a small wave as she sat down across from you. She smiled, resting her hands in her lap. "How have you been?" She asked. "We haven't talked in a bit!" She mentioned, laughing a bit. I smiled. "I've been good, still looking for a boyfriend though..." 

     She placed her hand atop your own, giving you a reassuring smile. "You'll find someone, don't worry..." Her face flashes to her own upset look. You tilt your head I confusion, she laughs at your lost puppy look. "What's on your mind?" You ask, analyzing her and trying to figure out what was on her mind

     "I'm, fine. Just my friend hasn't showed up to work for a few days and hasn't answered my texts. I don't want to sound needy but I really want to know if their okay... " she kinda just dumps that onto you and it takes you a bit to comprehend it all. But when you did, all you could do is try and comfort her.

     Thinking of all the reasons her friend would stop coming to work and talking to her, most of them aren't great. "She's probably just really busy, or something came up." You move from your chair to hug her. "That's what Wilbur said aswell..." 

     "Wilbur?" You questioned, utterly confused. She giggles a bit. "My work friend Wilbur, he's the one I hung out with yesterday." She says into your shoulder. You awkwardly grab your chair and move it closer to you and Y/n so you could sit down.

     You hear a sniffle then a laugh as she pulls away. "Sorry I'm getting all emotional..." she violently wipes her eyes attempting to hide her tears. You give her a faint, airy laugh as you pat her back grabbing your teacup from the other side of the table.

     Looking at the table you notice the large basket of various sweets you don't remember seeing. "When did that get here?" You point to the basket with the hand that was hold your teacup. She gives you a lighthearted laugh.

     "Since I got here idiot!" She snickers. "Hey!!!" You smack her on the back of the head playfully, both of you still laughing.

<haha Wilba pov >

     You have now found all of Y/n's social media's and are scrolling through her photos. You also made one of them you home screen but we're not gonna talk about that. Suddenly you get a notification that she posted something. 

     It's her with... a boy? Who is that? Y/n looks so beautiful why is she with him. You turn off your phone. I'll  deal with him later, and I just hung out with Y/n yesterday its not like it's important that I know everyone she want to be friends with. I've changed.

     You grab the ghost plushie that Y/n won for you and hug it tightly. I've changed now. I'm not... what I was. Not anymore. You decide it would be best to change the topic and write something.  

     You walk into your room and go straight to the desk in the corner. You open up a rather large black book and start writing.

Dear ______,

   As the memories of the past haunt me,                                                                                        I try and move forward.

She is an angel so much better,                                                                                                     but the fear is so much stronger.

I have changed and I know it,                                                                                                              but they try and tell me different.

We are meant to be and she loves me so,                                                                               they try and cut in so I end their sorrow.

     I close my book and smile, knowing the 'they' is currently eradicated. Not for long though. Threats are everywhere. That guy Y/n is hanging with right now is a threat. God I wish I was him. I would still consider Jared a threat aswell.

But soon darling. Soon

( 1096 )

(Hey hey hey! Thanks for one and a half thousand reads!!!! Like wha??? Anyways ima keep this short cause I have schoolwork to do like DAMN SOCIAL STUDIES-)

but Anywayssssssssssssssssssss                               TOODLES =}

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now