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Wilbur Pov 

     I stepped into the kitchen to find Y/n cooking eggs while humming some song with her ear buds in. I feel like my heart might explode- I walked up behind her quietly and hugged her from behind. I felt her jump. "Oh! Oh- Wilbur! You scared the shit outta me!!!!" She took her ear Buds out and laughed a bit.

     "Sorry angel~    but what are you cooking anyways?" I lift my head up from her shoulder. "Well, I was making eggs and toast before you and Sunny-dear interrupted me." She picked up the pan and slid the eggs onto two pieces of toast. "And the cheezy love names never stop do they?" She walked to the small dinning table and placed the plates down leaving me alone by the stove.

     "Aw c'mon, I mistake you for one all the timeeeee." She paused for a second before she realized what meant and blushed. "Oh- well- what am I supposed to say to that? You just complimented my entire being." I walked over to her and grabbed the toast, taking a bite. "I dunno, compliment me back? Call me darling or angel?" I said jokingly. 

     "Oh that's what you want." I nodded, swallowing the rest of the toast. "Well then love. I think you should get ready for work. It's 7:30~" She said walking past me. I choked On my bread and turned a bright red.

     LOVE?!?!?!?!? HEH!!??!?!?!?!? 

     I stood there coughing. That- what is one supposed to make of there crush calling them love!??!? After chugging some watering decided to actually get ready for work because what she said was actually true. I decided to pick out a white dress shirt and black dress pants along with matching shoes, nothing special. 

     I walked out of my room and waited by the door for Y/n. Should I check on grace? Ugh. This whole grace situation is stressing me out, and thats the last thing I need right now. Stress. I looked up from my phone to see Y/n looking like a FUCKING GODDESS- 

    she was wearing an oversized shirt like a short dress with a black belt and black knee high socks. "Uhhh, Will? You good?" I snapped out of my trance. "Y-yeahh. You ready to go?" I blushed. "Mhm!" She kneeled down and put on some Mary Janes. (If you think you don't know what type of shoe that is you're wrong. Look it up.) 

     "Sooooo, where did you whip up that oufit?" I asked as she stood up. "Oh I found some old clothes in the closet and decided to be creative." She flipped her hair. "Nice, Anyways we can drive to work in my car and then come back for yours." Was I planning her to come back so we could spend more time together. Yes. Shut up.

     "Ok!!" She said swinging the door open and walking out into the driveway. I grabbed my bag and my keys aand walked out the door, closing and locking it behind me. I walked up to the passenger seat and opened the door for her, bowing. "After you m'lady." She giggled. "Thank you kind sir." She curstied and sat down.  

     I grinned and shut the door, walking around the car and getting in. The ride to work was relatively quiet but we listened to songs on the radio and critiqued them like critics. It was fun.

( 566 words. )

(This chapter's short but I'm determined to keep me promise lol. Feel free to give me ideas btw.)

Anyways,                                              toodles! And happy halloween!!! =} 

I was a deer girl-

DISCONTINUED I Love You, I Love you, I Loved You. (simpbur x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now